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USANews版 - 看看是谁Not Paying Their Fair Share
WB openly admits that it owes back taxes since as long ago as 2002美国政府债务平均到每个家庭,达到$534,000美元
hollywood liberals太伟大了,尽是些不缴税的主. (转载)Is it fair warren buffett owes irs 10 years back tax?
占领硅谷行动?湾区贫困线招惹众怒啦 (转载)我X,联邦政府雇员们欠税10个亿!
IRS Found Guilty, Owes National Organization for Marriage $50kAndrew Breibart offer $10000 to prove tea party are racists
'Obama Angrily Cut Biden Off'是1%的富人该偿还所欠联邦政府税的时候了!!!
Aiming High: Obama Wants to Host ‘SportsCenter’ When He RetiresVogue Editor Wintour’s Boyfriend Owes $1.2 Million in Taxes
The Class War Rhetoric War on RealityColumbia U. AsAm Debate on College Admissions‏ (转载)
Strongly Support Senate Confirmation of Goodwin Liu!当下火爆劲文: The 99% Owe “A Debt of Gratitude” to the 1% (转载)
话题: obama话题: fair话题: share话题: taxes话题: paying
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Not Paying Their Fair Share: 40 Obama White House Aides Owe IRS $333,000 in
Back Taxes
by Jammie
A new report from the Internal Revenue Service has just revealed that 40
of Obama’s White House aides owe their employer, the federal government, a
total of $333,485 in back taxes.
This is the third straight year that the chief executive of the United
States has been unable to get his own staff members to keep up with a
citizen’s legal income tax obligations. to the tune of hundreds of
thousands of dollars in back taxes owed. All this while Obama has made such
rhetorical hay about corporations and the wealthy paying their fair share.
In its previous report the annual IRS audit accounting found that 36 of
the Democrat’s White House aides owed $833,000 in back taxes. The year
before it was 41 Obama staff members owing $830,000. In the past year Obama
’s teleprompter has been on automatic pilot with oft-repeated demands that
Americans and profitable corporate giants pay their fair share of taxes.
1 (共1页)
当下火爆劲文: The 99% Owe “A Debt of Gratitude” to the 1% (转载)'Obama Angrily Cut Biden Off'
Here comes the ObamaCare tax billAiming High: Obama Wants to Host ‘SportsCenter’ When He Retires
Half of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Still Owe Their PremiumsThe Class War Rhetoric War on Reality
巴马掌权后,学生贷款5年增加517%Strongly Support Senate Confirmation of Goodwin Liu!
WB openly admits that it owes back taxes since as long ago as 2002美国政府债务平均到每个家庭,达到$534,000美元
hollywood liberals太伟大了,尽是些不缴税的主. (转载)Is it fair warren buffett owes irs 10 years back tax?
占领硅谷行动?湾区贫困线招惹众怒啦 (转载)我X,联邦政府雇员们欠税10个亿!
IRS Found Guilty, Owes National Organization for Marriage $50kAndrew Breibart offer $10000 to prove tea party are racists
话题: obama话题: fair话题: share话题: taxes话题: paying