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_TexasHoldem版 - QQ vs ?? bf flop
KK vs possilbe set人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于
one interesting hand on linefunny hand
2 interesting hand last night.another hand on Friday.
QQ vs short stack.老大老小们说说最牛和最臭的一把吧?
two pairs.bluff or not?!
got bluffed or not?tough to tell what he had?
bluff or not?lucky and stupid
话题: flop话题: qq话题: he话题: loose话题: very
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
QQ in pocket before flop.
a very loose guy( 50% raise bf flop) raise to 8$ , a very loose caller(70%
call before flop ) called, I reraise to 40$.
the very loose guy reraise to 100$( he has 140$ after this, I have more) the
caller fold....
should I go all in here???
发帖数: 1153


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: QQ in pocket before flop.
: a very loose guy( 50% raise bf flop) raise to 8$ , a very loose caller(70%
: call before flop ) called, I reraise to 40$.
: the very loose guy reraise to 100$( he has 140$ after this, I have more) the
: caller fold....
: should I go all in here???

发帖数: 3277
first, you want to know is he good or not.
If he never makes big mistakes and
your image is tight, you should probably fold here, cause
most sane players would reraise that big with AA or KK or AK, and overally,
you are an underdog.
If he's loose and bad, you should call here cause you may easily
face AK or lower pairs.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: QQ in pocket before flop.
: a very loose guy( 50% raise bf flop) raise to 8$ , a very loose caller(70%
: call before flop ) called, I reraise to 40$.
: the very loose guy reraise to 100$( he has 140$ after this, I have more) the
: caller fold....
: should I go all in here???

发帖数: 1873
He is very loose and aggressive( he all in with JK before bf flop).
He played 8 table the same time( like a pro) ,and his total aggresive factor
is very high above 6 I think.
Still, he may get KK or AA.......
发帖数: 15860
i would call +$60, and gather more info. on flop... all-in is meaningless
here since he would call anyway, only to add your own risks with troublesome
QQ hand.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: QQ in pocket before flop.
: a very loose guy( 50% raise bf flop) raise to 8$ , a very loose caller(70%
: call before flop ) called, I reraise to 40$.
: the very loose guy reraise to 100$( he has 140$ after this, I have more) the
: caller fold....
: should I go all in here???

发帖数: 1873
I called and flop is smaller card, no flush draw, and I all in my self......
.140$ more for him
发帖数: 3277
that's not aggressive, that's just suicide...Then it's the best to
push him all in, cause he still may miss the flop and fold to your bet
if you only call.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: He is very loose and aggressive( he all in with JK before bf flop).
: He played 8 table the same time( like a pro) ,and his total aggresive factor
: is very high above 6 I think.
: Still, he may get KK or AA.......

发帖数: 3277
He should push all in cause most likely his QQ is still the best
now. Suppose you call, when overcards appear and opp pushes all in,
you may get bluffed out of pot. Another case is when the flop misses opp,
he may fold. So it's really the best to push him all in early.
QQ is a huge favorate against low pairs and plays very well against Ax.
If I know my opp may hold AA or KK for a very low percentage, and would
call my all in with Ax or low pairs, I'd certainly push him all in.
However, against d

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i would call +$60, and gather more info. on flop... all-in is meaningless
: here since he would call anyway, only to add your own risks with troublesome
: QQ hand.
: the

发帖数: 1873
and this time he got AA, in fact his playing like this minimum 3 bets is
very rare.( he will all in by junk not 3 bets me...)
So I should fold my QQ.....
发帖数: 15860
sometimes aggressive guys are like this, bet small on monsters as a "humble"
nowadays i don't label ppl by "tight", "aggressive", "loose", etc., any more
. in cash games, they only need one hand to hurt you big. in tourneies, you
might get an edge.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: and this time he got AA, in fact his playing like this minimum 3 bets is
: very rare.( he will all in by junk not 3 bets me...)
: So I should fold my QQ.....

发帖数: 16209
why not just call? he may has Ax
you want to see the flop before you move all in..


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: QQ in pocket before flop.
: a very loose guy( 50% raise bf flop) raise to 8$ , a very loose caller(70%
: call before flop ) called, I reraise to 40$.
: the very loose guy reraise to 100$( he has 140$ after this, I have more) the
: caller fold....
: should I go all in here???

发帖数: 16209
what is the position? shouldn't you do a check -raise to all in?


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: I called and flop is smaller card, no flush draw, and I all in my self......
: .140$ more for him

发帖数: 16209

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: and this time he got AA, in fact his playing like this minimum 3 bets is
: very rare.( he will all in by junk not 3 bets me...)
: So I should fold my QQ.....

1 (共1页)
lucky and stupidQQ vs short stack.
8 hightwo pairs.
horrible playergot bluffed or not?
AAbluff or not?
KK vs possilbe set人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于
one interesting hand on linefunny hand
2 interesting hand last night.another hand on Friday.
话题: flop话题: qq话题: he话题: loose话题: very