y***l 发帖数: 1371 | 1 那几个能真正讲道理的共和们好像还是捐了。但是其它那些上窜下跳,除了刷屏,骂人
还有那些对fiscal cliff兴高采烈的共和们也很奇怪,fiscal cliff一旦实施,那可是
平均每个家庭加税3500,中产要到12000的恐怖前景,不知道他们有什么可高兴的。 |
y***l 发帖数: 1371 | 2 这个不能怪那些大佬,说实在的,股市能挺到现在已经不错了,fiscal cliff谁都害怕
。花街要怪也是怪怎么民主党没能把国会也拿下来,弄得这个fiscal cliff谈判又要艰
苦无比。 |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 3 现在这个状况,可以说民主党惨败。别的蛋都不提了,就fiscal cliff这个蛋捏在R手
前方fiscal cliff,大家请系好安全带,摔出去的,没人来给你收尸。 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 4 选举一结束,我立刻就想到这个fiscal cliff,根本不需要和GOP谈多少。
Obama已经赢了,不需要再竞选。其他国会议员要竞选。Obama has nothing to lose。
如果fiscal cliff发生会如何,会减少spending,增税,真是perfect,军费开支也下
要我是Obama,绝对不会妥协,所有好牌都在自己手上。 |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 5 naive,
when there is a cliff, the stock market will crash, wall street can suck
some blood out of everyone,
and postponing the solution can create another cliff. And so forth. |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 6 by Jeffrey Lord
Death by Liberalism.
This time it's Twinkies.
In October it was Newsweek.
Who's next? What does this lemming-like liberal instinct mean for America?
What is it that bakers and editors had in common as they looked into the
abyss that would spell their own professional death? And then jumped?
Answer: They'd rather be dead than Not Liberal. Unfortunately for the rest
of us -- they are not alone. Worse, they are in charge.
Presented with multiple opportunities to survive ... 阅读全帖 |
C*******r 发帖数: 63 | 7 都是数字游戏。 人为的。 Cliff 就Cliff, 谁怕谁呀。让它来。 富人多付点税不就是
少旅游一次吗? 政府少点开支不也就是军费吗? 都不是问题。 老百姓该乍过还乍过
。 |
l******g 发帖数: 6771 | 8 http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2012/12/02/obama-tim-geit
10:04AM EST December 2. 2012 - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner echoed
President Obama on Sunday, saying there won't be a fiscal cliff deal with
Republicans without higher taxes on the wealthy.
"There's not going to be an agreement without rates going up," Geithner said
on CNN's State of the Union, one of a series of talk show appearances he
made on Sunday.
Geithner noted that Obama is offering the debt reduction deal he campaign... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 9 December 6, 2012 Posted by Doug Johnson
From The Sacramento Bee:
Thanks to passage of Proposition 30 last month, high-income Californians
would pay the nation’s highest marginal income tax rates — nearly 52
percent — if President Barack Obama and Congress fail to make a deal to
avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff,” according to a new study.
Without a fiscal cliff deal to the contrary, the Bush era tax cuts on
high-income taxpayers would expire next year and rates would return to their
pr... 阅读全帖 |
s********i 发帖数: 17328 | 10 这与奥巴是否忽悠没啥关系了,作为吃福利的你是愿意投一个给你画大饼的,还是愿意
不见棺材不掉泪。spending cut导致的失业大军,你认为他们会投支持spending cut的
spending cut的GOP? 当那所谓的47%变成50%或者更高,你认为对GOP利好?
我上面讲过,go over the cliff,GOP绝对的大输家。现在的政策就是想办法牺牲中产
阶级的利益止损。随后的结果肯定是1。象征性的做些spending cut。2。富人的税提高
一些。3。中产的实际交税提高-包括dividend,mortgage deduction等,尽管25万的名
如果GOP go over the cliff,就说明GOP破釜沉舟,越赌越大,最后2014年把house也
输掉。 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 11 by Jammie
If he was so interested in avoiding the fiscal cliff, why did he fly on our
dime to Hawaii last Friday only to turn around and jet back to Washington
now for some photo ops?
President Barack Obama is cutting short his Hawaiian holiday to leave
for Washington on Wednesday to address the unfinished “fiscal cliff”
negotiations with Congress, the White House said on Tuesday.
As the clock ticks toward a January 1 deadline, efforts to avert a sharp
rise in taxes and deep spending cut... 阅读全帖 |
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 12 这下盖不住了,尼玛这对女同居然把领养的孩子饿得一整个星期去找邻居要吃的
SUV carrying family accelerated off California cliff, officials say
The California Highway Patrol on Sunday said evidence suggests that the SUV
carrying the family that drove off the side of the Pacific Coast Highway was
at one point stopped and then accelerated off the side of the road.
The new revelations raise new questions on whether the incident was
Greg Baarts, the acting assistant chief of the patrol’s northern division,
told KGW8 that based... 阅读全帖 |
x*****7 发帖数: 7326 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaxie7 (xiaxie), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国学生的优势
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 17 00:35:52 2010, 美东)
概,二是回答一些很细节的问题。虽然Cliff's Notes之类的书籍可以帮助他们在很短
样的任务,但英语老师一般会给使用Cliff's Notes答案的学生很低的分数。所以,总
相比之下,普通中国学生很少阅读世界名著,在阅读方面比美国学生差远了。 |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 14 Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
By Limin Wang
In the evening of October 16, 2012, at the Smack Complex of Hofstra
University on Long Island, New York, President Obama and former governor
Romney had the second finger-to-finger presidential debate. Candy Growly
tried her hardest to moderate them.
Outside the debate building, large swarms of people had decided on their own
to join the show. Some said that they wanted to bring their own tough
questions. Some said that they wanted ... 阅读全帖 |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 15 Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
By Limin Wang
In the evening of October 16, 2012, at the Smack Complex of Hofstra
University on Long Island, New York, President Obama and former governor
Romney had the second finger-to-finger presidential debate. Candy Growly
tried her hardest to moderate them.
Outside the debate building, large swarms of people had decided on their own
to join the show. Some said that they wanted to bring their own tough
questions. Some said that they wanted ... 阅读全帖 |
l***n 发帖数: 116 | 16 it also depends on the situation.
If the car is going to have a head on collision or just fall off a cliff,
maneuver will be a better choice.
Even a roll over is better than head on collision or falling of a cliff.
k*****a 发帖数: 7389 | 17 but the road could be in any position, like perpendicular to the cliff or
parrell to the cliff, still not clear..... |
j**u 发帖数: 6059 | 18 你说的这个情况有个名词叫K cliff,有些人在导师的指导下可以做很不错的工作,拿了
说来巧了,今天中午就要去听一个seminar,how to avoid the K cliff.
人, |
a***s 发帖数: 5417 | 19 还是kafen最牛,他说已经改变了以前要fall from cliff的market view,
(当然他改变的时候,market已经经历过两次fall from cliff了,第一次
到1120, 第二次到1074. )
然后他说感觉market grinding higher, but not too much higher than
recent high. 到至今为止还非常正确。
than |
k***n 发帖数: 3158 | 20 when being all in, many people can not hold tight during steep corrections
just check some previous posts on the board, quite some asking whether
they should move money to cash and it mostly happen around the bottoms
of deep corrections.
fiscal cliff is a joke, but I am still looking forward to a stock market
cliff in the next two years during which many people's nerves will be
challenged if they stay all in all the time. |
w***n 发帖数: 1519 | 21 DEMs are irresponsible, whereas GOPs didn't hold on to the principles that
make people elect them. This fiscal cliff thing was supposed to be an
opportunity to do some serious spending cuts. GOPs just gave in too easily.
If I were them, I'd rather go over the cliff and take the blame for not
compromising. |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 22 比如你呆了一年,就有1/3归你了。一般有一年的cliff,cliff之内跳了就啥也拿不到。
没有vest那部分就没有了。你要再回去,就得重新negotiate package。一般startup
那部分negotiate回来会比较困难。 |
d*******d 发帖数: 103 | 23 转载好文
本人觉得灰常灰常好,veli veli good:)
如何选择硅谷的IT公司?Facebook 移动技术总监、Facebook“新兵营”的领队之一、
适合自己的…… 所以,我想在这里谈谈怎样选择公司。
最关键的... 阅读全帖 |
A*******i 发帖数: 49 | 24 公司是个刚刚成立半年的startup,做的是农业信息分析方面的业务,小弟的拿到的
backend。不过最后给我的title是software engineer..
base 9w
Stock options: 20,000 with a 4 year vesting schedule, subject to a one
year cliff.
股票的地方我有些看不懂,这意思是2w股票分4年给,然后subject to a one year
cliff 这个是啥意思? 还是说我想太多了一个成立半年的startup股票直接无视就好了.
...= =b
还有就是他们说会sponsor 明年的H1b,大公司肯定是可以信赖的,小公司就是不太清
后问我start date啥时候好给我发official offer,是不是后面给我发的这个offer
letter才... 阅读全帖 |
j********3 发帖数: 560 | 25 troubleshooting 说是要 inspect and clean cliff sensors。看 cliff sensor 的窗
个 replacement core,就是没有电池,充电器和附件的其它部分。请问一下还有没有
什么其它的解决办法?谢谢。 |
y********g 发帖数: 598 | 26 Healthy Junk Food List
* Barbara's Granola Bars, Cinnamon Raisin, Oats and Honey, Carob Chip &
Peanut Butter
* Barbara's Multigrain Cherry, Strawberry & Apple Cinnamon Cereal Bars
* Barbara's Snackimals, Oatmeal, Carob Chip, & Vanilla
* Basil's Animal Crackers
* Blue Diamond Plain Almond
* Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
* Bodhi Jungle Nut Crunch Bar
* Cal-Tropic Ameri-Mix Fruit & Nut Snack Mix
* Cal-Tropic Totally California Trail Mix
* Cliff Bars - Choco... 阅读全帖 |
e********3 发帖数: 18578 | 27 24 hours可是在LA和NYC遍地都是,我们这里还没有,美国的大城市很多东西反而更便宜和方
而且,你不就是纽约哥伦比亚大学医学院的吗,我查了一下,你附近Zip的Bally's的价格也就25美元一个月,0 enrollment fee. 只能说你的美国同事脑袋被门板夹过了,当然要是公家报销就另说了。
Selected Club
* Englewood Cliffs
* 150 Sylvan Ave
* Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
* (201)871-9600
Step 2
Select your membership
Select the plan that's right for you. If you decide to purchase a membership
now, you will have 3 - 5 days to change your mind (depending on the state).
Membership Type Price
WEB S... 阅读全帖 |
a**u 发帖数: 214 | 28 谁去头条了?我也说一说:
1.中国公司股票风险也挺大。阿里系(包括蚂蚁)的vesting cliff都是两年。两年之
(当然这个也可能合理,但是透明度的确不如美国)。头条的vest schedule 也是和
3. 我认为回国主要是要看国内的优势你能利用多少。比如你非常想管人,一辈子没管
4. 上面主要是ego,很多人为了家庭牺牲ego,有人为了ego牺牲家庭。这也是个性问题。 |
w********n 发帖数: 137 | 29 最近要签一个 restricted stock 的文件
我 prefer One year cliff with remaining 75% vested monthly (in 36 monthes)
老板 prefer
One year cliff with remaining 75% vested quartly (in 12 quarts)
老板理由是每个月 vesting 的话会有太多的 accounting burden
我当然觉的 monthly 更有利,不然的如果 在一个quart前
离开公司(主动或者被动)就白白损失两个月的 stock。
大家以为如何? |
l**********y 发帖数: 2050 | 30 2月9日
CCE Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc
Q4 2011 Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc Earnings Release
$ 0.36 n/a $ 0.28 9-Feb BMO
EXPE Expedia Inc
Q4 2011 Expedia Inc Earnings Release
$ 0.61 n/a $ 0.32 9-Feb 4:00 PM
IFF International Flavors & Fragrances Inc
Q4 2011 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc Earnings Release
$ 0.71 n/a $ 0.69 9-Feb
LO Lorillard Inc
Q4 2011 Lorillard Inc Earnings Release
$ 1.... 阅读全帖 |
G***o 发帖数: 5158 | 31 http://money.cnn.com/2012/07/03/news/economy/imf-recovery/index
Boost the U.S. economy now and worry about cutting deficits later, the
International Monetary Fund recommended Tuesday.
The U.S. recovery remains "tepid" and according to the IMF, is expected to
grow only 2% this year. Meanwhile, the fiscal cliff looms in 2013,
threatening to reduce the economy's growth to only 1% next year.
Meanwhile, the IMF predicts the job market will improve only at a snail's
pace. It expects the u... 阅读全帖 |
c*****r 发帖数: 8227 | 32 这么多不利因素合力作用,Fed恐怕也是无力回天了。。。
By David Rosenberg
1. The Philly Fed index: The Philly Fed index came in at -12.9 in July
and in the past three months has averaged -11.8. Rosenberg writes that an -
11.8 average over three months has "coincided with the U.S. economy tipping
over into recession seven of the eight times that such a negative reading
has occurred over such a time frame."
2. Retail sales: Retail sales crumbled in June falling 0.5 percent,
declining three months in a row. Looking b... 阅读全帖 |
s**********o 发帖数: 14359 | 33 现眼,人共和党花几十亿竞选,是闹着玩的?
魔门不行,他根红苗正的JOHN MCCAIN就行吗?
谁还要你的原油。 |
g*******l 发帖数: 73 | 34 The CBO, a conservative estimator, has already said it expects a recession
if the US goes over the fiscal cliff. A National Association of
Manufacturers report also predicts that 6 million jobs would be lost through
2014 if the US actually goes over the fiscal cliff. It estimates that
unemployment would skyrocket to 12%. |
a********t 发帖数: 4508 | 35 因为Fiscal Cliff,税率,等等。。。
连街边卖菜的老太太都知道Fiscal Cliff 的时候,我想是应该做的什么的时候了。
拭目以待。 |
l*****7 发帖数: 2844 | 36 请问您得看盘能不能把那些非常意外但是很重要的因素
象地震,战争,已经如今的fiscal cliff,debt ceiling, european woe 三重奏看出来
mentle set,习惯,价值观念,我都能看出只要fiscal cliff不解决,大盘就是象带了
手刹开车,只会跌,或者猪,但是不会涨,所以放心的买3倍bear ETF
暴风雨来临的感觉非常强烈啊 |
l*****7 发帖数: 2844 | 37 no 美国经济没什么大问题
股票不涨就是因为fiscal cliff带来的uncertainty
只要fiscal cliff show promise
立即all in |
a***s 发帖数: 5417 | 38 Someone expressed pessimistic feeling on fiscal cliff. Market dropped 1%.
Someone else expressed optimistic feeling on fiscal cliff deal. Market
rallied 1.4%. |
m*****i 发帖数: 4342 | 39 If you have a restaurant, would you sell the restaurant because of the
fiscal cliff?
If fiscal cliff does happen, Wealth people have more to loss then the poor
people. |
w****k 发帖数: 10542 | 40 今天Fedex的earning report预期不受“Fiscal Cliff”的影响,CEO认为两党会及时达
但是仍然要cut cost裁员,也就是说,有没有“Fiscal Cliff”,fedex都不行了。 |
a********t 发帖数: 4508 | 41 目前大盘这个价位,你说高吧也不是很高,你说低吧也不是很低。但如果放眼望出去3-
这个Holiday Season,我个人觉得,有可能是4年以来最好的holiday season。个人消
众所周知的不确定因素是Fiscal Cliff 和 Debt Ceiling。 收入税的上升,不管是25
万还是100万的问题,都对经济影响不大。关键的问题在government spending方面。
Spending cut多点少点,目前看来共和党说了不算。民主党做些妥协,但总趋势不会大
不过话说回来,government spending增加还是减少对就业和股市是利好与否,也不好
说。所以说,如果作为中长线投资的话,目前的关于Fiscal Cliff的众多表演,可以忽
性很可能是关于城乡基础设施、或制造业产业升级、或金融领域... 阅读全帖 |
i*********n 发帖数: 5465 | 42
明天更多的是option play,和cliff 屁关系都没有
早就说过了,cliff 就是jb炒冷饭 |
s******s 发帖数: 1793 | 43 大市不可预测? 看看这个:
The gloom of the period coming up to the 2011 debt crisis is clear in the
minds of investors, as is the doom directly thereafter. Even before Standard
and Poor's downgraded the US debt from AAA to AA+ August 5th 2011, the Dow
had shed 1,209.12 points or 9.60% in the period from July 24th to August 3rd
. By the time S&P had downgraded the US debt, the Dow had plummeted 1,782.95
points, or 14.16% over the period from July 24th to August 7th.
跟fiscal cliff的关系:
the prior bar... 阅读全帖 |
p********d 发帖数: 3 | 44 QE4:
Fiscal Cliff
先有可能把问题的一部分推倒白宫方面,同时可能增强大股东的支持,所以情况是... 阅读全帖 |
B*******n 发帖数: 20645 | 45 There's a common misperception about the fiscal cliff— that the tax
increases only apply to 2013. Not true.
In a cruel epilogue to 2012, roughly 28 million families would owe the IRS $
86 billion more than they anticipated for this year should the country
plunge off the cliff, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
On the whole, 98 percent of those with incomes between $200,000 to $500,000
would pay an additional $11,000 in AMT this year, according to the center's
estimates. About 88 pe... 阅读全帖 |
g**c 发帖数: 2339 | 46 obama反正当选了,cliff不cliff对他来讲无所谓,这次整死你共和党丫的 |
q********g 发帖数: 10694 | 47 White House, Senate reach fiscal-cliff deal
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The White House and Senate Republicans have
reached a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff, multiple reports said Monday night
, just hours ahead of a midnight deadline. The deal -- which would need to
be approved by both chambers of Congress -- would reportedly delay across-
the-board spending cuts by two months in addition to raising taxes on
incomes of $450,000 and above. A Senate vote could come late Monday. The
House has adjo... 阅读全帖 |
y******i 发帖数: 2584 | 48 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-31/shale-gas-revolution-s
Shale-Gas Revolution Spurs Wave of New U.S. Steel Plants: Energy
By Sonja Elmquist - Dec 31, 2012 5:28 PM ET
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg
Hydraulic fracturing of shale rock formations from Texas to West Virginia
has boosted supplies of gas and sent prices plunging by as much as half in
the past two years. Gas futures reached a decade low of $1.91 per million
British thermal units in April in New York trading.
The U.S. shale-gas revolut... 阅读全帖 |
u**********n 发帖数: 8905 | 49 The bloodletting in shares of iron-ore miner Cliffs (CLF) isn't done,
contend Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse as they slash price targets on the
stock and the former downgrades CLF to underweight. Shares had already
dropped 16% this month, and 44% in 2013, amid selling stock and
significantly cutting its dividend. Credit Suisse, already bearish and which
goes to $10 from $30, says, "Structural changes taking place in CLF's key
Great Lakes market...will compromise its pricing power and erode the... 阅读全帖 |
y*******w 发帖数: 5917 | 50 没有长期的意义,就好像什么fiscal cliff,budget sequestration一样,之前说有多
可怕,结果Cliff轻轻跳过,budget sequestration实施了也没有什么坏影响。所谓的
debt limit就算reach了也没什么大不了的。 |