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USANews版 - 屁精有撒谎和随意杀人的基因
厕所问题我算有体会, 大家要理解闯王一位女同因为用he称呼一位强奸犯,被开除了!
我始终认为LGBT厕所,堕胎合法化都是小事情Free speech rights don’t apply if liberal crowd takes offense
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话题: lgbtq话题: hate话题: killers话题: community话题: serial
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3435
The Gay Community’s Serial Killer Problem
Opinion Jan 10, 2015 26931
In 2009, the Senate passed legislation extending hate crime laws to protect
the gay and lesbian community.
The bill was a result of murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay University of
Wyoming student who was murdered in 1998. For 15 years, Shepard’s death was
used a primary example of hate crimes against gays.
However, after the research and release of a book on Shepard’s death by
Stephen Jimenez, even the LGBTQ community has accepted that the murder was
not a hate crime . . . as it was a drug deal gone bad and result of the “
crystal meth subculture.”
Regardless of those facts, the LGBTQ community still demands protection
under hate crime laws along with preferential treatment for transgenders.
Groups that boldly demand protection and preferential treatment as a class,
must be willing to address issues their own community.
In the case of the LGBTQ community, the 800-pound gorilla in the room is the
correlation between sexual orientation and violence.
According to the Serial Killer Database maintained by Radford University, 52
% of U.S. serial killers are white, and 92% are male.
However, in a dated study conducted in 2003, 69% of serial killers were
either self-described homosexuals or engaged in homosexual behavior “
immediately, prior to, during or after committing their murders.”
In verifying and updating this number, a random sampling of 59 U.S. serial
killers after 1960 was collected and studied. Of those 59 convicted
murderers, 39 were found to be gay, 66%.
Given that arguably 3.8% of the population of the United States self-
identifies as gay, the statistical outlier of 60%+ of convicted serial
killers being homosexual should be cause for concern within the LGBTQ
While some would argue the numbers are too small for scientific analysis,
laws have been enacted on far less evidence, such as with the reaction to
Matthew Shepard’s murder.
Rather than address this issue with a significant study, the LGBTQ community
instead continues to push hate crime statistics of crimes against gays,
lesbians and transgenders.
But a solution to minimize those assaults may be right under their nose as a
recent report by a gay British group showed that 30% of hate crimes on gays
were between victims and aggressors who were “previously acquainted.”
While the U.S. government tracks hate crime statistics along with their
general crime database, they fail to gather and release data that could
verify and lead to resolution of what appears to be a significant cultural
issue within the LGBTQ community.
The concept of protection of a minority class with subjective “hate crime”
laws is arguable alone.
Furthering protection of a minority class of people who overwhelming account
for America’s most notorious killers (America’s top six killers were gay)
, should be put on hold until that group can explain and provide solutions
to what appears to be their sub-culture of death.
1 (共1页)
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厕所问题我算有体会, 大家要理解闯王一位女同因为用he称呼一位强奸犯,被开除了!
我始终认为LGBT厕所,堕胎合法化都是小事情Free speech rights don’t apply if liberal crowd takes offense
LGBT rights are civil rights又一轮变性大战开始了 (转载)
【转】LGBT该骄傲炫耀吗?59% transgenders avoid using public restrooms
话题: lgbtq话题: hate话题: killers话题: community话题: serial