s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 1 要说背后没利益输送才是骗鬼呢。就是一打手组织。
The Washington Times exposed last January that leftist billionaire George
Soros gave more than $30 million in seed money to Black Lives Matter
affiliated groups.
According to Essence magazine, Google is also helping to fund the Black
Lives Matter movement, giving $2.35 million in grants to activist
organizations addressing the “racial injustices that have swept the nation.”
Now, Politico reports that “some of the biggest donors on the left plan to
meet behind closed doors next week in Washington with leaders of the Black
Lives Matter movement and their allies to discuss funding for the burgeoning
protest movement.”
The major liberal donor group Democracy Alliance (DA) will be holding its
annual meeting from Tuesday evening through Saturday morning in Washington,
and meetings will be held to discuss funding the movement.
Wealthy donors including Tom Steyer and Paul Egerman are expected to attend
the DA annual meeting.
The Los Angeles Times has reported that Steyer, a hedge fund billionaire,
gave the most to political campaigns of any single person in the 2014
midterm elections, contributing a whopping $74 million–almost three times
as much as the second biggest donor, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg gave $27.7
The DA was started in 2005 by major liberal donors, including George Soros
and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay, who hoped to build a permanent infrastructure
to support leftist causes. |
p******b 发帖数: 523 | 2 Jew has their own agenda, that is for sure. if you think they really care
the black, then you are stupid. they out source jobs oversea, how would that
be good for anyone including black people? I think supporting an extreme
organization as blm is their goal to move the country towards more left. so
they can sleep better at night
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】 : 要说背后没利益输送才是骗鬼呢。就是一打手组织。 : 看看索罗斯和google的所作所为,就知道不可能是白人起了善心。他们也不是什么白人 : ,都是犹太人。 : The Washington Times exposed last January that leftist billionaire George : Soros gave more than $30 million in seed money to Black Lives Matter : affiliated groups. : According to Essence magazine, Google is also helping to fund the Black : Lives Matter movement, giving $2.35 million in grants to activist : organizations addressing the “racial injustices that have swept the nation.” : Now, Politico reports that “some of the biggest donors on the left plan to
T*********I 发帖数: 10729 | |
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 4 一直不是很理解:为什么犹太人会觉得,国家变得更左,他们晚上就睡得更香呢?
革命的对象是Top 1% ,里面不是有很多犹太人吗?
【在 p******b 的大作中提到】 : Jew has their own agenda, that is for sure. if you think they really care : the black, then you are stupid. they out source jobs oversea, how would that : be good for anyone including black people? I think supporting an extreme : organization as blm is their goal to move the country towards more left. so : they can sleep better at night : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
A**d 发帖数: 13310 | 5 所以他们现在打压桑德斯,力挺傀儡希拉里。老百姓都变成票蛆好操纵,但是长远闹革
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 一直不是很理解:为什么犹太人会觉得,国家变得更左,他们晚上就睡得更香呢? : 左派的三德子不是已经要领导工农闹革命了吗? : 革命的对象是Top 1% ,里面不是有很多犹太人吗? : BLM把社会秩序搞乱了,难道犹太人不也受影响吗? : : that : so
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 6 三德子和权贵犹太不是一条道上的。
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 一直不是很理解:为什么犹太人会觉得,国家变得更左,他们晚上就睡得更香呢? : 左派的三德子不是已经要领导工农闹革命了吗? : 革命的对象是Top 1% ,里面不是有很多犹太人吗? : BLM把社会秩序搞乱了,难道犹太人不也受影响吗? : : that : so
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 7 主要是亚洲金融风暴让我太讨厌索罗斯这人了。多少小民百姓毁他手里。这人绝不会是
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 一直不是很理解:为什么犹太人会觉得,国家变得更左,他们晚上就睡得更香呢? : 左派的三德子不是已经要领导工农闹革命了吗? : 革命的对象是Top 1% ,里面不是有很多犹太人吗? : BLM把社会秩序搞乱了,难道犹太人不也受影响吗? : : that : so
x******k 发帖数: 847 | 8 美国情况George Carlin早总结过,虽然是说笑话:上层阶级控制所有的资源,纳着极
少的税,中层阶级拿着大部分的税,却资源很少,下层阶级就是用来吓唬中层的! |
C**********a 发帖数: 1472 | 9 Jews have beefing lying to Gentiles for thousands years.Sanders is a Israel
【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】 : 三德子和权贵犹太不是一条道上的。
C**********a 发帖数: 1472 | 10 Jews trade black slaves to make money |