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WaterWorld版 - Faith Hill - It Matters To Me
美国著名歌手Faith Hill 就是他第一任丈夫发现并培养的When You Say Nothing At All
Please Forgive Me一首在全球華人圈子引起哄動的英文詩
六岁孩子晚上仍需要系尿片,怎办zz 华裔教授写英文诗质疑西方 究竟要我们怎样生存
讨厌别人在msn上给我留message贴些图 :)
I never said you had to offer me a second chance一个小女孩(我)的第一次滑冰经历 (转载)
老公看你的 (转载)《非诚勿扰》安田私下透漏只把节目当游戏,“为人民服务”是借口
When I Look At You英文“顺利的”怎么说?
If I ever loved youDon't date him girl
话题: don话题: when话题: matters话题: me话题: know
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1685
Baby tell me where'd you ever learn
To fight without sayin' a word
Then waltz back into my life
Like it's all gonna be alright
Don't you know how much it hurts
When we don't talk
When we don't touch
When it doesn't feel like we're even in love
It matters to me
When I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me
Maybe I still don't understand
The distance between a woman and a man
So tell me how far it is
And how you can love like this
'Cause I'm not sure I can
When we don't talk
When we don't touch
When it doesn't feel like we're even in love
It matters to me
When I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me
1 (共1页)
Don't date him girlI never said you had to offer me a second chance
Don't like those dance老公看你的 (转载)
对于婚姻多点平常心, 好和好散When I Look At You
我们家银行门口有这样一个告示。If I ever loved you
美国著名歌手Faith Hill 就是他第一任丈夫发现并培养的When You Say Nothing At All
Please Forgive Me一首在全球華人圈子引起哄動的英文詩
六岁孩子晚上仍需要系尿片,怎办zz 华裔教授写英文诗质疑西方 究竟要我们怎样生存
讨厌别人在msn上给我留message贴些图 :)
话题: don话题: when话题: matters话题: me话题: know