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_Playstation3版 - Back of FF13 Box Leaked,
Photos from the Advent Children Complete launch partyPS3 sales skyrocket in Japan thanks to FFXIII demo
No install required for Uncharted 209E3部分Trailer集合
《最终幻想XIII》新杂志扫图(OPM)FFXIII in spring 2010, story to last 50+ hours
《最终幻想XIII》新杂志扫图(EDGE)Final Fantasy XIII Japanese Release Date Announced
FFXIII currently running at 30fps in 720pFinal Fantasy XIII - Lighting Edition PS3 Slim
Final Fantasy XIII demo footageEnglish Final Fantasy XIII TGS trailer
Advent Children Complete sells over 100k copies in JapanNov.12th this week in PlayStation Home:
What's Changing In The Retail Version Of FFXIII?Final Fantasy XIII launches March 9, 2010
话题: back话题: leaked话题: box话题: game话题: ps3
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2930
What appears to be the back of the Final Fantasy XIII boxart over in Japan
has leaked onto the web - and the image confirms some long-debated questions
about the final release of the game.
Specifically, the back of the box states that the game has No Optional or
Mandatory install, only using up 500kb of hard drive space for a save game.
This is great news for PS3 owners, and indicates that the game will run as
smoothly as the demo did.
The image also confirms that the PS3 version will have super
1 (共1页)
Final Fantasy XIII launches March 9, 2010FFXIII currently running at 30fps in 720p
Final Final Fantasy XIII Trailer ReleasedFinal Fantasy XIII demo footage
Final Fantasy XIII is 50 to 60 Hours LongAdvent Children Complete sells over 100k copies in Japan
Final Fantasy XIII PS3 and 360 Differences AnnouncedWhat's Changing In The Retail Version Of FFXIII?
Photos from the Advent Children Complete launch partyPS3 sales skyrocket in Japan thanks to FFXIII demo
No install required for Uncharted 209E3部分Trailer集合
《最终幻想XIII》新杂志扫图(OPM)FFXIII in spring 2010, story to last 50+ hours
《最终幻想XIII》新杂志扫图(EDGE)Final Fantasy XIII Japanese Release Date Announced
话题: back话题: leaked话题: box话题: game话题: ps3