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USANews版 - Heh: Climate Clowns Punked With ‘CO2 Sequestration Masks’
Obama-Masked Missouri Rodeo Clown Banned From Sport For LifeHuhne is no loss
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人造全球暖化歇斯底里有共识吗?31,000科学家签名否认人类行为导致重大气候变化Global warming stopped 16 years ago
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话题: co2话题: mask话题: heh话题: punked
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
The best and brightest, or so they think. What a bunch of dolts.
With the climate talks in Doha, Qatar limping along, and support for a
new treaty waning among nations in attendance, one might expect spirits to
be down among the global warming faithful. But this is not the case.
Yes, nations like Canada, New Zealand, and Japan seem eager to withdraw
from the process. And yes, nature has not been exactly cooperative, with 16
years of no statistically significant warming. However, delegates here at
COP 18 remain steadfast in their cause and willing to do almost anything it
takes to “save the earth.”
CFACT highlighted this eagerness to go to extremes by introducing a new
gadget called the “sequestration of exhalation device” — a mask that
would filter CO2 from a person’s breath. Conference delegates were asked if
they would wear such a mask if it would filter out all the CO2 they exhale.
Surprisingly, many said yes.
Of course the mask really did no such thing, but those questioned were
unaware that the proposition being made was done in sport. A few actually
said they would have their children wear the mask, even going as far as to
say their pets could wear a filtration mask too.
These are the same buffoons who’s have us living back in the stone age if
they had their way. Fucking morons.
1 (共1页)
Spirit Halloween sales predicted Trump will winClimate Clown Show: Antarctic Rescue Ship Now Stuck in Ice
看看加拿大是如何自毁长城的Climate Clown Who Got Stuck in Antarctic Ice Wins Award for ‘Understanding Past and Present Climate
Obama-Masked Missouri Rodeo Clown Banned From Sport For LifeHuhne is no loss
Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any moreRE: Global Warming – Who is in denial?
Climate Clowns Say Global Warming Pause ‘Central’ to IPCC Climate Report »这年头还有人相信全球暖化
Climate Clowns Trapped in Antarctic Ice给左左们普及一下全球变暖的一些事实
话题: co2话题: mask话题: heh话题: punked