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astrology版 - 苏珊米勒2012年4月巨蟹运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年5月天秤运势 (zz)苏珊米勒2012年3月白羊运势 (zz)
水瓶座大概都在忙工作的事情【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势
苏珊米勒2012年1月金牛运势 (ZZ)苏珊米勒2012年4月天秤运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年3月巨蟹运势 (zz)苏珊米勒2012年4月白羊运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月双子运势 (zz)苏珊米勒2012年12月摩羯座运势
有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???月亮相位解析- Part II 六合sextile
苏珊米勒2012年1月天蝎运势 (ZZ)月亮相位解析- Part III 刑相位 square
苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)合盘:Compatibility and Synastry Chart (zt)
话题: april话题: your话题: moon话题: 新月话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
搬运排版: MQ-美棋
——————————————— ★★★正 文★★★ ——————————————
★★★ 译者:小Z
人。 最终,此人可能会是你的肉中刺,特别是在满月这天你的感受会特别强烈。希望
———————————————★★★总 结★★★———————————————
★★★总结 译者:阿妮妲玫
★★★值得关注的日期: 译者:黎明前的黑
浪漫之夜:3, 4, 7-8, 17, 21-22, and 26-27.
8号:朋友介绍给你的相亲应该挺好的, 多亏了金星于天王星的助位.
6号前后4天: 满月在你的家庭宫会为你关于房地产 - 装修, 修理,或者其他关于家务的
方面- 的一段对话带来尾声.
21号: 新月会为你下周绝妙的社交生活打开聚光灯. 新的朋友及各种社交盛宴遍布与你
的日程表上! 多么好的新月啊!
13号后: 关于你职业的进展以及交涉谈判会逐步明朗, 因为火星终于顺利前行了. 不再
21-22号: 这月你会出差或旅游, 但若是关于一段浪漫对话的话就好好研究利用下这两
天吧. 离开2天找个靠近水的地方-妙不可言!
15号: 当太阳与土星对冲是, 没人喜欢这天.
4号: 水星顺行, 不再有耽搁!
29号: 你会发现你和你的伙伴(生意上的或是私人的)会达成一致, 因为冥王星与太阳处
在一个有利的相位. 资金到位,落下有利帷幕
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your April Horoscope by Susan Miller
Cancer Horoscope for April 2012
By Susan Miller
Last month, on March 22, you had a new moon in your prestigious tenth house
of career, but Mercury was retrograde and that spoiled the pudding. Still,
you still can use that new moon, so don't assume you can't - it's still
strong in the first week of April. That new moon was conjunct Uranus,
meaning that extreme and very surprising career news would flow to you, and
it likely turned out to be either VERY upbeat and exciting, or very
depressing and jarring. When Uranus is involved, it sends conditions to one
end or the other of the spectrum. Still, even if news was not what you hoped
ever to hear, this was a new moon, and all new moons bode well for new
You may have had problems connecting with a VIP you needed to see to talk
about a new position, or the firm may have not yet specified the job
description in detail. If you were working, some sort of decision that
management made may have shocked you or warmed your heart - as I said, it
was either very good or very bad.
If you lost out on a job having interviewed awhile ago, be cheered in
knowing that they hired that person at the wrong time. No one should hire
anyone while Mercury is retrograde. That job may open up again, so keep
lines of communication open. On the other hand, if the call came from an old
colleague, it may be a good sign that this position is right for you. A
call from someone in your past could bring a very interesting position
during Mercury retrograde, which started March 12 and will go direct on
April 4.
Even if the call was not from someone you knew from your past, you will now
have a chance to reach that executive and go in to talk. You need to make
that new moon of March 22 work for you, because any job you would discuss
now, after a new moon in the tenth house, would raise your status. You now
have a shot at making precisely the right impression to a prospective
employer or client. (Yes, if you are self-employed, pitch new business and
solid publicity for the work you've been doing lately.)
As the month begins, continue to follow up on any exciting career
opportunities that came up last month. Once Mercury turns direct on April 4,
you'll find the process goes easier. The difference now is that you will
see faster progress, and if you get the offer, you can actually give a final
answer and get that job! I was not going to let you take a job or sign
papers with Mercury retrograde.
Although Mercury goes direct on April 4, I want you to wait for Mars to go
direct too before you sign contracts or give your final (verbal or written)
answer. Mars in retrograde is the reason life has been agonizingly slow so
far in 2012. It's hard to see progress when Mars is languishing in
retrograde, a condition that has been in place since January 23. Mars holds
a critical piece to your career puzzle because Mars rules your tenth house
of honors and fame. Now Mars will turn around too and speed forward on April
13, and your career will start to fire on all cylinders. You will see later
why I would like you to wait a wee bit longer yet, until the gorgeous new
moon April 21, but we are getting too far ahead. I will say I like to
initiate new projects on a new moon, not before it arrives.
Before I get to the April 21 new moon, we have the full moon April 6,
operative plus or minus five days, in Libra, 17 degrees, in your house of
home and family. With Saturn in that house for two years, you seem to have
been dealing with a serious and slow-to-solve condition that had to be
addressed with patience and care. You still seem to be obligated to a heavy-
duty home or family situation, which may have started as far back as October
2009. Now, the full moon brings a need for attention to what is going on
and possibly to the need for a decision. Things won't be fully settled until
you get to October, but there appears to be some sort of development that
will draw your attention.
When trying to solve this home/property/family question, you will need to be
ready to face certain opposition from a difficult person, due to a hard
angle to Pluto. You may come up against a difficult banker, government tax
or immigration / residency person, or someone who works for a large, multi-
national behemoth. Or, the person who worries you may be a competitor,
detractor, or critic. Finally, the person who is a thorn in your side at the
full moon could be your significant other - let's hope not! If your
birthday falls near July 8, you will likely feel this full moon's energies
the most.
In addition to the mixed full moon April 6, we have a potentially difficult
day you need to watch, April 15, when the Sun opposes Saturn, that could
feel very deflating for any of us. For you, it brings a requirement to tend
to the needs of family at home (or to appease a landlord, roommate, or other
home-related person) and still tend to work-related needs. Your career will
be demanding, but this time needs at home will win out. This day falls on a
Sunday, but will affect you plus or minus two days from the day it falls. A
need to come up with money will also make this time even more difficult, as
it seems you'll come up short.
This is why I don't want you to launch any new ventures until you get to
beyond April 15. (You would have to wisely wait for Mars to be direct anyway
, April 13.) There's another reason - as I alluded to earlier, there's the
gorgeous new moon coming, which will send you a fragrant bouquet of good
fortune, April 21! Let's talk about it!
I have been excited about this new moon on April 21, falling at 2 degrees
Taurus, for a long time. It sends beautiful vibrations to Pluto, Mars, and
Jupiter, in a wide triangle in the sky, twinkling against the deep blue
velvet sky. Neptune will send greetings to the Sun and new moon, as will
Pluto and Mars. I love this I new moon for you! It will light your eleventh
house of friendship and hopes and dreams, so it appears a friend will
certainly show how much you are valued at that time.
A club that you belong to could turn out to be important to you, too. Attend
meetings in the days that follow this new moon, and circulate a lot,
meeting and greeting many with business cards in your pocket. The fact that
Jupiter is in this part of your chart shows this is your golden area - look
to your friends or social groups. If you should read about a new conference,
trade show, or seminar that peaks your curiosity for the end of April,
consider attending, because chances are, you will make some friendly new
associates who can help you go far.
If you had been thinking about joining a new club in real life, this would
be the best time of the year to do so. Also, you may want to investigate
Twitter or Facebook socially or professionally. (If you do, come contribute
to the discussions @Astrologyzone on Twitter or Susan Miller Astrology Zone
on Facebook. I freely admit that I am on Twitter much more than Facebook but
link my tweets to my FB account.) Look into building a website or blog, or
changing the one you have. This is the month! The new moon that will appear
on April 21 is truly special.
If your birthday falls on June 21, this new moon will be doubly special.
Also if you have any planets at 1 or 2 degrees (or close to these degrees)
in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you will also
One really special day to schedule a professional interview or client
presentation will be April 23, when Mars will work directly with the Sun.
The Sun rules your earned income house, and Mars, your house of fame. This
day could prove pivotal - have that meeting!
Romantically, you will be hosting Venus in a very secret place in the chart
for a long time, a place associated with clandestine relationships, but when
Venus moves out on August 7, the affair would come out into the open, not
necessarily of your choosing or your liking. The relationship may not be one
you initiated, but one you were drawn into, and you may not know your new
partner is not single and not available. It's a tricky situation, further
complicated by the fact that Venus will retrograde May 15-June 27. Be
careful, dear Cancer.
A better way to use this energy is to make a move toward making
reconciliation with a former love. Next month, Venus will retrograde, which
means "go back" to an earlier time. Venus will retrograde from May 15 to
June 27. No guarantees, but you might find your former partner feels the way
you do.
If you are single and looking for love, you still have Jupiter in your
eleventh house of friends, and Jupiter will zing energy to the opposite
house, ruling true love. Keep in mind Jupiter is in the house ruling
friendship, so a friend will be your best matchmaker, not online dating or
any other method.
Travel seems to be in the picture too this month, and with the weather
becoming irresistible, you may want to take a weekend jaunt away. Go over
April 21-22, your sweetest one of the month. Neptune will be sending
confetti from his perch in your ninth house, so you may want to go to a spot
near water for a truly relaxing time.
You will likely travel for your work too, but short distances, most likely
to see clients or executives face to face, perhaps to negotiate a deal. (
Remember, you'll do best if you go AFTER April 15).
Your family or residential / property situation has been a pressing concern
for the past two years, but this month you will see a development regarding
these matters near the full moon, April 6, that may give you closure, or may
be a "step one" in a multi-step process You will have to attend to what
comes up quickly, so be ready.
Indeed, in recent years, you may have had problems with a housing situation
or mortgage, or it may have been that a parent or other family member may
have needed your care and attention. If so, a decision will be required of
you. This month's full moon may bring problems from a partner or an
outspoken authority figure that will apply pressure to you to side with him
or her. It's clear you don't want to fall in line, and will not appreciate
the force this person is applying. Clearly you will have opinions of your
own, and it appears that the full moon will force you to present you
feelings forcefully.
With home and family matters swirling about, requiring dozens of discussions
and several decisions, you will have a lot to juggle on your schedule.
Business travel may be necessary this month and if so, schedule it for the
third week of April or later, not before, because until then, several rogue
planets will create obstacles and indecisions. By April's third week, those
planets will have moved out of difficult positions.
One day that could be particularly frustrating - possibly a bit depressing -
will be Sunday, April 15, due to an opposition of the Sun to Saturn. People
or a situation at home will require attention, and your clients or boss
will also be demanding much of you, too. This is a Sunday, but this aspect
will have an area of influence of two days on either side, so try to keep
your schedule clear near then. Money seems to stress you at that time, but
family or real estate seems to be a topic, too. The day will be tense,
because everyone will be vying for your attention. Important days all have a
halo of several days - don't come up too close to April 15.
All of life, including your love life, will improve noticeably once you get
to April 21, the new moon in Taurus. This new moon will open one of the
sweetest portals of time of the year, and open a door for more socializing
in the weeks ahead. You may travel a short distance, too, thanks to the
position of Mars, and add many new friends and associates to your circle. In
fact, the new people who will enter your life now will have a key role to
play. New and present friends will bring you many fortunate opportunities.
This is the most golden area of your chart, so take this advice seriously.
Romance will be in the air too, and it appears this comes after a long
drought, thanks to the kindness of a friend who will likely want to make an
introduction or who gives a great party where you meet some very interesting
Along the way, throughout this month, perhaps the best news of all: a wish
dear to you may come true, too, just when you were ready to give up.I saved
the best for last, dear Cancer. Stay optimistic!
Dates to Note Cancer:
Most romantic evenings: April 3, 4, 7-8, 17, 21-22, and 26-27.
April 8: blind date that a friend sets up should work out well, thanks to
Venus so friendly to Uranus.
The full moon in your home sector may bring a conclusion to talks about
property, a renovation, repair job, or other domestic matter, April 6 plus
or minus four days.
The new moon April 21 will be sensational for lighting your social life in
the weeks to come. New friends and lots of events should dot your schedule!
Lovely new moon for you!
From April 13 onward, your career progress and negotiations
should go better now that Mars is finally moving direct. No more delays.
You may travel for business or pleasure this month, but for romance go over
April 21-22. Stay away a few days, to a place near water - divine!
April 15 when the Sun and Saturn are opposed, will be nobody's favorite day.
Mercury goes direct April 4, no more delays!
You will find you and your partner (business or personal) will be on the
same page, April 29, thanks to Pluto in good angle to the Sun. Money may
come up - and prove to bring a profitable conclusion
1 (共1页)
合盘:Compatibility and Synastry Chart (zt)苏珊米勒2012年3月双子运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月处女运势 (zz)有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???
苏珊米勒2012年1月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年1月天蝎运势 (ZZ)
苏珊米勒2012年1月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
苏珊米勒2012年5月天秤运势 (zz)苏珊米勒2012年3月白羊运势 (zz)
水瓶座大概都在忙工作的事情【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势
苏珊米勒2012年1月金牛运势 (ZZ)苏珊米勒2012年4月天秤运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年3月巨蟹运势 (zz)苏珊米勒2012年4月白羊运势 (zz)
话题: april话题: your话题: moon话题: 新月话题: new