b**d 发帖数: 7644 | 1 你说的那个消长的问题。
为哈有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水,这个好像不符合消长。 | S*****i 发帖数: 386 | 2 咱家试着给你答答,这是我前一阵经历了一些事情,忽然悟出来的。
随便扯扯,然后听听这里高手的言论,学习学习。 | Y**u 发帖数: 5466 | 3 说的挺好的。 苦难也可以是个礼物。。 不过不懂不懂问得是为什么会“一直”顺风顺
水或倒霉。 :) 也就是为什么礼物会给个不停。。
【在 S*****i 的大作中提到】 : 咱家试着给你答答,这是我前一阵经历了一些事情,忽然悟出来的。 : 所谓“顺风顺水”和“一生倒霉”都得看这个人自己怎么看待的。 : 其实佛家最讲究不要用分别心去看待事物,舍利子,是诸法空相,不生不灭,不垢不净 : ,不增不减。 : 呵呵,这个世界的本来面目就应该是无差别的,是为“无极”。可惜人非要用分别心去 : 看待。哈,伏羲圣人一画开天,人观察世界和人生就分阴阳对立了,所以十翼说:易有 : 太极,是为两仪。 : 至于这个分别心怎么来的么,各家有个家的说法,听起来都有道理,就看自己信仰的根 : 基是什么了。我是一个基督徒,所以我选择相信,创世之初伊甸园的故事。 : 另外,苦难和挫折,其实是与“道”有缘之人所必需要经历的。问一个人,读经书读懂
| S*****i 发帖数: 386 | 4 奥,这倒是,这个咱家就不明白了,有时候也有些奇怪! | l*****g 发帖数: 2311 | 5
【在 S*****i 的大作中提到】 : 奥,这倒是,这个咱家就不明白了,有时候也有些奇怪!
| l*****g 发帖数: 2311 | 6
【在 S*****i 的大作中提到】 : 咱家试着给你答答,这是我前一阵经历了一些事情,忽然悟出来的。 : 所谓“顺风顺水”和“一生倒霉”都得看这个人自己怎么看待的。 : 其实佛家最讲究不要用分别心去看待事物,舍利子,是诸法空相,不生不灭,不垢不净 : ,不增不减。 : 呵呵,这个世界的本来面目就应该是无差别的,是为“无极”。可惜人非要用分别心去 : 看待。哈,伏羲圣人一画开天,人观察世界和人生就分阴阳对立了,所以十翼说:易有 : 太极,是为两仪。 : 至于这个分别心怎么来的么,各家有个家的说法,听起来都有道理,就看自己信仰的根 : 基是什么了。我是一个基督徒,所以我选择相信,创世之初伊甸园的故事。 : 另外,苦难和挫折,其实是与“道”有缘之人所必需要经历的。问一个人,读经书读懂
| S*****i 发帖数: 386 | 7 有,历经数折,都有抱怨质问,但是经历一次,就会“长大”一次,回头来忽然发现答
【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】 : : 你处在洪流之中时,有质问上帝吗?
| r*******c 发帖数: 1060 | 8 嗯,我也有这个疑问,同问。
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】 : 你说的那个消长的问题。 : 为哈有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水,这个好像不符合消长。
| l*****g 发帖数: 2311 | 9
你能抱怨质问,不错啊,看来对上帝还是有点信心。 :)
【在 S*****i 的大作中提到】 : 有,历经数折,都有抱怨质问,但是经历一次,就会“长大”一次,回头来忽然发现答 : 案其实都在经文里:历来的众先知以及基督哪一个不是历经苦难。 : 呵呵,看一个人不能看他当下,也不能看他过去,要看他最后的结果,只有生命到尽头 : 的时候,它才揭开自己神秘的面纱。 : 其实,中国的韬晦十诫也把这个说的明明白白了 : 韩信跨下,忍辱负重 : 孙膑装疯,报仇雪恨 : 江东弟子,枉称一霸 : 卧薪尝胆,古今英雄 : -------古来英雄哪个不是历经百折,莫不如是。
| Y**u 发帖数: 5466 | 10 这就跟股票差不多,这一段时间(可能是一生)就是往下走,但是中间也是涨落兼有的
。 消长得时间跨度有时可能会比较大。。。hoho.. 这我瞎猜得。 更重要的可能还是个人怎么面对困境吧。 有的人可以把困境转变过来。 不行或不原的人当然就只能往下走了。。
【在 r*******c 的大作中提到】 : 嗯,我也有这个疑问,同问。 : 另外,我自己猜可能是: : 1)所处的“太极点”不同(什么是太极点我也不知道,timing?) : 2)之前积累的善/功德之类的,反之,之前造的恶。 : 3)有时一个人看起来一直顺风顺水,而实际上,很可能是不全面的看,没有看到那人 : 不顺的一方面。而有的人看上去倒霉一辈子,其实他有很多顺利的时刻,旁人未必看的 : 到。
| | | S*****i 发帖数: 386 | | Y**u 发帖数: 5466 | 12 您可以跟着下面这个贴,看故事,问问题。。。应该会有收获。。
【在 S*****i 的大作中提到】 : 咳,真想跟这里高手学些道家的想法阿。
| r*******c 发帖数: 1060 | 13 4)消长得时间跨度有时可能会比较大。
是个人怎么面对困境吧。 有的人可以把困境转变过来。 不行或不原的人当然就只能往
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】 : 这就跟股票差不多,这一段时间(可能是一生)就是往下走,但是中间也是涨落兼有的 : 。 消长得时间跨度有时可能会比较大。。。hoho.. 这我瞎猜得。 更重要的可能还是个人怎么面对困境吧。 有的人可以把困境转变过来。 不行或不原的人当然就只能往下走了。。
| H******9 发帖数: 2766 | 14 你是不是觉得一辈子倒霉的人身上只看到了'消',而没有'长'?而顺风顺水的人,
件事情 因缘会际的过程中的表现,是不能用来解释不同人之间起点的不同的。
再举个例子 -
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】 : 你说的那个消长的问题。 : 为哈有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水,这个好像不符合消长。
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 15 问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】 : 你说的那个消长的问题。 : 为哈有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水,这个好像不符合消长。
| b*****l 发帖数: 3821 | 16 这个要分好几个层面。
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】 : 你说的那个消长的问题。 : 为哈有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水,这个好像不符合消长。
| T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 17 Can you explain more about this source in Taoism or Buddhism?
My belief is that such source is unlimited, but it's the container, one's
thought about his/her capacity, that is limited.
"有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水" because the first kind believes that he
does not deserve, so even if he gets something good, he can not hold it,
until he spends it all, he won't be comfortable, and once he lost things, he
'd again reinforce his belief that he does not deserve. On the other hand,
the second kind believes that he deserves, and he attracts all the good
things. Even if he loses at one time, he gets it back, more and better.
Such belief is in subconscious though, as no one wants to be a victim
consciously, but his negative thinking on the things he does not want
attracts all that he dreads to get.
【在 s********h 的大作中提到】 : 问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。 : 若是没有源头,当然是此长彼消,但如果有源头,对于一个点来说,此长彼却不必消。
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 18 你说的有心理暗示的意味,前一段有人好像也在这里介绍过一个西人制作的影片。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : Can you explain more about this source in Taoism or Buddhism? : My belief is that such source is unlimited, but it's the container, one's : thought about his/her capacity, that is limited. : "有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水" because the first kind believes that he : does not deserve, so even if he gets something good, he can not hold it, : until he spends it all, he won't be comfortable, and once he lost things, he : 'd again reinforce his belief that he does not deserve. On the other hand, : the second kind believes that he deserves, and he attracts all the good : things. Even if he loses at one time, he gets it back, more and better. : Such belief is in subconscious though, as no one wants to be a victim
| T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 19 Thank you!
Do you mean that praying to 菩萨, etc is the connection to the source? Or
that anything you do will be returned in some other way, aka, 消长? Is this
系统 mentioned in any Buddhism Sutra as limited or unlimited?
What I said had the components of 心理暗示, but there was more on how one
can make the affirmations useful. Speaking it while doubting it does not
lead one anywhere. To release the emotions that hold one back and to have
the faith is the key, which, I feel, is similar to praying in Buddhism or
other religions. Of course, I am not a Buddhist, and I could be very wrong.
I am trying to explain things in another framework.
【在 s********h 的大作中提到】 : 你说的有心理暗示的意味,前一段有人好像也在这里介绍过一个西人制作的影片。 : 俺相信心理暗示的作用,但不觉得那是全部,或者说不觉得那是根本。 : 佛教所说的业解释这个更高明一些。 : 源头活水嘛,比如向菩萨求保佑。或者是布施的舍一得万报。当然,也可以这是消长。 : 但这就不是一个点的消长,而是一个系统中的消长了。 : : he : he
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 20 嘿嘿,你追问我就露馅了。我是真没入门儿,不敢乱说。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : Thank you! : "源头活水嘛,比如向菩萨求保佑。或者是布施的舍一得万报。当然,也可以这是消长 : 。但这就不是一个点的消长,而是一个系统中的消长了。" : Do you mean that praying to 菩萨, etc is the connection to the source? Or : that anything you do will be returned in some other way, aka, 消长? Is this : 系统 mentioned in any Buddhism Sutra as limited or unlimited? : What I said had the components of 心理暗示, but there was more on how one : can make the affirmations useful. Speaking it while doubting it does not : lead one anywhere. To release the emotions that hold one back and to have : the faith is the key, which, I feel, is similar to praying in Buddhism or
| | | f*******8 发帖数: 3612 | 21
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : Can you explain more about this source in Taoism or Buddhism? : My belief is that such source is unlimited, but it's the container, one's : thought about his/her capacity, that is limited. : "有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水" because the first kind believes that he : does not deserve, so even if he gets something good, he can not hold it, : until he spends it all, he won't be comfortable, and once he lost things, he : 'd again reinforce his belief that he does not deserve. On the other hand, : the second kind believes that he deserves, and he attracts all the good : things. Even if he loses at one time, he gets it back, more and better. : Such belief is in subconscious though, as no one wants to be a victim
| T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 22 en, I don't know how many theories are out there. Now that you mention the number of them, I am reminded of another one.
One who feels frustrated all the time and one who feels as if life is flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts' desires.
If one person wants to do something that parents/society wish him to do to make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of procrastination and frustration. Instead, if one figures out what he really wants to do, and he protects his dream from the outside naysayers, he often thrives and he gets the help when he needs it. To be aligned with one's heart's desire is something one can control.
【在 f*******8 的大作中提到】 : : he : he : 说的好,这应该是自我训练的理论基础(之一?,不知道是否有之二。) : 消。
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 23 看看这个:
number of them, I am reminded of another one.
flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts
' desires.
make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is
risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but
to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of
procrastination and frustration. Instead, if one figures out what he really
wants to do, and he protects his dream from the outside naysayers, he often
thrives and he gets the help when he needs it. To : be aligned with one's
heart's desire is something one can control.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : en, I don't know how many theories are out there. Now that you mention the number of them, I am reminded of another one. : One who feels frustrated all the time and one who feels as if life is flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts' desires. : If one person wants to do something that parents/society wish him to do to make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of procrastination and frustration. Instead, if one figures out what he really wants to do, and he protects his dream from the outside naysayers, he often thrives and he gets the help when he needs it. To be aligned with one's heart's desire is something one can control.
| T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 24 That's a good one, thanks for the link. I didn't follow the full video, as
it's quite long. I watched the beginning and the part from 37' to the end. I
downloaded 弟子規, it is good.
I didn't quite get why you mentioned this following this topic though. Could
you explain more?
【在 s********h 的大作中提到】 : 看看这个: : 特别是37’左右 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=7CaGnbefN6Q : : number of them, I am reminded of another one. : flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts : ' desires. : make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is : risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but : to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of
| J******s 发帖数: 7538 | 25 Positive thinking is quite important, and actually there is nothing really
important in our life. If we think everything in a positive way
we can make use of what we have better.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : Can you explain more about this source in Taoism or Buddhism? : My belief is that such source is unlimited, but it's the container, one's : thought about his/her capacity, that is limited. : "有人倒霉倒一辈子,有人一直顺风顺水" because the first kind believes that he : does not deserve, so even if he gets something good, he can not hold it, : until he spends it all, he won't be comfortable, and once he lost things, he : 'd again reinforce his belief that he does not deserve. On the other hand, : the second kind believes that he deserves, and he attracts all the good : things. Even if he loses at one time, he gets it back, more and better. : Such belief is in subconscious though, as no one wants to be a victim
| J******s 发帖数: 7538 | 26 If someone is really pursuing sth that he wants, he will focus on the things
most helpful for him to get what he wants. More efforts he puts more
progresses he will get. Good preparation is quite important for the success.
We are blind either in understanding our hearts or how to realize our
number of them, I am reminded of another one.
flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts
' desires.
make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is
risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but
to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of
procrastination and frustration. Instead, if one figures out what he really
wants to do, and he protects his dream from the outside naysayers, he often
thrives and he gets the help when he needs it. To : be aligned with one's
heart's desire is something one can control.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : en, I don't know how many theories are out there. Now that you mention the number of them, I am reminded of another one. : One who feels frustrated all the time and one who feels as if life is flowing also differs in whether their pursuits are aligned with their hearts' desires. : If one person wants to do something that parents/society wish him to do to make a good living, etc, but he actually wants to do something else that is risky to make his ends meet, he may be afraid to pursue what he wants but to do what he thinks he should. When this happens, there can be lots of procrastination and frustration. Instead, if one figures out what he really wants to do, and he protects his dream from the outside naysayers, he often thrives and he gets the help when he needs it. To be aligned with one's heart's desire is something one can control.
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 27 因为他说自已的心是什么样的,就感召什么样的外境。不正是你感兴趣的东东么?
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : That's a good one, thanks for the link. I didn't follow the full video, as : it's quite long. I watched the beginning and the part from 37' to the end. I : downloaded 弟子規, it is good. : I didn't quite get why you mentioned this following this topic though. Could : you explain more?
| J******s 发帖数: 7538 | 28 quite same as 物以类聚,人以群分
【在 s********h 的大作中提到】 : 因为他说自已的心是什么样的,就感召什么样的外境。不正是你感兴趣的东东么? : 重点不是弟子规,而是这个演讲反映出来的道理。 : 你搞心理学? : : I : Could
| T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 29 I see. Thanks. "自已的心是什么样的,就感召什么样的外境." This is true. One
creates his own reality, through his thoughts and subconscious, either it's
what he wants consciously or not.
I do not major in 心理学. I just find that subconscious is so interesting.
【在 s********h 的大作中提到】 : 因为他说自已的心是什么样的,就感召什么样的外境。不正是你感兴趣的东东么? : 重点不是弟子规,而是这个演讲反映出来的道理。 : 你搞心理学? : : I : Could
| s********h 发帖数: 938 | 30 噢,你的发现蛮有道理滴。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】 : I see. Thanks. "自已的心是什么样的,就感召什么样的外境." This is true. One : creates his own reality, through his thoughts and subconscious, either it's : what he wants consciously or not. : I do not major in 心理学. I just find that subconscious is so interesting.