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USANews版 - 3大电视网在7月25日到7月31日一周时间对罗姆尼的21条报道,18条是负面的
CBS, NBC Evening Newscasts Omit IRS Tax Cheats Getting Bonuses;Times/CBS调查:52%美国人认为巴马把美国引向社会主义方向
Walesa proclaims solidarity with Mitt瓦文萨力挺Mitt巴马说,搞出债务危机的职业政客比普通大众对债务问题更有研究,全世界都笑了...
Romney Is Right About the PalestiniansMitt Romney's Time to Choose
Reuters : Romney struggles to steady campaign after secretSee who did donation for present candidate
又一研究表明媒体显然偏ODid Ohio give up on Romney?
看yahoo的评论,romney所谓的"gaffe"还真不好说.Obama Congratulates Romney — for ‘Spirited Campaign’
有关 FactCheck,也被希拉里收买了Romney支持率超过Obama了
话题: romney话题: obama话题: july话题: news话题: trip
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Mitt Romney's week-long international trip resulted in unrelentingly
negative coverage from the big three broadcast networks, a stark change from
the glowing press awarded to then-candidate Barack Obama's world tour in
2008. While Obama was treated like a rock star (from the Associated Press: "
It's not only Obama's youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen hearts
across the Atlantic...."), Romney endured a focus on gaffes and the trivial.
MRC analysts examined all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about
Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31.
Virtually all of these stories (18, or 86%) emphasized Romney's "diplomatic
blunders," from his "golden gaffe" at the Olympic games to "missteps" that
offended the Palestinians.
The first of these "gaffes" was the former GOP governor asserting that
security problems in London are not "encouraging." (This unsurprising point
had previously been made by many in the media.)
Journalists pounced. On July 26, guest World News guest anchor Josh Elliott
mocked, "Now to the war of words underway tonight in London, what's being
called Mitt Romney's golden gaffe."
The comments came from an interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams.
Initially, Nightly News didn't report the relatively innocuous remark,
excluding it from a taped interview that ran on July 25. However, by July
26, Williams had caught up with a British tabloid press angry at "Mitt the
Twit." The anchor opened the show by trumpeting, "[Romney's statement]
erupted today in public and now the question is, how did a Romney campaign
overseas trip end up offending so many people here in London?"
That same night, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley also led with Romney's
comments about the Olympic games. He insisted, after just one day of a week
-long tour, that the trip was getting attention "for all the wrong reasons"
and deemed the former governor's remarks "a diplomatic blunder."
As the trip continued, so did the negative spin from the evening newscasts.
Despite pressing economic and foreign policy problems facing the world, both
ABC and CBS on July 27 highlighted trifling details such as Romney's
motorcade in London getting stuck in traffic. (A snafu that partially
validated the candidate's warning about the Olympics.) On CBS, Mark Phillips
cast this as "another bad moment."
On July 29, Evening News correspondent Jeff Glor joined the pig pile: "After
a rough first stop on his seven-day overseas trip, Mitt Romney was hoping
Israel would go better than Britain. The day was not error-free." The "error
" amounted to focusing on just how strong the Republican's language would be
on Israel's defense against Iran.
Over seven days, Romney netted 53 minutes worth of stories from the three
networks. In comparison, Obama's 2008 tour through the Middle East and
Europe resulted in 92 minutes for eight days. (The tour resulted in news
segments that encompassed full reports and anchor briefs.)
In July of 2008, Barack Obama's international tour took him to Israel where,
in an attempt to show toughness over Iran, the then-senator incorrectly
told reporters that he was a member of the Senate Banking committee. (Obama
erroneously referred to "his" committee's calls for divestment from Iran.)
There was no outcry and no reporting of "errors" or "gaffes," at least on
the three broadcast evening newscasts.
Obama's 2008 foreign tour, unlike Romney's 2012 version, received glowing
When the Democrat arrived in Berlin to speak, Brian Williams could hardly
contain himself. On the July 24, 2008 Nightly News, he trumpeted, "...The
man from Chicago, Illinois, the first ever African-American running as
presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, brought throngs of people into
the center of Berlin, streaming into this city, surging to get close to him,
to hear his message."
On the same program, Andrea Mitchell was beside herself, marveling at the
large crowds: "It's hard to figure out what the comparison is. What do you
compare this with?"
Then-CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric couched the visit in the most
favorable terms, hyping, "Barack Obama extends the hand of friendship to
At the end of Romney's tour, Brian Williams summed up the week as concluding
"with controversy, some hurt feelings, and some raw tempers." NBC reporter
Peter Alexander highlighted a Romney aide who swore at journalists for
screaming questions just after the candidate left the Polish Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier.
Alexander lectured that the trip was "at times marred by missteps" and that
"Romney offend[ed] his Olympic hosts and Palestinian leaders."
While Romney's trip resulted in his most substantial coverage since wrapping
up the Republican primary, the stories were overwhelmingly negative.
Contrasted with the fawning coverage Barack Obama received four years ago,
the network's rough coverage of Romney's trip stands as yet another reminder
of the media's double standard when it comes to Barack Obama and any
conservative candidate who might get in his way.
[Thanks to MRC intern Jeffrey Meyer for assistance.]
1 (共1页)
poll 如何作弊NJ胖州长的"桥门"事件cleared,NBC用了38秒报道
不要瞎忙乎了,Romeny可以踏实了有关 FactCheck,也被希拉里收买了
CBS, NBC Evening Newscasts Omit IRS Tax Cheats Getting Bonuses;Times/CBS调查:52%美国人认为巴马把美国引向社会主义方向
Walesa proclaims solidarity with Mitt瓦文萨力挺Mitt巴马说,搞出债务危机的职业政客比普通大众对债务问题更有研究,全世界都笑了...
Romney Is Right About the PalestiniansMitt Romney's Time to Choose
Reuters : Romney struggles to steady campaign after secretSee who did donation for present candidate
话题: romney话题: obama话题: july话题: news话题: trip