T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 1 CNN Reporter On Clinton's Plane: She Learned About FBI Reopening Case At The
Same Time Media Did
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 28, 2016
CNN's Phil Mattingly speaks to anchor Wolf Blitzer from Hillary Clinton's
campaign plane just moments after news broke that the FBI was reopnening its
investigation into her private email server.
"The plane did not have wi-fi during the entire fight," he reported. "So you
have senior advisors, as well as Hillary Clinton on the plane, and as the
plane landed they were finding out about this as we were landing. I had one
advisor tell me, 'we're learning about that at the same time you guys are.'
They didn't have advanced notice of this, they seem similarly stunned and we
saw them huddling, we've been waiting for Hillary Clinton to deplane to go
to that first event in Cedar Rapids, as of now she has not. It appears all
of the advisors were on conference calls as we were getting off the plane.
It is just important to note, they were clearly not aware of this in advance
, as this news was breaking and Hillary Clinton and the top advisors were on
their way to Iowa, they didn't appear to know until we touched down in
Cedar Rapids."
"She's expected to speak in about 20 minutes," he continued. "She hasn't
gotten off the plane yet. The reporters are waiting outside her plane right
now to yell and see if she'll come over and say anything. Usually the
deplaning process happens rather quickly, but it's worth noting her top
advisors are on the plane, campaign manager Robby Mook, communications
director Jen Palmieri, Huma Abedin, her close advisor is also on the plane
right now. They have not deplaned yet. Still waiting far to happen, waiting
to see if they will have reaction. I think the takeaway is they had no idea
this was coming so they're trying to formulate a response right now." | w******n 发帖数: 1837 | | T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 3
【在 w******n 的大作中提到】 : 她会说她欢迎调查, 还她清白。
| n*********e 发帖数: 25274 | | m*******n 发帖数: 6660 | 5 查不查得出来,都是后话。
【在 T**********e 的大作中提到】 : : 飞机降落半天不出来,和闺蜜紧急讨论,也只有这么说最得体了。
| T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 6
专机不能上网,这也太low tech了。老头757电视一直开着。
【在 n*********e 的大作中提到】 : 宣布直接退出竞选?
| g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 7 说得好像FBI的Comey会背着希拉里搞她一样!
人早通气了。 | T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 8
【在 g********2 的大作中提到】 : 说得好像FBI的Comey会背着希拉里搞她一样! : 人早通气了。