O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 1 情况:
step 1 230多,step2 220多,cs first pass;
确实有点走投无路的感觉了。 | S****x 发帖数: 317 | 2 先迈开第一步,去医院不管做什么先开始熟悉这个系统再说。 | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 3 你是说去医院做研究,或者作observation都行?但是做实验没办法熟悉这个系统吧?
【在 S****x 的大作中提到】 : 先迈开第一步,去医院不管做什么先开始熟悉这个系统再说。
| M***8 发帖数: 61 | 4 如果你下定决心做match,
给你自己1到2年全力以赴的时间、 做临床见习、 病理见习、 越多越好、 考过step 3
你的成绩和毕业年度都不很佳、 只有多做医学有关的东西来补充
good luck
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : 情况: : 老毕业生>15年; : step 1 230多,step2 220多,cs first pass; : 无任何内外临床经验; : 也还没有任何observation等; : 有绿卡 : 好几年前离开公司的工作,一直失业在家。 : 现在需要希望现有工作弥补掉工作上的gap,发现公司工作挺难找,几个月谈了几个 : recruiter但没有最终机会,所以想下一步试一试学校的机会;又担心没有任何临床接 : 触机会,曾经问了些observation的机会也没成。
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 5 “你的成绩和毕业年度都不很佳”---就是因为这才怕A拿不到,B plan也耽误了。
你知道别人具体怎么找的?直接给residency program director写email还是其他好办
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : 如果你下定决心做match, : 给你自己1到2年全力以赴的时间、 做临床见习、 病理见习、 越多越好、 考过step 3 : , : 你的成绩和毕业年度都不很佳、 只有多做医学有关的东西来补充 : good luck
| a******e 发帖数: 70 | 6 楼主我step1还没考呢,远不能算指教,只是一起探讨一下啊。我最近毕业在找工作,
看到有些工作,比如medical interpreter(这个是有标准certificate的培训的),
medical coding (这个是貌似是需要读硕士的)等等打医学擦边球的,像你这样都考完
容易上手。不知道从这些做起,慢慢进入这个系统内的想法怎么样? | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 7 这个也不是很好弄啊,比如我想往 Clinical Research Associate 或者 Coordinator
靠,可是那些HR人一看你的PHD,立马干净利落地就给据了。你说的coder 和
interpreter都不需要phd吧。 这几年搞下来的phd是累赘了。
【在 a******e 的大作中提到】 : 楼主我step1还没考呢,远不能算指教,只是一起探讨一下啊。我最近毕业在找工作, : 看到有些工作,比如medical interpreter(这个是有标准certificate的培训的), : medical coding (这个是貌似是需要读硕士的)等等打医学擦边球的,像你这样都考完 : 拿到certificate的应该申请有一些优势吧。可能需要一些相关的培训,但是应该比较 : 容易上手。不知道从这些做起,慢慢进入这个系统内的想法怎么样?
| M***8 发帖数: 61 | 8 如果你前怕狼, 后怕虎。 那没什么好说的, 你也不用试了、 可能买彩票默念中奖还
好一点。 医学是一个比较苦的过程、 虽然报偿还可以
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : 这个也不是很好弄啊,比如我想往 Clinical Research Associate 或者 Coordinator : 靠,可是那些HR人一看你的PHD,立马干净利落地就给据了。你说的coder 和 : interpreter都不需要phd吧。 这几年搞下来的phd是累赘了。
| M***8 发帖数: 61 | 9 ok, since I am on call and not too much other things, some more comments: (
excuse me for the English typing).
if you want to do clinical resident, such as IM , DO, etc, then you need to
do more clinical related things, such as internship, externship,
observation, or even medical scribes ( which is very hot among America
collage students, who wants to go to medical school) , medical interpreter,
technicians, etc.,
most clinical program would not care too much about your research experience
or bench working experience, the first thing they worries about is your
clinical work, and experience, of course if you could match to a research
focus program, then it may different.
if you go for path, then try to do some path obs, or technical job /
research experience w path.
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : 如果你前怕狼, 后怕虎。 那没什么好说的, 你也不用试了、 可能买彩票默念中奖还 : 好一点。 医学是一个比较苦的过程、 虽然报偿还可以 : : Coordinator
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 10 前辈讲得很有道理,非常感谢! 我先去骚扰下那100多个病理PD去,看有没有接校外ob
希望这个版多列些ob或其他clinical related opportunity的信息,即使商业的也是个
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : ok, since I am on call and not too much other things, some more comments: ( : excuse me for the English typing). : if you want to do clinical resident, such as IM , DO, etc, then you need to : do more clinical related things, such as internship, externship, : observation, or even medical scribes ( which is very hot among America : collage students, who wants to go to medical school) , medical interpreter, : technicians, etc., : most clinical program would not care too much about your research experience : or bench working experience, the first thing they worries about is your : clinical work, and experience, of course if you could match to a research
| | | a******e 发帖数: 70 | 11 same here。投过n个coordinator,没有一个理的。clinical research
associate我感觉和interpreter, coder差不多,都是要相应正规的certificate
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : 这个也不是很好弄啊,比如我想往 Clinical Research Associate 或者 Coordinator : 靠,可是那些HR人一看你的PHD,立马干净利落地就给据了。你说的coder 和 : interpreter都不需要phd吧。 这几年搞下来的phd是累赘了。
| a******e 发帖数: 70 | 12 前辈讲的非常有启发,真心感谢!
能不能借问一下,对于很想申请research track的residency的人,现在是找一些
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : ok, since I am on call and not too much other things, some more comments: ( : excuse me for the English typing). : if you want to do clinical resident, such as IM , DO, etc, then you need to : do more clinical related things, such as internship, externship, : observation, or even medical scribes ( which is very hot among America : collage students, who wants to go to medical school) , medical interpreter, : technicians, etc., : most clinical program would not care too much about your research experience : or bench working experience, the first thing they worries about is your : clinical work, and experience, of course if you could match to a research
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 13 据说进research track的非常难。
【在 a******e 的大作中提到】 : 前辈讲的非常有启发,真心感谢! : 能不能借问一下,对于很想申请research track的residency的人,现在是找一些 : interpreter,coder这样的工作好呢,还是找一个偏临床的MD的实验室做博后比较好呢 : ?非常犹豫,不知道该往哪个方向努力。多谢指点! : : ( : to : , : experience
| f*****0 发帖数: 661 | 14 既然LZ失业在家好几年,简历上的gap对你继续找低门槛的工作,肯定是red flag。
的。 | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 15 问题不是我不想作ob,是现在的医院里好像不怎么收不是本校的了,试了好多回应没几
【在 f*****0 的大作中提到】 : 既然LZ失业在家好几年,简历上的gap对你继续找低门槛的工作,肯定是red flag。 : 你既然有绿卡,该考试的也考了,就继续往前走,不要走回头路,除非residency这条 : 路已经死了没戏了。该申请住院医就申请,该做OB就做,赶紧的,因为你的分数都不 : attractive,需要其他更抢眼的材料体现在你的申请材料里面。 : 比如,我是说比如,你反正没工作,肯定家里配偶在上班,你没有收入养家的顾虑。那 : 么做一年OB或者externship,多做几个。凸显出你为什么证明你有能力胜任residency : 的工作,你为什么比别的申请者优秀?尽管你分数一般。这才是program想知道和想要 : 的。
| f*****0 发帖数: 661 | 16 不要只局限在大学医院找OB, 因为很多学校和教学医院,都比较死板,有比较严格的
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : 问题不是我不想作ob,是现在的医院里好像不怎么收不是本校的了,试了好多回应没几 : 个还给据了。 : 能推荐些找ob或者externship的渠道么?(有偿都行--不过现在确实负担能力有限) : 非常感谢! : : residency
| M***8 发帖数: 61 | 17 totally agree with this, since you already have several years of gap of work
experience, and graduate year> 10, not perfect high scores, then if you
do not put desperate efforts, like 120% out of 100%, to get more OBS
experience, most likely you are down.
The main goalS of OBS Are: get US experience and show the program that you
know how it works, and you can handle it from every aspect, clinical,
culture, language, etc., of course get good recommendation letter is your
proof for that experience.
有时候觉得真是书都读傻了, it's time to dig out your network, your
Classmate, schoolmates, colleagues, free clinic, etc., try to talk to
anyone you think may give your the opportunity, it's not really matter
about the name, the research now for your case.
Btw, email may not help you at all. I received about 4-5 email/ letters
everyday, with new position/ job/ conference, etc, and most of them I do
not even open at all before I delete it. This is just a reality example
【在 f*****0 的大作中提到】 : 不要只局限在大学医院找OB, 因为很多学校和教学医院,都比较死板,有比较严格的 : 制度来规范。其实对于OB和推荐信从哪里来,在申请的时候,真的不太重要。很多花钱 : 找公司去做externship的,也同样都是很多小医院、社区医院或者私人医院、诊所。你 : 的目的只有一个,看病人和拿推荐信。
| M***8 发帖数: 61 | 18 sorry, my words maybe a bit hash, but I just saw too many this kind of post
back and forth here, 有时候真的是恨铁不成钢。 so much whining, such as:
How about the program is no big name? How about my research, PhD? How about
the opportunity is out of state?
at the same time, there are some many other foreign MD without PHD, no
green card, no research at all match into residency.
老刀觉得万般皆下品。 i think this is not a perfect easy job, which will make
your life as dream right after, and no easy money. I said again and again.
But if you are an average Joe, and no other better options, it's not
too bad in the long term.
But if you have some other options, then it's okay not keep on the track of
So if you decide to do it, then put some action; or you could still keep
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : totally agree with this, since you already have several years of gap of work : experience, and graduate year> 10, not perfect high scores, then if you : do not put desperate efforts, like 120% out of 100%, to get more OBS : experience, most likely you are down. : The main goalS of OBS Are: get US experience and show the program that you : know how it works, and you can handle it from every aspect, clinical, : culture, language, etc., of course get good recommendation letter is your : proof for that experience. : 有时候觉得真是书都读傻了, it's time to dig out your network, your : Classmate, schoolmates, colleagues, free clinic, etc., try to talk to
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 19 I will feel sad if no reply to my post. I don't mind any harsh words and
sometimes truth hurts. What you observed and your opinions are sincerely
appreciated. Talk freely, the more the better.:)
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : sorry, my words maybe a bit hash, but I just saw too many this kind of post : back and forth here, 有时候真的是恨铁不成钢。 so much whining, such as: : How about the program is no big name? How about my research, PhD? How about : the opportunity is out of state? : at the same time, there are some many other foreign MD without PHD, no : green card, no research at all match into residency. : 老刀觉得万般皆下品。 i think this is not a perfect easy job, which will make : your life as dream right after, and no easy money. I said again and again. : But if you are an average Joe, and no other better options, it's not : too bad in the long term.
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 20 "很多小医院、社区医院或者私人医院、诊所"---这个完全不介意,就是没有什么私人
【在 f*****0 的大作中提到】 : 不要只局限在大学医院找OB, 因为很多学校和教学医院,都比较死板,有比较严格的 : 制度来规范。其实对于OB和推荐信从哪里来,在申请的时候,真的不太重要。很多花钱 : 找公司去做externship的,也同样都是很多小医院、社区医院或者私人医院、诊所。你 : 的目的只有一个,看病人和拿推荐信。
| | | M***8 发帖数: 61 | 21 Okay, then " it's time to dig out your network, your Classmate,
schoolmates, colleagues, free clinic, etc., try to talk to anyone
you think may give your the opportunity,",
free clinic in the community is a good place to start, if you want IM
experience, as least get to know some physicians in person, then you could
have more OBS opportunity.
medical scribes job is also very good, especially if you could handle
inpatient or ER, I tried to get one of my friends in, then he just quit
after he heard about the time commitment of one year ( full time) and two
years for part time, he would rather set at home and wonder what to do,
instead of trying to do something. so I also give up.
medical coder is not good, since do not have too much clinical experience
with it.
maybe check 老刀 path?
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : I will feel sad if no reply to my post. I don't mind any harsh words and : sometimes truth hurts. What you observed and your opinions are sincerely : appreciated. Talk freely, the more the better.:) : : post : about : make : again.
| T***n 发帖数: 37 | 22 没有connection只能自己主动出击了,电话,emails,上门问.
以前在版上看到的,不知现在如何, 你可试试: AmeriClerkships; chicagoclerkships
;ACAP Observation/Externship program | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 23 Thank you sincerely. Let me try what you told. I will contact 老刀。老刀名气
I will let others Chinese fellows know "how to" if there is such a day when
I can even make it.
etc., try to talk to anyone
【在 M***8 的大作中提到】 : Okay, then " it's time to dig out your network, your Classmate, : schoolmates, colleagues, free clinic, etc., try to talk to anyone : you think may give your the opportunity,", : free clinic in the community is a good place to start, if you want IM : experience, as least get to know some physicians in person, then you could : have more OBS opportunity. : medical scribes job is also very good, especially if you could handle : inpatient or ER, I tried to get one of my friends in, then he just quit : after he heard about the time commitment of one year ( full time) and two : years for part time, he would rather set at home and wonder what to do,
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 24 拿小本本记下,一个一个试。
【在 T***n 的大作中提到】 : 没有connection只能自己主动出击了,电话,emails,上门问. : 以前在版上看到的,不知现在如何, 你可试试: AmeriClerkships; chicagoclerkships : ;ACAP Observation/Externship program
| d****y 发帖数: 2180 | | a*********d 发帖数: 2763 | 26 你这情况就赶紧申请吧,要是运气好捞着一个面试就赶紧prematch,要是你语言好一点
,估计还有希望。别为了OB而延迟申请 | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 27 这个没有病理吧?
【在 d****y 的大作中提到】 : ACAP Observership
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 28 逆风mm不好意思,我有点不理解你的意思。
【在 a*********d 的大作中提到】 : 你这情况就赶紧申请吧,要是运气好捞着一个面试就赶紧prematch,要是你语言好一点 : ,估计还有希望。别为了OB而延迟申请
| O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 29 另外谁知道怎么申请刀前辈的ob? 他的信箱满了。 多谢各位! | a*********d 发帖数: 2763 | 30 年龄大也不要完全限定自己,反而更要多方面出击,我觉得内科应该也要申请。内科一
些underserved 的program有prematch的,只要你能拿到一个面试,就有希望。
中文环境,提高英文和文化方面的common sense, 因为如果你有一个面试,你的形象和
【在 O**********S 的大作中提到】 : 逆风mm不好意思,我有点不理解你的意思。 : 现在不是都all-in,没有prematch了么? : prematch是给条件比较好的吧?怎么能捞个面试就赶紧prematch? : 我肯定要申请,现在是在下个九月份之前怎么搞:找病理ob;找不到病理ob就找其他ob : ;提高语言和面试;先找工作再通过工作关系找ob。。。
| | | O**********S 发帖数: 32 | 31 写的挺中肯,多谢逆风mm。
【在 a*********d 的大作中提到】 : 年龄大也不要完全限定自己,反而更要多方面出击,我觉得内科应该也要申请。内科一 : 些underserved 的program有prematch的,只要你能拿到一个面试,就有希望。 : 你今年就申请的话,我觉得没有必要找工作了,对你不会有帮助的,反而会牵扯更多精 : 力,你现在其实没有什么更好的option。只能到处看有没有医生愿意让你shadow,至于 : 怎么找OB都是八仙过海各显神通了,大家也没办法教你,这时候就是考验你的能力了, : 你在美国这些年的networking,你这个年龄应该有的情商。 : 不知道你是男是女,从现在开始就注意自己的形象,多出去和人交流,不要老是局限在 : 中文环境,提高英文和文化方面的common sense, 因为如果你有一个面试,你的形象和 : 语言,决定了你能不能抓住这个机会。 :