s****e 发帖数: 6379 | |
z*******n 发帖数: 15481 | |
s****e 发帖数: 6379 | |
b******r 发帖数: 1106 | |
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 5 你如果90成本进的,现在随便出出啊
【在 s****e 的大作中提到】 : 屯了太多了。。。
a*******2 发帖数: 1373 | 6 问题是很多人不是90进的吧。。。
【在 f****g 的大作中提到】 : 你如果90成本进的,现在随便出出啊
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 7 It's really a big surprise that 251NW became a poison. It means a lot of
things: too many people are doing this nowadays. It only takes a week and
all nurses/docs/vendors buy in it like crazy, all betting it would rise like
all other HP. But it's all about supply and demand. With such a small
demand for medium priced laser printer, it takes years to digest those
supply. Lessons learnt: never all in so called deals everyone knows and well
anticipated. If it's too easy to get, more likely it will be a poison....
simply too many people think in similar way, and many of them are way more
greedy than you can imagine. P0235 and IP100 are in same situation. |
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 8 没搞懂,当初251nw是90的deal,现在160随便出处,什么叫poison?
【在 c***1 的大作中提到】 : It's really a big surprise that 251NW became a poison. It means a lot of : things: too many people are doing this nowadays. It only takes a week and : all nurses/docs/vendors buy in it like crazy, all betting it would rise like : all other HP. But it's all about supply and demand. With such a small : demand for medium priced laser printer, it takes years to digest those : supply. Lessons learnt: never all in so called deals everyone knows and well : anticipated. If it's too easy to get, more likely it will be a poison.... : simply too many people think in similar way, and many of them are way more : greedy than you can imagine. P0235 and IP100 are in same situation.
z*******n 发帖数: 15481 | 9 肯定有人是OM的165-30+tax吧 呵呵
还有比如我就在staples 165+tax买的 还毒在手里
【在 f****g 的大作中提到】 : 没搞懂,当初251nw是90的deal,现在160随便出处,什么叫poison? : : like : well
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 10 当时有90的,显然165进的就近期内不可能好到哪去,要出水估计得等很久了
【在 z*******n 的大作中提到】 : 肯定有人是OM的165-30+tax吧 呵呵 : 还有比如我就在staples 165+tax买的 还毒在手里
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 11 90的 is tiny part and hard to get many. For people with many in hand, they
can only get it $165 or more.... |
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 12 没那么难,俺知道很多人扫了很多,系统能过,不少小二都不仔细看的。
【在 c***1 的大作中提到】 : 90的 is tiny part and hard to get many. For people with many in hand, they : can only get it $165 or more....
s****e 发帖数: 6379 | 13 都是90的进的,没任何压力
beat |
b******r 发帖数: 1106 | 14 靠,神医还自己亲自扫了几十台。太牛了。
【在 s****e 的大作中提到】 : 都是90的进的,没任何压力 : 不好卖的原因,应该是Amazon上的pcrush-outlet这个卖家一直垄断着,价格没人能 : beat
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 15 How could those mid level vendors like pcrush, Stop&Shop.. got so many
supplies at low price? They seem to have endless supply...I watched the
price of MG4120 over a year, Stop&shop took that buybox all the time with
the price around $90 free shipping, basically kills it.Imagine 3 orders a
day, Stop&shop alone would have over 1000 MG4120 in hand! |
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 16 If $90 in, you can $165 out free shipping with decent profit for printer ($
10+). What to complain? You can easily beat PCrush.
【在 s****e 的大作中提到】 : 都是90的进的,没任何压力 : 不好卖的原因,应该是Amazon上的pcrush-outlet这个卖家一直垄断着,价格没人能 : beat
b******r 发帖数: 1106 | 17 他们都是authorized reseller 吧。当然可以搞好多。
【在 c***1 的大作中提到】 : How could those mid level vendors like pcrush, Stop&Shop.. got so many : supplies at low price? They seem to have endless supply...I watched the : price of MG4120 over a year, Stop&shop took that buybox all the time with : the price around $90 free shipping, basically kills it.Imagine 3 orders a : day, Stop&shop alone would have over 1000 MG4120 in hand!
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 18 。。。这不希望能卖的更高价么,囤1,2年应该可以,没资金压力就囤着呗
【在 c***1 的大作中提到】 : If $90 in, you can $165 out free shipping with decent profit for printer ($ : 10+). What to complain? You can easily beat PCrush.
t*********p 发帖数: 1335 | 19 这玩意贵倒不贵,就是太大了占地方啊
【在 f****g 的大作中提到】 : 。。。这不希望能卖的更高价么,囤1,2年应该可以,没资金压力就囤着呗
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 20 Given its size and weight, 囤2年N251nw is not an option for most ppl. If
someone offer $165 to take, all out would be my choice. |
b*******g 发帖数: 6008 | 21 90进的还担心什么啊,我在那之前从hp进的才惨呢 |
a*****n 发帖数: 14370 | 22 202进的含泪飘过。。
【在 b*******g 的大作中提到】 : 90进的还担心什么啊,我在那之前从hp进的才惨呢
f***k 发帖数: 983 | 23 me 2
之前hp 195+他乡存了一大把
165 时候没地方了..
牛的是护士165 的价格去staples local 买了10-20个,太佩服体力了
2015 见,yeah
【在 a*****n 的大作中提到】 : 202进的含泪飘过。。
b*******g 发帖数: 6008 | 24
【在 a*****n 的大作中提到】 : 202进的含泪飘过。。
S***r 发帖数: 12443 | 25 M251nw真心不大好吧。
【在 t*********p 的大作中提到】 : 这玩意贵倒不贵,就是太大了占地方啊
b*******g 发帖数: 6008 | 26
【在 S***r 的大作中提到】 : M251nw真心不大好吧。
S***r 发帖数: 12443 | 27 不大。
【在 b*******g 的大作中提到】 : : 怎么不好了?糖水神讲讲,amazon上好像review很不错啊
b*******g 发帖数: 6008 | 28
【在 S***r 的大作中提到】 : 不大。
c***1 发帖数: 516 | 29 Demand is much smaller for M251nw compared to other popular ones like 8600+.
Wait till 2016 to see $200+ for M251nw. |
b*******g 发帖数: 6008 | 30
【在 c***1 的大作中提到】 : Demand is much smaller for M251nw compared to other popular ones like 8600+. : Wait till 2016 to see $200+ for M251nw.
S***r 发帖数: 12443 | 31 估计得到明年, 停产后。
【在 b*******g 的大作中提到】 : : +. : 不会吧,200+应该不用那么久吧,除非又出新的deal,问题是俺们200+进的货就比较麻 : 烦了。