Y******e 发帖数: 20256 | 1 seems a very good chance. MSU players are shaking already. They feel izzo
will leave for cavs job after meeting with Izzo on Tue. And Izzo is taking too much time to deny it. All signs lean to this, he will be in Ohio soon, team with LBJ, this is once in a life time chance. Besides, he can earn 6M/year | c**********o 发帖数: 1941 | | b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 3 LBJ7月份才决定。izzo我觉得不会签的
too much time to deny it. All signs lean to this, he will be in Ohio soon,
team with LBJ, this is once in a life time chance.
【在 Y******e 的大作中提到】 : seems a very good chance. MSU players are shaking already. They feel izzo : will leave for cavs job after meeting with Izzo on Tue. And Izzo is taking too much time to deny it. All signs lean to this, he will be in Ohio soon, team with LBJ, this is once in a life time chance. Besides, he can earn 6M/year
| Y******e 发帖数: 20256 | 4 你以为LBJ有很多选择,其实他也不多,因为他想要到能拿NBA champ的球队。Chicago
是大热,但是chicago比cleveland还差啊,现在。 | Y******e 发帖数: 20256 | 5 bTW,对我们篮球recruit可是千载难逢的好机会阿。一佐赶快从了吧。 | b*****t 发帖数: 3396 | 6 难道izzo是LBJ钦点的么?
LBJ钦点教练不还是被LBJ 管么
不一样是拿不到冠军 | Y******e 发帖数: 20256 | |