l******a 发帖数: 3803 | 2
husein has already acted like barking dog in the campaign.
The only restraint to its decibel is: will it backfire?
As a political whore ( or bitch ), president joker/clunker has been pretty
attractive in fundraising from big fat lewd bosses of America's 1%.
Unfortunately, that shining number also slid last two months, outfakid by
Romney's campaign.
All factored in, the liberal are left with amounts to nothing more than two
rusty weapons: political correctness and race card - that in US virtually
points to one thing: the white house busboy's half DNA which all his "
success" relied upon and gave him the impenetrable armor against criticism
from public sanity.
Boy, is this ape all out rolling?
【在 c******i 的大作中提到】 : 槍手是個白人至上種族主義者光頭黨The Order的成員,這個組織是個摩門教徒創立的。 : 侯賽因之子可以從這個角度對弱木尼進行攻擊。 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Order_%28group%29