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USANews版 - 了解alt-right的思想现在其实是很有必要的
大统领回家省亲辟谣:@realDonaldTrump: I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.
看看你家附近有多少清真寺赞TRUMP has finally inspired me to leave Islam
mosque has to build around ground zero at this point穆斯林被川普吓坏了,要离开美国回自己祖国去
呵呵, 脑残素食者要穆斯林放弃献祭牲畜,结果被暴打The truth of Islam : From a Muslim's own mouth.
话题: alt话题: english话题: right话题: culture话题: peoples
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2054
就好象在W的时代, 对neocon的思想要有所了解.
作为总统, 床铺在政治思想理论上是有短板的, Steve Bannon在这方面, 肯定要起作用.
比如说, 下面的说法就为建墙提供了很深程度上的支持.
The alt-right do not hold a utopian view of the human condition: just as
they are inclined to prioritise the interests of their tribe, they recognize
that other groups – Mexicans, African-Americans or Muslims – are likely
to do the same. As communities become comprised of different peoples, the
culture and politics of those communities become an expression of their
constituent peoples.
You’ll often encounter doomsday rhetoric in alt-right online communities:
that’s because many of them instinctively feel that once large enough and
ethnically distinct enough groups are brought together, they will inevitably
come to blows. In short, they doubt that full “integration” is ever
possible. If it is, it won’t be successful in the “kumbaya” sense. Border
walls are a much safer option.
The alt-right’s intellectuals would also argue that culture is inseparable
from race. The alt-right believe that some degree of separation between
peoples is necessary for a culture to be preserved. A Mosque next to an
English street full of houses bearing the flag of St. George, according to
alt-righters, is neither an English street nor a Muslim street — separation
is necessary for distinctiveness.
Some alt-righters make a more subtle argument. They say that when different
groups are brought together, the common culture starts to appeal to the
lowest common denominator. Instead of mosques or English houses, you get
atheism and stucco.
1 (共1页)
The truth of Islam : From a Muslim's own mouth.摇滚明星讲的一个穆斯林书店的故事
建清蒸寺申请被拒, 墓死淋控告新泽西小城歧视mosque has to build around ground zero at this point
美国言论自由?! 加州一个人在Facebook上骂Muslim, 被抓了 zz异口同声:多元文化主义失败了
穆斯林要求公共墓地把一个死者的墓地迁走呵呵, 脑残素食者要穆斯林放弃献祭牲畜,结果被暴打
大统领回家省亲辟谣:@realDonaldTrump: I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.
看看你家附近有多少清真寺赞TRUMP has finally inspired me to leave Islam
话题: alt话题: english话题: right话题: culture话题: peoples