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Weightlifting版 - Dan Green broke WR 2210@242
Deadlift Stud, Squatting Dud关于力量举的深蹲和奥林匹克深蹲
健身月志(12月)来勺酱油--100% POWERLIFTING WORKOUT,评论一下
终于达到我的力量终极目标了——记清华大学首届力量举比赛For drug-free weightlifters: how to design your own workout schedule (1) the principle rules
一个测试相对力量的标准今天的drop sets
All Time Raw Powerlifting RecordsDave Tate 教你卧推
大家说说看自己亲眼所见到过的力量很牛的高手我决定去参加学校里的Powerlifting 比赛
关于如何做大重量深蹲的the pain of powerlifting
话题: world话题: just话题: wr话题: sumo
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 358
My favorite powerlifter Dan Green just broke world record @242 class - raw
with wraps:
Squat: 849lb
Bench: 523lb
Dead: 838lb
He is also a WR holder 2030@220 - raw without wraps.
发帖数: 4182
发帖数: 610
but I think it originates from their tradition of advocating strength.
living in hostile environment of Europe needs strength, exploring ocean
needs strength, develop in new continent needs strength. It is just a symbol
of emphasis on strength

【在 i***l 的大作中提到】
: 米帝什么都喜欢搞自己的一套标准
: 这种以夸张的姿势,把一个重物移动几厘米的比赛意义何在?

发帖数: 358
1) It's called sumo deadlift, not "夸张的姿势".
2) Sumo deadlift is allowed in every powerlifting federation, not just "米帝
3) In the powerlifting world, the shorter path the bar travels, the more
efficient the lift is. If you could just "移动几厘米" and make a lift, it's
a damn GOOD lift. A sumo deadlift is the same as benchers using an arched
back to shorten the stroke of the movement.
4) It's a fair game. In the competition, everybody follows the same rule. It
doesn't matter whether the bar moves only "几厘米", or 10 feet. What
matters most is how much you could move from point A to point B under the
same rule. It's called powerlifting.

【在 i***l 的大作中提到】
: 米帝什么都喜欢搞自己的一套标准
: 这种以夸张的姿势,把一个重物移动几厘米的比赛意义何在?

发帖数: 4182
it is called " american powerlifting" and they should stop calling them "
world records " if only american do these.
a world record is a term used in a competition participated by people around
the world, and under a common rule accepted by at least most of the world,
if not all. Like Olympic weightlifting..........
by the way, I was talking about all three moves, not just the sumo deadlift,
which indeed is the only one I do not" dislike"


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: 1) It's called sumo deadlift, not "夸张的姿势".
: 2) Sumo deadlift is allowed in every powerlifting federation, not just "米帝
: ".
: 3) In the powerlifting world, the shorter path the bar travels, the more
: efficient the lift is. If you could just "移动几厘米" and make a lift, it's
: a damn GOOD lift. A sumo deadlift is the same as benchers using an arched
: back to shorten the stroke of the movement.
: 4) It's a fair game. In the competition, everybody follows the same rule. It
: doesn't matter whether the bar moves only "几厘米", or 10 feet. What
: matters most is how much you could move from point A to point B under the

发帖数: 4182
问题是这种东西不athletic, 也不functional, 就像Jim Wondler自己说的。


【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: lol
: but I think it originates from their tradition of advocating strength.
: living in hostile environment of Europe needs strength, exploring ocean
: needs strength, develop in new continent needs strength. It is just a symbol
: of emphasis on strength

发帖数: 358
> it is called " american powerlifting" and they should stop calling them "
> world records " if only american do these.
So wrong. Powerlifting is a world wide strength sport just like Oly
weightlifting. The difference between them is how the meet/competition is
organized and a WR is registered.
> a world record is a term used in a competition participated by people
> around the world, and under a common rule accepted by at least most
> of the world, if not all.
Isn't this what powerlifting is all about? Enlighten me again why world
record can be used for Oly but not for powerlifting?
> by the way, I was talking about all three moves, not just the sumo
> deadlift, which indeed is the only one I do not" dislike"
Clearly you just don't like Powerlifting, which is fine. After all everyone
is entitled to have a different opinion about a sport. However making such
uneducated assessments is just silly.
> 问题是这种东西不athletic, 也不functional, 就像Jim Wondler自己说的。
If "athletic" and "functional" were the only reasons for a sport to exist,
you wouldn't see more than a few sports, if any at all, to be included in
the Oly games.
发帖数: 610
haha.. In that sense, maybe only running in long distance makes sense..
I just read an article saying Why nearly every sport except long-distance
running is fundamentally absurd.

【在 i***l 的大作中提到】
: 问题是这种东西不athletic, 也不functional, 就像Jim Wondler自己说的。
: symbol

发帖数: 790

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: My favorite powerlifter Dan Green just broke world record @242 class - raw
: with wraps:
: Squat: 849lb
: Bench: 523lb
: Dead: 838lb
: He is also a WR holder 2030@220 - raw without wraps.

1 (共1页)
the pain of powerliftingAll Time Raw Powerlifting Records
strength feat郁闷了
冒问一下,有谁middle 30 仍然 train as hard as <30关于如何做大重量深蹲的
Deadlift Stud, Squatting Dud关于力量举的深蹲和奥林匹克深蹲
健身月志(12月)来勺酱油--100% POWERLIFTING WORKOUT,评论一下
终于达到我的力量终极目标了——记清华大学首届力量举比赛For drug-free weightlifters: how to design your own workout schedule (1) the principle rules
一个测试相对力量的标准今天的drop sets
话题: world话题: just话题: wr话题: sumo