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USANews版 - Socialist Democrats Want a ‘Wealth Tax’
主党大金主发话了,一定要弹劾trumpSocialist vs Democrat vs Communist vs Republican
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Is Rahm losing his grip on the city of Chicago?Dems outpace GOP in lobbyist cash race
话题: democrats话题: tax话题: wealth话题: americans话题: bryan
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发帖数: 29846
Bryan Preston
September 8, 2014 - 10:46 am
It’s not much of a surprise that Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed
socialist, wants to play Robin Hood and tax the rich to squelch free speech.
It’s some surprise that a more mainstream Democrat, Sen. Tom Udall of New
Mexico, is joining him.
Both write of their desire to undo settled campaign finance law and impose a
“wealth tax” to “level the playing field” and work in as many other
lefty cliches as they can.
No single issue is more important to the needs of average Americans. If
we cannot control billionaires’ power to buy elections, the people elected
to office will be responsive to the needs of the rich and powerful, rather
than the needs of everyone else.
If either has a problem with billionaires Tom Steyer or George Soros “
buying elections,” they don’t express it.
They’re also not good at math.
Americans’ right to free speech should not be proportionate to their
bank accounts. This is why we have introduced a constitutional amendment to
reform our broken campaign-finance system.
The American people clearly agree with us. Sixteen states and the
District of Columbia, along with more than 500 cities and towns, have passed
resolutions calling on Congress to overturn Citizens United.
Sixteen states plus DC? There are 50 states — 16 + the Democrat-gripped
district is nowhere near a majority. 500 cities is nowhere near a majority
of the thousands of cities in the US. Not even close.
Most Americans aren’t fans of super PACs, that much is true. But the
settled law — that’s the phrase Democrats use to defend Obamacare, a law
that has never enjoyed majority support — is that super PACs exist. Thanks,
Democrats could have some credibility on the role of billionaires in
politics when they disavow the work of Steyer, Soros, Warren Buffett, on
down the line to the unions and to the millionaires like trial lawyer Steve
Mostyn, who is trying to buy Texas elections for the Democrats. There are
versions of Mostyn in just about every state.
Until they take such a step, their wealth tax will be seen for the partisan
garbage that it is.
Bryan Preston has been a leading conservative blogger and opinionator since
founding his first blog in 2001. Bryan is a military veteran, worked for
NASA, was a founding blogger and producer at Hot Air, was producer of the
Laura Ingraham Show and, most recently before joining PJM, was
Communications Director of the Republican Party of Texas.
1 (共1页)
Dems outpace GOP in lobbyist cash raceRomney has $178M, Obama has $111M ($11M borrowed)
Email from Michael Reagan我也来谈美国大选
early voter的数据对民主党有利啊Democrats (Heart) Socialism
health industry political donationsIs Rahm losing his grip on the city of Chicago?
主党大金主发话了,一定要弹劾trumpSocialist vs Democrat vs Communist vs Republican
The left is impeaching TRUMP now.党派测试
主党金主出钱到高中去注册选民National Black Republican Association Endorses Donald J. Trump
Obama: “We Can’t Have Perpetual Campaigns”叫英国快滚的欧盟首脑原来和纽约白痴市长一样
话题: democrats话题: tax话题: wealth话题: americans话题: bryan