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USANews版 - This is NOT a hate crime. Nope.
Joe Biden: Lying "squealing pig"最可笑的是
Romney and his 300 retired generals and admiralsA Godless Party Expels the Creator
也许该把KGB称为Gay G. BDennis Prager:左派对保守主义缺乏了解
Liberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) by Ann Coulter老黑们表示坚决支持杀人犯Dorner
Hope, Change, and 'Invest' by Ann CoulterDr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast
Ann Coulter历数从马克思到萨特到波兰斯基等各色著名左派是如何对待女性的Ben Carson is the wisest black man.
Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob by Ann Coultersanders免费上大学真的是对的
On July 4, remember: We are not French今天晚上看见两次Clinton的3am广告了。
话题: nope话题: crime话题: hate话题: lands话题: county
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Lands’nGrooves
By tim, The Godless Heathen
So says the Baltimore County Police Commissioner. Yes sir, looks like some
love to me.
From GatewayPundit, where there is also another video of this barbarity shot
from a different angle.
But don’t worry, Present Obama and AG Eric Holder will be holding press
conferences and investigating this soon. Yup.
1 (共1页)
今天晚上看见两次Clinton的3am广告了。Hope, Change, and 'Invest' by Ann Coulter
Another Obama Victory: 45% Think U.S.-Muslim Relations Worse Than Four Years AgoAnn Coulter历数从马克思到萨特到波兰斯基等各色著名左派是如何对待女性的
Re: 静等中国泡沫破灭。 (转载)Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob by Ann Coulter
立刻顶上10大-Yahoo, Los Angels TImes 报道On July 4, remember: We are not French
Joe Biden: Lying "squealing pig"最可笑的是
Romney and his 300 retired generals and admiralsA Godless Party Expels the Creator
也许该把KGB称为Gay G. BDennis Prager:左派对保守主义缺乏了解
Liberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) by Ann Coulter老黑们表示坚决支持杀人犯Dorner
话题: nope话题: crime话题: hate话题: lands话题: county