b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | |
d*******3 发帖数: 1156 | |
h*******n 发帖数: 8906 | 3 最近的传言都已经面目全非了 老朱当国务卿 sessions当国防部长 ingraham当press
secretary |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 4 Trump really need to have him |
r******n 发帖数: 1058 | 5 最赞Dr.Carson, 听他说过,他认为在外围帮助可能更大,真的不图名利 |
a***g 发帖数: 337 | 6 怎么听起来像让体育老师去教语文一样。
Carson 绝对是黑人的role model,不能走啊。
【在 h*******n 的大作中提到】 : 最近的传言都已经面目全非了 老朱当国务卿 sessions当国防部长 ingraham当press : secretary
y***r 发帖数: 16594 | 7 alt-right 赢了?
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : 只做一个非正式顾问。
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 8 应该不会吧,老川胜选发言大篇幅胜赞卡森,都没提牛金贵,卡森没理由不入阁。
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : 只做一个非正式顾问。
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 9 Carson自己不想入阁
【在 j*********r 的大作中提到】 : 应该不会吧,老川胜选发言大篇幅胜赞卡森,都没提牛金贵,卡森没理由不入阁。
d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 10 I don't like him
除此之外, nothing else
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : 只做一个非正式顾问。
l***x 发帖数: 1761 | 11 川普需要他,一定程度的diversity还是需要的,还是要unite所有人的,Carson人品好
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】 : Trump really need to have him
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 12 Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trump that
he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a
Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday.
Business manager and close friend Armstrong Williams said Carson won't join
the incoming Trump administration and would only serve as an unofficial
Circa on Tuesday reported that Carson had been offered the position, citing
Williams. But Williams told The Hill that no specific offer had been made.
"Dr. Carson was never offered a specific position, but everything was open
to him," Williams told The Hill in a phone call.
"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal
agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could
cripple the presidency."
The renowned neurosurgeon was one of Trump's first primary opponents to jump
on board his campaign. He was viewed as one of the likely picks to lead the
agency that will work to roll back ObamaCare in the new administration.
Reports also pegged him as a candidate for secretary of Education.
Earlier this month, Trump described Carson as a "brilliant physician" and
said he hoped Carson "will be very much involved with my administration."
But Williams said Carson would only advise the president-elect unofficially.
Carson has been looking for ways to be influential outside of government,
including his My Faith Votes, a group that looks to motivate Christian
voters. |
f********n 发帖数: 188 | 13 各种所谓source的谣言遍地,很多还是左媒的。
【在 j*********r 的大作中提到】 : 应该不会吧,老川胜选发言大篇幅胜赞卡森,都没提牛金贵,卡森没理由不入阁。
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 14 “Dr. Carson was never offered a specific position, but everything was open
to him”
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trump that : he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a : Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday. : Business manager and close friend Armstrong Williams said Carson won't join : the incoming Trump administration and would only serve as an unofficial : adviser. : Circa on Tuesday reported that Carson had been offered the position, citing : Williams. But Williams told The Hill that no specific offer had been made. : "Dr. Carson was never offered a specific position, but everything was open : to him," Williams told The Hill in a phone call.
s***e 发帖数: 7166 | 15 PFFFFF,一个神棍,什么东西。
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】 : Trump really need to have him
f********n 发帖数: 188 | 16 我也觉得,人是好人,也够忠诚,但能力俺不看好。
【在 s***e 的大作中提到】 : PFFFFF,一个神棍,什么东西。
P*O 发帖数: 4324 | 17 猪党的淫棍娈童犯们你眼里比卡森博士好?
【在 s***e 的大作中提到】 : PFFFFF,一个神棍,什么东西。
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 18 trump需要他来unite黑人。
【在 s***e 的大作中提到】 : PFFFFF,一个神棍,什么东西。
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 19 神棍裤撸之反老川的时候左臂们一拥而上,369度全方位舔得那叫一个起劲啊
【在 P*O 的大作中提到】 : 猪党的淫棍娈童犯们你眼里比卡森博士好?
t******r 发帖数: 8600 | 20 repeal obamacare后医保肯定是会混乱一阵子。Carson可能看到这一点,有些信心十足
。 |
R*********0 发帖数: 3242 | 21 re
【在 j*********r 的大作中提到】 : 神棍裤撸之反老川的时候左臂们一拥而上,369度全方位舔得那叫一个起劲啊
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 22 是呀!超喜欢他。正直、儒雅
【在 a***g 的大作中提到】 : 怎么听起来像让体育老师去教语文一样。 : Carson 绝对是黑人的role model,不能走啊。
i*****9 发帖数: 3157 | 23 从辩论的情况看,他应付大场面的能力确实不足。
但是,没有位置创造位置也应该留下他,不能就这么把他放跑了! |
c*********r 发帖数: 19468 | 24 可以增设一个总统医保顾问,白宫里的位置本来就是变来变去的
【在 i*****9 的大作中提到】 : 从辩论的情况看,他应付大场面的能力确实不足。 : 但是,没有位置创造位置也应该留下他,不能就这么把他放跑了!
T******g 发帖数: 21328 | 25 的确,理念都不错,但是政治斗争能力不行
【在 i*****9 的大作中提到】 : 从辩论的情况看,他应付大场面的能力确实不足。 : 但是,没有位置创造位置也应该留下他,不能就这么把他放跑了!
m*h 发帖数: 2750 | 26 卡森医生是好人,看到政治的黑暗不愿趟这个浑水了也有可能
记得老川讲话里说过,自从他参选以来,对手说了多少horrible things to him and
his family, 多少脏水泼过来。意志不是坚如磐石早挺不住了 |
s******s 发帖数: 3694 | 27 可以重温一下川普在 Don King 主持的 Cleveland 教堂的发言,博士是川普最为尊敬
Big place for him”。
【在 m*h 的大作中提到】 : 卡森医生是好人,看到政治的黑暗不愿趟这个浑水了也有可能 : 记得老川讲话里说过,自从他参选以来,对手说了多少horrible things to him and : his family, 多少脏水泼过来。意志不是坚如磐石早挺不住了
h*******n 发帖数: 8906 | 28 博士做个床铺医疗的构架师吧 不知道他这方面有没有兴趣
: 可以重温一下川普在 Don King 主持的 Cleveland 教堂的发言,博士是川普最
: 的对手,也是最为敬重的人之一,川普也说过,只要博士想出来工作,一定有一
: Big place for him”。
: 博士应该还是有政治抱负的,否则不会一直不遗余力的挺川普,这个川普是知道的
【在 s******s 的大作中提到】 : 可以重温一下川普在 Don King 主持的 Cleveland 教堂的发言,博士是川普最为尊敬 : 的对手,也是最为敬重的人之一,川普也说过,只要博士想出来工作,一定有一个“ : Big place for him”。 : 博士应该还是有政治抱负的,否则不会一直不遗余力的挺川普,这个川普是知道的
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 29
: "Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a
agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could
cripple the presidency."
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trump that : he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a : Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday. : Business manager and close friend Armstrong Williams said Carson won't join : the incoming Trump administration and would only serve as an unofficial : adviser. : Circa on Tuesday reported that Carson had been offered the position, citing : Williams. But Williams told The Hill that no specific offer had been made. : "Dr. Carson was never offered a specific position, but everything was open : to him," Williams told The Hill in a phone call.
n**********n 发帖数: 984 | 30 BEN可以任命为太医,专门帮娘娘公主医妇科病。 |
s***e 发帖数: 7166 | 31 they are all zombies, period.
【在 P*O 的大作中提到】 : 猪党的淫棍娈童犯们你眼里比卡森博士好?
I********w 发帖数: 763 | |