_DealGroup版 - 【$】OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W ATX Modular Power Supply Sony Optiarc Black 24X DVD Burner $35 After $20MIR OR with LITE-ON Burner $37 After $20MIR Shipped
OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W ATX Modular Power Supply + Sony Optiarc Black 24X
DVD Burner
$60.98 - $20 Rebate - 10% Code JUNSAVE
= $34.98 with free shipping
If you prefer having a LITE-ON 24X DVD Burner instead, add combo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.418941
to cart and it will be $62.98 - $20 Rebate - 10% code = $36.98 Shipped
*$2 cheaper than previous deal