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USANews版 - The Virginia Way
Let The Obamacare “Punishments” ContinueSame Old Idea: Thomas Jefferson Pushed Balanced Budget, Too
Wis governor get call from his masterBusiness Owner Wants Her Deli Removed from Obama Campaign Ad
Governor Of The Year – Scott WalkerTuesday’s GOP Schedule: Chris Christie, Ann Romney
2008年总统竞选筹资Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for fourth time
New jobs created last monthCNN Defends Reporting On Slain Ambassador's Diary
从左看:Financial Reform: A Win for Wall Street, A Cold Shoulder for Main Street最高法院Affirmative Action庭辩 (转载)
New Post poll finds negativity toward federal workersTeam Obama Preening, Romney Camp Eye-Rolling, Frayed Nerves For Both
话题: virginia话题: way话题: well话题: over话题: mcdonnell
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Over at RedState.com, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell explains that his
state’s Republican gains in Tuesday’s elections have been well-earned by
showing how well conservative policies can rein in the cost of government
while continuing to fund infrastructure and education. It’s quite a good
read, and not a bad roadmap for other Republicans to consider:
1 (共1页)
Team Obama Preening, Romney Camp Eye-Rolling, Frayed Nerves For Both2008年总统竞选筹资
Romney says Obama won by offering 'gifts' to minorities and young votersNew jobs created last month
Hillary Faints, Suffers Sudden Benghazi Syndrome从左看:Financial Reform: A Win for Wall Street, A Cold Shoulder for Main Street
不幸中的万幸:我们还有一位明理的州长New Post poll finds negativity toward federal workers
Let The Obamacare “Punishments” ContinueSame Old Idea: Thomas Jefferson Pushed Balanced Budget, Too
Wis governor get call from his masterBusiness Owner Wants Her Deli Removed from Obama Campaign Ad
Governor Of The Year – Scott WalkerTuesday’s GOP Schedule: Chris Christie, Ann Romney
话题: virginia话题: way话题: well话题: over话题: mcdonnell