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USANews版 - 拉里现在还生Bernie的气
Trump to woo Bernie希拉里已经把最后一天都规划好了
希拉里要被民主党抛弃了:加州初选舞弊案曝光Will Hillary Run Again In 2020?
Guccifer 2.0 release new batch of DNC documents拉里:我真傻,真的
希拉里挖了个坑,把自己给埋了希拉里面临最大危机 -- 不诚实
San Jose民主党市长要trump负责最新的选情显示TRUMP不仅击败丑闻希,而且拜登和叁德斯
Bernie Sanders好样的! (转载)民主党候选人Jim Webb: Dems Have Moved ‘Way Far To The Left,’ ‘That’s Not My Democratic Party’
话题: clinton话题: sanders话题: democratic话题: him话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Hillary Clinton gave her 2016 campaign rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.),
the cold shoulder at a posh lunch held in the U.S. Capitol’s ornate
Statuary Hall Friday to celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration as the
country’s 45th president.
Clinton spent quality time chatting with Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis
.) and Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), as well as with House Democratic Whip Steny
Hoyer (Md.).
But when Sanders waded through the crowd to say hello to Clinton, she took
awhile to acknowledge him and did not embrace him as she did other
Democratic lawmakers.
Sanders hovered around Clinton for a while until she noticed him and their
interaction was brief, out of earshot of reporters standing at a balcony
covering the event.
Clinton spent more time chatting with some Republicans, such as Ohio Sen.
Rob Portman, with whom she was locked in conversation for a few moments.
Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike lined up to say hello to Clinton,
who appeared to be one of the biggest celebrities in the room. Rep. Patrick
McHenry (R-N.C.) snapped her picture.
Sanders received far less attention from colleagues, although one
unidentified person asked him for his autograph.
Sanders gave Clinton a tougher-than-expected challenge in last year's
Democratic presidential primaries, and some Clinton backers feel he cost her
the election by dividing the party's base.
Hacked internal emails from the Democratic National Committee revealed that
party officials were secretly favoring Clinton during the primaries,
something that angered many Sanders supporters and may have contributed to
depressed Democratic voter turnout in November.
Sanders and his wife drifted back to their assigned table with Texas Rep.
Pete Sessions (R).
发帖数: 28835
女人心胸太窄。 选bernie做vp,不会败这么惨
1 (共1页)
民主党候选人Jim Webb: Dems Have Moved ‘Way Far To The Left,’ ‘That’s Not My Democratic Party’Guccifer 2.0 release new batch of DNC documents
BLM抗议者干扰克老太的演讲,然后被扔出去了San Jose民主党市长要trump负责
今晚democrat debateBernie Sanders好样的! (转载)
Trump to woo Bernie希拉里已经把最后一天都规划好了
希拉里要被民主党抛弃了:加州初选舞弊案曝光Will Hillary Run Again In 2020?
话题: clinton话题: sanders话题: democratic话题: him话题: she