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USANews版 - Ross Perot endorses Romney
IOWA最大报纸endorse Rubio and ClintonCain Endorses Gingrich for President
又一个前州长endorse 床铺----Former Arizona GovFour Major Iowa Newspapers Endorse Romney
重磅消息:Senator Sessions to endorse Trump!Hillary比Bernie获得更多组织的Endorsement的原因
著名黑人拳赛推广人endorse川普Romney to endorse rubio
8020宣布endorse希拉里胖州长endorsed Trump是加分还是减分啊?
Boston Herald Endorses McCain for PresidentTRUMP ENDORSED BY NASCAR CEO AND DRIVERS
FINAL SUNDAY UPDATE: 15 Papers Endorse Obama, None for McCainclub for growth威胁支持trump的议员了
Bernake Endorses Obama-WSJcruz要有senator endorsement了
话题: perot话题: our话题: romney话题: ross话题: endorses
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 850
12:09PM EDT October 16. 2012 - Former presidential candidate Ross Perot is
endorsing Mitt Romney, saying the nation can't afford four more years of
President Obama.
"The fact is the United States is on an unsustainable course," Perot says in
an op-ed for our sister Gannett paper, the Des Moines Register. "At stake
is nothing less than our position in the world, our standard of living at
home and our constitutional freedoms."
Perot, who sought the presidency as an independent candidate in 1992 and
1996, writes that "we can't afford four more years in which debt mushrooms
out of control, our government grows and our military is weakened."
1 (共1页)
cruz要有senator endorsement了8020宣布endorse希拉里
马脸背书克鲁兹了Boston Herald Endorses McCain for President
carson will endorse trump tomorrowFINAL SUNDAY UPDATE: 15 Papers Endorse Obama, None for McCain
福兮祸所依,不能大意啊Bernake Endorses Obama-WSJ
IOWA最大报纸endorse Rubio and ClintonCain Endorses Gingrich for President
又一个前州长endorse 床铺----Former Arizona GovFour Major Iowa Newspapers Endorse Romney
重磅消息:Senator Sessions to endorse Trump!Hillary比Bernie获得更多组织的Endorsement的原因
著名黑人拳赛推广人endorse川普Romney to endorse rubio
话题: perot话题: our话题: romney话题: ross话题: endorses