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_DealGroup版 - 【$】starting 10-24-10 get 15.6" Laptop, AcerAspire AS5742Z-4685 at Staples for $399, Intel P6100, 4GB DDR3, 320GB Drive
【$】Acer Aspire AS5742z-4685 15.6" Notebook, Intel Pentium P6100 (2.0GHz), 4GB DDR3 Memory, 320GB HDD, DVD Super Multi-Drive, Intel GMA HD, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit- $400.00 w/FS【$】HP G62-358NR Notebook 15.6" HP BrightView LED Display (1366 x 768) Intel Pentium Processor P6100 2.00GHz 3GB DDR3 320GB HD HDMI 6-Cell W7HP 64-Bit $370 Free Shipping
【$】Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 NoteBook / Laptop -- Pentium P6100 | 15.6" screen | 4GB DDR3 | 320GB HDD | HDMI out -- $380 FS after %5 Discover CB【$】Intel i3 and Pentium Laptops (Starting Sunday): Lenovo Ideapad Z560 15.6" i3-380M,4GB $449.99 -HP G72 17.3" i3-380M,4GB,500GB $469.99 -Acer Aspire P6200,4GB $379.99 Online and B&M
【$】AcerAspire AS5742Z-4685 15.6" 320GBHD/4GB Ram, webcam, HDMI Laptop $399 shipped at Staples.com【$】Office Max Acer Pentium Laptop AS5742Z (4gb ram/320hd/15.6") $380 shipped starts 5/1
【$】$399 - Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 NoteBook Intel Pentium dual-core P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB HDD 5400rpm DVD Super Multi Intel HD Free Shipping【$】AcerAspire 17.3" Laptop; Dual Core; 500GB HD; HDMI; Webcam/Mic; $479
【$】Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB $399/Free Ship【$】Hotter than before ! Now 349.98 Staples AcerAspire AS5742Z-4685 15.6" Laptop - In Store Only
【$】lenovo G560 Pentium dual-core P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB DDR3 320GB HDD $399.99 FS @ AMAZON【$】Acer Aspire AS5742Z Laptop $350.00 shipped
【$】Lenovo G560 Laptop - Intel Pentium Dual-Core P6100 15.6" 4GB DDR3 320GB HDD DVD Burner $400【$】Acer Aspire 15.6" Laptop (AS5742Z-4601) with 320GB HDD,3GB Mem,HDMI,Webcam,Wire less N,Windows & more for $379.99 @ Target.com
【$】Bestbuy Gateway 15.6" Pentium Dual-Core P6100 3GB DDR3 320GB HDMI for $350 NEXT WEEK【$】Sony - VAIO Laptop / IntelPentiumProcessor / 15.5" Display / 3GB Memory / 320GB Hard Drive - Silvery White 399$ plus free printer before shipping and tax
话题: as5742z话题: p6100话题: aceraspire话题: laptop话题: intel
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
will have
AcerAspire AS5742Z-4685 15.6" Laptop for $399 next week
Intel Pentium P6100 @ 2.00GHz:
http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_lookup.php?cpu=Intel Pentium P6100 @ 2.00GHz
The AcerAspire AS5742Z Notebook offers powerful performance, the latest
connectivity technology and rich media features for a fast, responsive PC
experience. Starting from the gorgeous 15.6" widescreen LCD display with
built-in HD webcam to the smart performance of the Inteldual-core
processor and the new MicrosoftOffice Starter 2010; throw in the cool
convenience features and you have everything you need within reach to power
through daily tasks and enjoy your media wherever you are.
1 (共1页)
【$】Sony - VAIO Laptop / IntelPentiumProcessor / 15.5" Display / 3GB Memory / 320GB Hard Drive - Silvery White 399$ plus free printer before shipping and tax【$】Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB $399/Free Ship
【$】HP G62-337NR Laptop 15.6" P6100 Pentium Dual-Core 4 gb ram 320gb HD bleutooth webcam $399.99【$】lenovo G560 Pentium dual-core P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB DDR3 320GB HDD $399.99 FS @ AMAZON
【$】ASUS K52JE-XN1 laptop $449.99 - Intel Pentium dual-core P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB HDD 5400rpm DVD Super Multi ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470【$】Lenovo G560 Laptop - Intel Pentium Dual-Core P6100 15.6" 4GB DDR3 320GB HDD DVD Burner $400
【$】AAFES (Military Only) Dell Studio XPS 9100 (i7-930, 3GB DDR3, 1TB - 7200RPM) $645.99 & MORE (Alienware, Laptops, Etc.)【$】Bestbuy Gateway 15.6" Pentium Dual-Core P6100 3GB DDR3 320GB HDMI for $350 NEXT WEEK
【$】Acer Aspire AS5742z-4685 15.6" Notebook, Intel Pentium P6100 (2.0GHz), 4GB DDR3 Memory, 320GB HDD, DVD Super Multi-Drive, Intel GMA HD, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit- $400.00 w/FS【$】HP G62-358NR Notebook 15.6" HP BrightView LED Display (1366 x 768) Intel Pentium Processor P6100 2.00GHz 3GB DDR3 320GB HD HDMI 6-Cell W7HP 64-Bit $370 Free Shipping
【$】Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 NoteBook / Laptop -- Pentium P6100 | 15.6" screen | 4GB DDR3 | 320GB HDD | HDMI out -- $380 FS after %5 Discover CB【$】Intel i3 and Pentium Laptops (Starting Sunday): Lenovo Ideapad Z560 15.6" i3-380M,4GB $449.99 -HP G72 17.3" i3-380M,4GB,500GB $469.99 -Acer Aspire P6200,4GB $379.99 Online and B&M
【$】AcerAspire AS5742Z-4685 15.6" 320GBHD/4GB Ram, webcam, HDMI Laptop $399 shipped at Staples.com【$】Office Max Acer Pentium Laptop AS5742Z (4gb ram/320hd/15.6") $380 shipped starts 5/1
【$】$399 - Acer Aspire AS5742Z-4685 NoteBook Intel Pentium dual-core P6100(2.00GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB HDD 5400rpm DVD Super Multi Intel HD Free Shipping【$】AcerAspire 17.3" Laptop; Dual Core; 500GB HD; HDMI; Webcam/Mic; $479
话题: as5742z话题: p6100话题: aceraspire话题: laptop话题: intel