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Windows版 - help: error when windows start up
debug error unable to automatically step into the server in (转载)启动帮助
请问新出的那个windows update不能装?请教:如何找到或者删除excel中隐藏的表?
Re: anyone knows how to remove the bios password with a debug command?硬盘有坏道(bad sector), 如何把里面的数据备份出来? (转载)
紧急求助硬盘的bad sector放着不管有没有问题? (转载)
新机器下面没法DEBUG旧程序windows vista version
Help about IE (转载)dual boot xp/vista 变vista only 问题
Windows XP 下Firefox为什么启动非常慢?Virtualbox problem with Windows XP SP3 host
help! I/O Error on Sector xxxxxxxx 又是maxtor硬盘! (转载)请教问题:debug
话题: login话题: cancel话题: ok话题: window话题: click
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43
recently each time I restart windows,
I got a message before login :
The instruction at :0X0023fedc"
reference memory at "0Xffffffff", The memory could not be read
click on OK to terminate the program.
click on CANCEL to debug the program
No matter I click CANCEL or OK, the message window is gone and
the login window be activate window. No debug program show up after I login.
I run Check Disk for both
Automatically fix file system error
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
but not help
1 (共1页)
access violation of C# in Visual Studio 2013 (转载)Help about IE (转载)
Re: Win2k pro能装上Terminal Services吗?Windows XP 下Firefox为什么启动非常慢?
a question about emailhelp! I/O Error on Sector xxxxxxxx 又是maxtor硬盘! (转载)
debug error unable to automatically step into the server in (转载)启动帮助
请问新出的那个windows update不能装?请教:如何找到或者删除excel中隐藏的表?
Re: anyone knows how to remove the bios password with a debug command?硬盘有坏道(bad sector), 如何把里面的数据备份出来? (转载)
紧急求助硬盘的bad sector放着不管有没有问题? (转载)
话题: login话题: cancel话题: ok话题: window话题: click