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USANews版 - Great News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight
以色列对加沙派出地面部队了The Reality of Jerusalem
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话题: obama话题: israel话题: back话题: tonight话题: news
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发帖数: 29846
Great News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight
by Jammie
Whew, we were becoming concerned all the bad terrorism news had thrown him
off his game. Well, now that he’s given an incoherent, disjointed speech
about ISIS/ISIL/IS he can finally get back to one of his top priorities.
President Barack Obama, who is attempting to help Democrats maintain
their grip on the Senate, will attend a fundraiser Friday at the home of a
wealthy Baltimore hedge fund manager who has become one of the nation’s
foremost advocates for Israel.
Howard E. Friedman, a former president of the powerful American Israel
Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, and a leading patron of Jewish political
causes, will host Obama for a dinner that will cost guests up to $32,400 —
the maximum an individual may give to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee in the calendar year.
How any supporter of Israel can still support Obama escapes us, to say the
Obama’s visit, which will also include a private tour of Fort McHenry,
comes during a tenuous cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas after
weeks of fighting in Gaza that left thousands of Palestinians and dozens of
Israelis dead.
The president has maintained an aggressive schedule of fundraisers this
summer — including one during his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard last month
— and the Democratic campaign operations for both the House and Senate
have reported significant cash balances. Still, polling suggests Democrats
are increasingly on defense in their effort to keep the majority.
Obama will also be traveling and pretending to do some work next week,
so keep an eye out for more fundraisers in the south.
1 (共1页)
老床出手要颠覆伊朗政权,中共也开始出招华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)
29次起立鼓掌,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在美国国会演讲In the Mideast, Trump Gives Reality a Chance
Romney in IsraelRomney Is Right About the Palestinians
以色列对加沙派出地面部队了The Reality of Jerusalem
巴解申请加入国际犯罪法庭, 然后加入后就被以色列告了疤蟆马不停蹄,又去德州筹款
话题: obama话题: israel话题: back话题: tonight话题: news