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USANews版 - Video: College Kids Blame Obama For Shut Down
The Real Lesson of the ElectionBooker tries but fails violate S rule in comedy of error
Biden做Amtrak上班的原因A good fake newsletter from Obama
Army Silences Catholic ChaplainsRe: 娄婧上NPR了 (转载)
'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)Anyone who finds fault with The One is racist
拉斯维加斯警察 ambush-style 枪伤Blatant And Shameless Bias Continues
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Re: 国税局IRS今天对Kushnar投资启动税务调查德州人民要求脱离美联邦政府!
话题: obama话题: blame话题: shutdown话题: democrats话题: bonham
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Polls are showing that more Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown
than Democrats, but when Caleb Bonham of Campus Reform asked random students
at the University of Colorado who they thought was most to blame for the
government shutdown, their answers were surprising. Overwhelmingly, they
thought Obama was most to blame, then Democrats, then Republicans.
Bonham kept a running tally on a poster board as he surveyed the students -
indicating that he didn't cherry-pick their answers for the video.
When asked why she blamed Obama for the shutdown, one student answered, "
because ObamaCare is stupid."
Where were these free-thinking kids in 2012? Even though the individual
mandate is not popular with young people, they voted overwhelmingly for
Obama, anyway, falling for the Democrat media complex's relentless pro-
Obama, anti-Republican messaging.
I suspect this same demographic is not too impressed with the Regime's over
the top Shutdown theater, either. Law abiding, average American citizens,
now engaging in civil disobedience en masse all across the nation, inspired
this excellent Buzzfeed pictorial: Insane Tourists Blatantly Defying The U.S
. Government’s Demands.
1 (共1页)
德州人民要求脱离美联邦政府!'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)
Blatant ObamaCare Lies Exposed [Video]拉斯维加斯警察 ambush-style 枪伤
关于种族歧视, 希望大家能够己所不欲,勿施于人在场一个band有不少枪,不敢用,怕被警察打死
博士生就这样任人羞辱么?荷兰评委种族歧视中国PhD。大家来支持 (转载)Re: 国税局IRS今天对Kushnar投资启动税务调查
The Real Lesson of the ElectionBooker tries but fails violate S rule in comedy of error
Biden做Amtrak上班的原因A good fake newsletter from Obama
Army Silences Catholic ChaplainsRe: 娄婧上NPR了 (转载)
话题: obama话题: blame话题: shutdown话题: democrats话题: bonham