S*******o 发帖数: 71 | 1 老川刚上台为了向建制派示好,hire 了一堆建制派。现在基本掌握局面。要上自己人
Roger Stone 这篇 Bannon’s Time Is Up 很有意思,写在Bannon被开前一天
Tough talking Anthony Scaramucci, whom I like and whom I think was treated
rather shabbily, was, as I said, a political suicide bomber. He took out two
RINOS: Preibus and Spicer. For this alone he should be lauded. Bannon was
too busy covering for the hapless Priebus.
But Anthony’s access to the President was a problem for the Generals with
McMaster (who really is a dead ringer for the late Don Rickles), Gen. John
Kelly (who reminds me of Al “I’m in charge here” Haig) and Gen. Mad-dog
Mattis, the first non-civilian Defense Secretary in modern times forming a
triumvirate of control.
Bannon’s Time Is Up : https://watch.org/node/31998
写这篇 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3922874/Political-Warfare.
pdf ,老川的人,被McMaster开了
政治斗争真刺激。 | S*******o 发帖数: 71 | 2 老川厉害啊,把对手一个一个都斗倒了,
jeff flake 这种的还被狠狠的羞辱,职业生涯都毁了 |