s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 1 如果加州这么严格管理都无法阻止大规模枪杀案件,那么仅靠Gun Law在全美能达到的
Among other things, California:
•Requires all gun sales to be processed through a licensed dealer,
requiring a background check;
•Requires gun dealers to obtain a state license;
•Bans most assault weapons and .50 caliber rifles, and prohibits the
sale or transfer of large capacity ammunition magazines;
•Requires all firearms purchasers to obtain a Firearm Safety
Certificate, after passing a written test;
•Regulates gun shows in a comprehensive manner;
•Limits handgun purchases to one per person per month;
•Prohibits the sale of “unsafe handguns” not on the state’s roster
of approved handguns;
•Imposes a ten-day waiting period prior to the sale or transfer of a
•Maintains permanent records of firearm sales;
•Gives local law enforcement discretion to deny a license to carry a
concealed weapon; and
•Gives local governments authority to regulate firearms and ammunition
, although the state legislature has expressly removed this authority in
certain areas.
In addition, in 2007, California became the first jurisdiction in the nation
to require handgun microstamping and, in 2014, was the first to enact a Gun
Violence Restraining Order law to help keep guns out of the hands of
dangerous people.
链接:http://smartgunlaws.org/california-state-law-summary/ |
f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | 2 恭喜你的体内右派在召唤你,出柜吧。
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 如果加州这么严格管理都无法阻止大规模枪杀案件,那么仅靠Gun Law在全美能达到的 : 管控效果实在太不乐观。其他拥枪派占多数的州,管理比加州宽松多了啊。 : 下面是加州的部分枪支管理规定: : Among other things, California: : •Requires all gun sales to be processed through a licensed dealer, : requiring a background check; : •Requires gun dealers to obtain a state license; : •Bans most assault weapons and .50 caliber rifles, and prohibits the : sale or transfer of large capacity ammunition magazines; : •Requires all firearms purchasers to obtain a Firearm Safety
s*********e 发帖数: 1814 | 3 很简单啊,枪支管理严,那持有枪支违法,违法啊!
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns. |
f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | 4 我觉得加州做的还不够,需要再加一条法律,杀人是违法,就全部搞定了。
【在 s*********e 的大作中提到】 : 很简单啊,枪支管理严,那持有枪支违法,违法啊! : 所以好人不能带枪,坏人扫射起来高枕无忧 : When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 5 美国最奇怪的一点就是轻罪重判,重罪轻判,行人趁没有车的时候擅自穿马路都会被抓
【在 f**********n 的大作中提到】 : 我觉得加州做的还不够,需要再加一条法律,杀人是违法,就全部搞定了。
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 6 谁敢对大统领的干儿子重判呢?
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : 美国最奇怪的一点就是轻罪重判,重罪轻判,行人趁没有车的时候擅自穿马路都会被抓 : 起来扔到监狱里暴菊,前一阵子有个流浪汉,偷了杯咖啡喝,然后也是被抓起 : 来判了刑。 : 但是杀人放火的居然就判个几年,弄不好过一两年就假释了。
T*********I 发帖数: 10729 | 7 所以说左逼不是人。完全是罪犯的挡箭牌。
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : 美国最奇怪的一点就是轻罪重判,重罪轻判,行人趁没有车的时候擅自穿马路都会被抓 : 起来扔到监狱里暴菊,前一阵子有个流浪汉,偷了杯咖啡喝,然后也是被抓起 : 来判了刑。 : 但是杀人放火的居然就判个几年,弄不好过一两年就假释了。