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USANews版 - ‘Gun Appreciation Day’ Scheduled for January 19
The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control)Women Joblessness Up 15.5% Under Obama
Actor in Bloomberg Anti-Gun Ad Violates Basic Gun Safety Rules当初克林顿同学就说要在学校里面安排警察
Sacrifice: Obama to Only Have Two Inaugural Balls Due to His Horrible EconomyNRA President Fires Back at Cuomo
Piers Morgan Doesn’t Like Moochelle’s New ‘DoNRA: Membership Has Grown by 250,000 in One Month
Obama: We’re ‘Saving People Money at the Pump’Bloomberg: If You Sell a Gun to Your Son, ‘There’s Something Wrong in Your Family’
Just 4% of Blacks Say Obama Has Improved Race Relations »NJ5个小孩企图去学校搞破坏被抓住了
Obama Running for Governor in KenyaMississippi governor signs law allowing armed church members
He’s Not a Dictator, Just Wishes He WasGun control works
话题: gun话题: day话题: obama话题: groups
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Posted by Jammie on Jan 07, 2013 at 2:21 pm
Well now, this is sure to drive the anti-gun nuts over the edge.
A coalition of gun rights and conservative groups will hold “Gun
Appreciation Day” on Jan. 19 in response to President Barack Obama’s push
for new gun control laws.
Groups are calling on gun rights activists to go to local gun stores,
gun ranges or gun shows in order to send a message to the president and
“The Obama administration has shown that it is more than willing to
trample the Constitution to impose its dictates upon the American people,”
“Gun Appreciation Day” chairman Larry Ward, president of Political Media,
Inc., said in a press release. “If the American people don’t fight back
now, Obama will do the Second Amendment what he has already done to the
First with Obamacare – gut it without a moment’s thought to our basic
constitutional rights.”
The groups are hoping to reach up to 50 million Americans ahead of “Gun
Appreciation Day” which will take place two days before Obama’s
It’s worth noting the NRA is not one of the sponsors, at least at this time
1 (共1页)
Gun control worksObama: We’re ‘Saving People Money at the Pump’
减少枪案的当务之急是废除GUN FREE ZONE规定Just 4% of Blacks Say Obama Has Improved Race Relations »
支持禁枪的全部都是潜在的谋杀犯和刽子手Obama Running for Governor in Kenya
NRA calls for more guns in schoolsHe’s Not a Dictator, Just Wishes He Was
The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control)Women Joblessness Up 15.5% Under Obama
Actor in Bloomberg Anti-Gun Ad Violates Basic Gun Safety Rules当初克林顿同学就说要在学校里面安排警察
Sacrifice: Obama to Only Have Two Inaugural Balls Due to His Horrible EconomyNRA President Fires Back at Cuomo
Piers Morgan Doesn’t Like Moochelle’s New ‘DoNRA: Membership Has Grown by 250,000 in One Month
话题: gun话题: day话题: obama话题: groups