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WashingtonDC版 - curriculum 2.0 math 的讨论
马里兰州蒙郡的 请帮主任忙,我发包子给你Free Microsoft Office 365 for MCPS Students and Teachers
求助:在Montgomery County居住,或有朋友在Montgomery County各类preschool的质量比较与辨认方法。。。(学术+个人意见) (转载)
昨天晚上和LLin, AUV去参加学监的Town hall Meeting玻璃心不发包子
[BSSD]汇报昨天和学监的见面会关于Montgomery County Curriculum 2.0的petition
【蒙郡K-3家长们】Has your student experienced appropriate level instructionllin下台了
【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三(四)没有结局的故事
MCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013Gazette 的报道
为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票我看llin做果版版大挺合适 (转载)
话题: na话题: nb话题: students话题: kids话题: math
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7272
Let us assume that in a school, the number of students, the number of "ahead
" kids, the number of "behind" kids are letter-coded as N, Na, and, Nb.
In addition, for a grade n, we have N(n), Na(n), and Nb(n).
Now, the number of student attending the 2nd grade math class is Na(1) + N(2
) + Nb(3) - Na(2) - Nb (2), if we allow students to attend math classes at
the adjacent level.
If we further simplify our model, say, all the grades are similar in total
numbers of students, "ahead" students, and "behind" students, e.g., for all
N(n) = N
Na(n) = Na
Nb(n) = Nb
With the simplified model, the number of students attending the 2nd grade
math class is Na(1) + N(2) + Nb(3) - Na(2) - Nb (2) = Na + N + Nb - Na - Nb
= N.
This is saying allowing kids to go to "ahead" or "behind" grade classes will
not increase the work load of teachers and other resources if load or
resource cost depends on number of students.
Moreover, kids will get better education.
- "ahead" kids will not get bored.
- "behind" kids will not be intimidated.
In the system, there is no additional resource giving to "ahead" kids.
发帖数: 7272
Load for teaching M levels of kids is considerably higher than teaching 1
level kids. Here, M > 1.
If the materials are independent, a teacher needs M time of effort, in terms
either preparation time or book reading or reference checking or teaching
time management, etc.
To model this mathematically, we can have a class of N students and they are
separated into M groups. In a math class of L minutes, a teacher must break
L minutes into at least M pieces in order to address the need of his/her
students. Is it easy? I have to say, oh my god.
In fact, it is not at all straightforward to allocate class hours for
teaching even for a small number of groups. Please let me elaborate. Let me
assume L = 50, M = 3, and N = 20.
Case 1:
If the number of kids in the 3 groups are roughly equal, a teacher can
roughly divide 50 minutes equally.
Case 2:
If group 1 and group 2 have 5 students each, the group 3 has 10 students,
how to manage 50 minutes?
Case 3:
Let group 1 and group 2 have 5 students each, the group 3 has 10 students.
Moreover, group 1 is "ahead" students, group 3 is "behind" students, how to
manage 50 minutes? The materials are of different complexity.
Case 4:
Let group 1 and group 2 have 5 students each, the group 3 has 10 students.
Moreover, group 1 is "ahead" students, group 2 is "behind" students, how to
manage 50 minutes? The materials are of different complexity.
Finally, I have to say that it is addressed in Adam Smith's "The Wealth of
Nations" that "Division of labour has caused a greater increase in
production than any other factor". It seems to me that Curriculum 2.0 is
trying to do the opposite.
发帖数: 7272
发帖数: 5379


【在 l**n 的大作中提到】
: 做个模型跟人在网上讨论越/降级上课。
: Let us assume that in a school, the number of students, the number of "ahead
: " kids, the number of "behind" kids are letter-coded as N, Na, and, Nb.
: In addition, for a grade n, we have N(n), Na(n), and Nb(n).
: Now, the number of student attending the 2nd grade math class is Na(1) + N(2
: ) + Nb(3) - Na(2) - Nb (2), if we allow students to attend math classes at
: the adjacent level.
: If we further simplify our model, say, all the grades are similar in total
: numbers of students, "ahead" students, and "behind" students, e.g., for all
: n,

发帖数: 7272
谢谢COST兄。网上有老美说越/降级是smart kids占便宜。我就给个模型说其实没便宜

【在 C**T 的大作中提到】
: 不懂,帮顶。
: ahead
: +
: n,

发帖数: 9094
student attending to the grade 2 class : no TO; SECOND grade class
发帖数: 5379
先copy & paste下来今后没准能用上林兄的模型。

【在 l**n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢COST兄。网上有老美说越/降级是smart kids占便宜。我就给个模型说其实没便宜
: 占。

发帖数: 9094
I would say that a theoretic data model is less convincing than a real case
in a real school.
发帖数: 7272
In order to do so, we need data. Unfortunately, we do not have it now. My
position is to use simple model to convince at least a number of people.
Hopefully, my 5000 ft overview is not too far from the truth.
A far more tougher problem can be that schools are different from each other
Board of education must have something. However, they did not show anything
in detail on their website.


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: I would say that a theoretic data model is less convincing than a real case
: in a real school.

发帖数: 7272

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: student attending to the grade 2 class : no TO; SECOND grade class
【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三Free Microsoft Office 365 for MCPS Students and Teachers
MCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013各类preschool的质量比较与辨认方法。。。(学术+个人意见) (转载)
为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票玻璃心不发包子
发帖数: 33018
发帖数: 310
I have two kids in MCPS elementary school now: one in 1st grade which has
this curriculum Math2.0, the other one in 5th grade magnet center that is
not. I do not realize any math extension program in place (maybe I do not
pay too much attenuation to the school stuffs). I knew there are different
groups formed in class for math and English during the conference with his
I signed the petition because of 主任 even though I do not against the math2
.0 so far. Here is my two cents:
1. Your kids will still be challenged but not over-challenged in class (I
agree that the class teacher do not have desire and time), so he/she will
guarantee straight “A” all the way to College if his/her math is somewhat
accelerated (right now in MCPS, the kid will place to an advanced math class
if his/her math is good, so basically he/she is against all the paced kids
instead of normal class kids, an “A” is harder to keep. Talk to some high
school parents or students in magnet program if you doubt about this). The
kids may gain more confidence along the path. Maybe it is a good thing for
2. The kids will learn the entire necessary math in college anyway; the most
you may save is the tuition of one or two college courses.
3. For math competition or interested kids, the math in class is always not
enough anyway. You need after school tutoring (including parents), self
study, summer math programs, online math classes, blah blah …
发帖数: 33018
Thanks for your signing the petition and your comments.


【在 r*******n 的大作中提到】
: I have two kids in MCPS elementary school now: one in 1st grade which has
: this curriculum Math2.0, the other one in 5th grade magnet center that is
: not. I do not realize any math extension program in place (maybe I do not
: pay too much attenuation to the school stuffs). I knew there are different
: groups formed in class for math and English during the conference with his
: teacher.
: I signed the petition because of 主任 even though I do not against the math2
: .0 so far. Here is my two cents:
: 1. Your kids will still be challenged but not over-challenged in class (I
: agree that the class teacher do not have desire and time), so he/she will

发帖数: 9094
Good points.


【在 r*******n 的大作中提到】
: I have two kids in MCPS elementary school now: one in 1st grade which has
: this curriculum Math2.0, the other one in 5th grade magnet center that is
: not. I do not realize any math extension program in place (maybe I do not
: pay too much attenuation to the school stuffs). I knew there are different
: groups formed in class for math and English during the conference with his
: teacher.
: I signed the petition because of 主任 even though I do not against the math2
: .0 so far. Here is my two cents:
: 1. Your kids will still be challenged but not over-challenged in class (I
: agree that the class teacher do not have desire and time), so he/she will

发帖数: 274
Thanks for sharing. After 2.0, when more affluent parents go for tutoring,
those who truly get hurt are those better students in the lower income group


【在 r*******n 的大作中提到】
: I have two kids in MCPS elementary school now: one in 1st grade which has
: this curriculum Math2.0, the other one in 5th grade magnet center that is
: not. I do not realize any math extension program in place (maybe I do not
: pay too much attenuation to the school stuffs). I knew there are different
: groups formed in class for math and English during the conference with his
: teacher.
: I signed the petition because of 主任 even though I do not against the math2
: .0 so far. Here is my two cents:
: 1. Your kids will still be challenged but not over-challenged in class (I
: agree that the class teacher do not have desire and time), so he/she will

1 (共1页)
我看llin做果版版大挺合适 (转载)【蒙郡K-3家长们】Has your student experienced appropriate level instruction
Curriculum 2.0的作用【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三
小学家长对curriculum 2.0的反馈MCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013
Math Curriculum 2.0 真的太容易吗?看这个题目为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票
马里兰州蒙郡的 请帮主任忙,我发包子给你Free Microsoft Office 365 for MCPS Students and Teachers
求助:在Montgomery County居住,或有朋友在Montgomery County各类preschool的质量比较与辨认方法。。。(学术+个人意见) (转载)
昨天晚上和LLin, AUV去参加学监的Town hall Meeting玻璃心不发包子
[BSSD]汇报昨天和学监的见面会关于Montgomery County Curriculum 2.0的petition
话题: na话题: nb话题: students话题: kids话题: math