g*********r 发帖数: 9366 | 1 这个梦想法案,就是墨西哥兄弟法案
老莫在美国使劲生孩子,每家还几个,最后有多少能成优秀人才? 有10% 么? |
t****1 发帖数: 827 | 2 公平但是又富有同情心的做法是允许他们转成学生签证,如果想拿绿卡,先得大学毕业,找到工作,通过EB1/EB2/EB3途径。所有的外国学生都经过这个漫长的过程,为什么他们不能?这个DREAM 提案,只需要在community college 混两年,学什么都行,不需要毕业,即使有犯罪记录,也可以拿绿卡。民主党人全是王八蛋。
【在 g*********r 的大作中提到】 : 这个梦想法案,就是墨西哥兄弟法案 : 奥巴马扯淡说这能让美国得到优秀人才 : 操,要真是这样,他首先应该给美国取得博士学位的人发绿卡 : 老莫在美国使劲生孩子,每家还几个,最后有多少能成优秀人才? 有10% 么?
g*********r 发帖数: 9366 | 3 这个法案根本不是考虑什么美国利益,只是为了给民主党拉墨西哥选票
么他们不能?这个DREAM 提案,只需要在community college 混两年,学什么都行,不
【在 t****1 的大作中提到】 : 公平但是又富有同情心的做法是允许他们转成学生签证,如果想拿绿卡,先得大学毕业,找到工作,通过EB1/EB2/EB3途径。所有的外国学生都经过这个漫长的过程,为什么他们不能?这个DREAM 提案,只需要在community college 混两年,学什么都行,不需要毕业,即使有犯罪记录,也可以拿绿卡。民主党人全是王八蛋。
b**u 发帖数: 1206 | 4 ZZ from Yahoo:
I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she
grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States.
Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there.
So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you
would do?"
She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.."
Her parents proudly beamed.
"Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her.
"But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what
- you can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my
driveway, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store
where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use
toward food and a new house." How about doing something wonderful like that?
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the
eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and
you can just pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
*Her parents still aren't speaking to me.* |
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 5 Very smart little girl.
【在 b**u 的大作中提到】 : ZZ from Yahoo: : I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she : grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. : Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. : So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you : would do?" : She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.." : Her parents proudly beamed. : "Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her. : "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what
B******e 发帖数: 5730 | 6 lz 的头像,大概就不能申请绿卡
你愿意让 filthy looking homeless 在你家的 yard 工作么?
别伪善了 |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 7 说句老实话.
【在 B******e 的大作中提到】 : lz 的头像,大概就不能申请绿卡 : 另外那个提供小女孩割草工作的 : 你愿意让 filthy looking homeless 在你家的 yard 工作么? : 别伪善了
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 8 very nice one. thanks for sharing.
【在 b**u 的大作中提到】 : ZZ from Yahoo: : I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she : grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. : Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. : So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you : would do?" : She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.." : Her parents proudly beamed. : "Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her. : "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 9 基本支持, 但我觉得要他们先回到原来的国家重新签证过来才行.
DREAM 提案,只需要
在community college 混两年,学什么都行,不需要毕业,即使有犯罪记录,也可以拿
【在 t****1 的大作中提到】 : 公平但是又富有同情心的做法是允许他们转成学生签证,如果想拿绿卡,先得大学毕业,找到工作,通过EB1/EB2/EB3途径。所有的外国学生都经过这个漫长的过程,为什么他们不能?这个DREAM 提案,只需要在community college 混两年,学什么都行,不需要毕业,即使有犯罪记录,也可以拿绿卡。民主党人全是王八蛋。
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 10 你自己不愿意吧, 就以为别人都不愿意了?
那些老墨也是filthy looking阿, 怎么在干这种活呢?
【在 B******e 的大作中提到】 : lz 的头像,大概就不能申请绿卡 : 另外那个提供小女孩割草工作的 : 你愿意让 filthy looking homeless 在你家的 yard 工作么? : 别伪善了
t*b 发帖数: 850 | 11 民主党最近20来年,从克林顿开始,已经变成给穷人,非法移民发 food, money,
多得,不劳少得。 |
t*b 发帖数: 850 | 12 民主党的政策是,剥夺富人(成功者)的钱,来发给穷人,换取选票。
婪欲望,只要索取,就有人给。这将最终拖垮美国。 |
k********s 发帖数: 320 | 13 You totally missed the point.
【在 B******e 的大作中提到】 : lz 的头像,大概就不能申请绿卡 : 另外那个提供小女孩割草工作的 : 你愿意让 filthy looking homeless 在你家的 yard 工作么? : 别伪善了
C*******d 发帖数: 15836 | 14 一针见血!
【在 b**u 的大作中提到】 : ZZ from Yahoo: : I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she : grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. : Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. : So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you : would do?" : She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.." : Her parents proudly beamed. : "Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her. : "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 15 you are not very smart, are you?
【在 B******e 的大作中提到】 : lz 的头像,大概就不能申请绿卡 : 另外那个提供小女孩割草工作的 : 你愿意让 filthy looking homeless 在你家的 yard 工作么? : 别伪善了
r*****n 发帖数: 964 | 16 民主党很烂,只会养寄生虫,
tea party的纲领不太了解,不过据说ms比共和党更保守,应该不是我的dream party。 |
e*****e 发帖数: 212 | 17 This story, I have to say, has very limited merit to it.
When we talk about welfare, we are talking about people who are old, weak,
sick, handicapped or people with limited abilities, like young single
mothers. A decent society should have means to take care those people. Don
’t dismiss the whole system because of a few parasites in the system.
There is no perfect system in this world. There is nothing wrong with rich
people paying a bit more tax and the government using the tax dollars for
creating opportunities for the less fortunate.
【在 b**u 的大作中提到】 : ZZ from Yahoo: : I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she : grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. : Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. : So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you : would do?" : She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.." : Her parents proudly beamed. : "Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her. : "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 18 the society has the best welfare to take care everybody, which is called
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : This story, I have to say, has very limited merit to it. : When we talk about welfare, we are talking about people who are old, weak, : sick, handicapped or people with limited abilities, like young single : mothers. A decent society should have means to take care those people. Don : ’t dismiss the whole system because of a few parasites in the system. : There is no perfect system in this world. There is nothing wrong with rich : people paying a bit more tax and the government using the tax dollars for : creating opportunities for the less fortunate. : : what
t****1 发帖数: 827 | 19 a few parasites? how few is a few?
1。 美国老太太,年轻的时候因病从海军退役,值得同情。
3。 有4,5个中国人,有家庭移民的,有政治避难的,都打餐馆工,拿现金,基本不报
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : This story, I have to say, has very limited merit to it. : When we talk about welfare, we are talking about people who are old, weak, : sick, handicapped or people with limited abilities, like young single : mothers. A decent society should have means to take care those people. Don : ’t dismiss the whole system because of a few parasites in the system. : There is no perfect system in this world. There is nothing wrong with rich : people paying a bit more tax and the government using the tax dollars for : creating opportunities for the less fortunate. : : what
t****1 发帖数: 827 | 20 他每天吃福利,不用动脑筋,脑袋长期不用,还不得生锈啊。
【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】 : you are not very smart, are you?
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 21 Why should rich people pay a bit more to give to people that have nothing to
do with them?
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : This story, I have to say, has very limited merit to it. : When we talk about welfare, we are talking about people who are old, weak, : sick, handicapped or people with limited abilities, like young single : mothers. A decent society should have means to take care those people. Don : ’t dismiss the whole system because of a few parasites in the system. : There is no perfect system in this world. There is nothing wrong with rich : people paying a bit more tax and the government using the tax dollars for : creating opportunities for the less fortunate. : : what
e*****e 发帖数: 212 | 22 Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat
moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation (
opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who
owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the
less fortunate. This is the win-win situation.
【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】 : Why should rich people pay a bit more to give to people that have nothing to : do with them? : : Don
l******a 发帖数: 3803 | 23
The original intentions of creating such a taxing and welfare system is
and it has worked much better in the past.
The problem is, it starts to collapse as it becomes more unaffordable and
ever bloated
up since its birth. Hailed by liberals, it's bent on destroying the very
foundation that such
a system has been sustained upon - those who pay tax.
One merit of a working human regulating system is, least to ask, lead to
higher prosperity
for general public. We have to admit, we are made flexible to survive. If we
spot a flaw that
would ruin greater good, we're obliged to stop it sooner than later at all
On bringing down this "great" country, one party has done much than it can
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat : moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation ( : opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who : owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the : less fortunate. This is the win-win situation. : : to
t****1 发帖数: 827 | 24 你怎么不说同一个地球上的人,都在一条船上呢?非洲好多地方没饭吃,你把你的收入
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat : moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation ( : opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who : owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the : less fortunate. This is the win-win situation. : : to
t******o 发帖数: 2792 | 25 民主党的政策简单说就是强迫别人做善事。
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat : moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation ( : opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who : owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the : less fortunate. This is the win-win situation. : : to
d****i 发帖数: 4354 | 26 So, if everybody pay the say tax rate, the rich give way more, right? Why
they are asked to pay in a much high tax rate, where is the line that's fair?
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat : moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation ( : opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who : owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the : less fortunate. This is the win-win situation. : : to
d****i 发帖数: 4354 | 27 The welfare system assumes a people that's sufficiently educated, have good
conscience and good work ethic. Thus they will only stay on the welfare
system when they absolutely need to, like unable to work due to age or
This is not true nowadays, a lot of people suck on the tax payer's tit just
because they can get away with it, and some of they are not even legally in
this country.
【在 l******a 的大作中提到】 : : The original intentions of creating such a taxing and welfare system is : understandable : and it has worked much better in the past. : The problem is, it starts to collapse as it becomes more unaffordable and : ever bloated : up since its birth. Hailed by liberals, it's bent on destroying the very : foundation that such : a system has been sustained upon - those who pay tax. : One merit of a working human regulating system is, least to ask, lead to
M*******e 发帖数: 272 | 28 Single mothers? They should not have chosen to be single mothers if they
can't afford it. If they choose to do so, they should be able to do it
without adding burden to the society
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : This story, I have to say, has very limited merit to it. : When we talk about welfare, we are talking about people who are old, weak, : sick, handicapped or people with limited abilities, like young single : mothers. A decent society should have means to take care those people. Don : ’t dismiss the whole system because of a few parasites in the system. : There is no perfect system in this world. There is nothing wrong with rich : people paying a bit more tax and the government using the tax dollars for : creating opportunities for the less fortunate. : : what
w******r 发帖数: 110 | 29 看样子, 我在你之前就认识到了民主党的丑恶嘴脸.
看他们说的多好听: 这些非法移民, 有一些将来会是企业家, 解决美国就业问题.另外
一些, 说不准变成科学家. 这种能将狗屁说成是香饽饽, 那脸皮得多厚啊.
在加上两个极端反华老不死的, 席拉里, 赔路吸,民主党不舔老墨屁股, 好象就不行了.
【在 g*********r 的大作中提到】 : 这个梦想法案,就是墨西哥兄弟法案 : 奥巴马扯淡说这能让美国得到优秀人才 : 操,要真是这样,他首先应该给美国取得博士学位的人发绿卡 : 老莫在美国使劲生孩子,每家还几个,最后有多少能成优秀人才? 有10% 么?
b*********d 发帖数: 3539 | 30 一人一票,老墨生7个就是七票;高学位没有加成,你读7年phd也是一票。
【在 g*********r 的大作中提到】 : 这个梦想法案,就是墨西哥兄弟法案 : 奥巴马扯淡说这能让美国得到优秀人才 : 操,要真是这样,他首先应该给美国取得博士学位的人发绿卡 : 老莫在美国使劲生孩子,每家还几个,最后有多少能成优秀人才? 有10% 么?
b*********d 发帖数: 3539 | 31 ron paul
【在 r*****n 的大作中提到】 : 民主党很烂,只会养寄生虫, : 共和党太贪,屁股总坐在富人那一边。 : 两者相比,我会选共和党。但是我两个都不想选,所以现在应该是打破两党制的好时机 : ,希望有一个真正代表中产阶级的党冒出来。 : tea party的纲领不太了解,不过据说ms比共和党更保守,应该不是我的dream party。
b*********d 发帖数: 3539 | 32 when you have a lot, it's much easier to get more. when wealth grows by
itself, the rich becomes the lazy parasite.
the society needs capital to stimulate growth and prosperity, not rich
people. after all, it's the working middle class that makes capital grow.
【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】 : Why should rich people pay a bit more to give to people that have nothing to : do with them? : : Don
b*********d 发帖数: 3539 | 33 公共福利在一会儿左一会儿右的米国注定不会成功。折腾来折腾去,懒人多了,巨富多
了,中产死了。 |
f*******e 发帖数: 4531 | 34 Working class just follow instruction to do something. It is indeed
enterpreneurship that truly motivate people and organize people to work on
meaningful thing.
【在 b*********d 的大作中提到】 : when you have a lot, it's much easier to get more. when wealth grows by : itself, the rich becomes the lazy parasite. : the society needs capital to stimulate growth and prosperity, not rich : people. after all, it's the working middle class that makes capital grow. : : to
b*********d 发帖数: 3539 | 35 human motivation (greed) is the key to free market. however, one has to
distinguish personal interest and public interest. a proper social
structure should make sure the former does not deviate or even hinder the
this is a typical game.
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : Working class just follow instruction to do something. It is indeed : enterpreneurship that truly motivate people and organize people to work on : meaningful thing.
Z*****l 发帖数: 14069 | 36 re
【在 g*********r 的大作中提到】 : 这个梦想法案,就是墨西哥兄弟法案 : 奥巴马扯淡说这能让美国得到优秀人才 : 操,要真是这样,他首先应该给美国取得博士学位的人发绿卡 : 老莫在美国使劲生孩子,每家还几个,最后有多少能成优秀人才? 有10% 么?
k********s 发帖数: 320 | 37 A bit, yes; no limitation, no.
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : Well, people in the same country are on the same boat. To have the boat : moved forward, the majority people on the boat need to have motivation ( : opportunities) and strength (food and shelter). That is why the rich, who : owns most of the resources of the society, should give a bit back to the : less fortunate. This is the win-win situation. : : to
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 38 The Middle class create wealth?
America is $50 trillion in unfunded liability, who do you think consumed all
that wealth?
Both the lower class and middle class are guilty of consuming more than they
Wealth are created when productive people produces more than they consume
and put the saved products to invest
in capital goods. Simply going to work, getting paid and spending all or more
make you a net consumer. You don't create
wealth, which is true for most of middle class.
Middle class deserves nothing more than what they are getting!
Actually they deserve less than what they are getting now.
The current living standard for the middle class in America is not sustainable. It is that simple.
You lie!
【在 b*********d 的大作中提到】 : when you have a lot, it's much easier to get more. when wealth grows by : itself, the rich becomes the lazy parasite. : the society needs capital to stimulate growth and prosperity, not rich : people. after all, it's the working middle class that makes capital grow. : : to
F********g 发帖数: 1390 | 39 MLGB,土工从来也没有鼓励穷人不劳而获啊,不待这样带私货!!
【在 t*b 的大作中提到】 : 民主党最近20来年,从克林顿开始,已经变成给穷人,非法移民发 food, money, : legalization的初期共产党。和中共初期的做法一致,发动穷人造反,而不是提倡多劳 : 多得,不劳少得。
a**x 发帖数: 255 | 40 大多数富人都是勤劳致富,统计表明,只有少于20%的百万富翁是靠祖上继承。
辛苦一辈子有钱了还要供drd4, 谁愿意?
【在 b*********d 的大作中提到】 : when you have a lot, it's much easier to get more. when wealth grows by : itself, the rich becomes the lazy parasite. : the society needs capital to stimulate growth and prosperity, not rich : people. after all, it's the working middle class that makes capital grow. : : to
a**x 发帖数: 255 | 41 脑残呵你,有钱人的钱难道都一捆捆放家里?当然投在各种地方,对社会最有贡献的就
【在 b*********d 的大作中提到】 : when you have a lot, it's much easier to get more. when wealth grows by : itself, the rich becomes the lazy parasite. : the society needs capital to stimulate growth and prosperity, not rich : people. after all, it's the working middle class that makes capital grow. : : to
a**x 发帖数: 255 | 42 修正一下,少于10%的是靠的继承
【在 a**x 的大作中提到】 : 大多数富人都是勤劳致富,统计表明,只有少于20%的百万富翁是靠祖上继承。 : 辛苦一辈子有钱了还要供drd4, 谁愿意?
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 43 Even if they pile their money at home, they are still the biggest
contributors. Because the reAl wealth they creAted are
factories, inventions, machines, technologies, processes, asset allocation
effiencis. Those are the real wealth that are
functioning in the society to make our lives better. money is only a
representation and ownership of rich peoples claim
on the wealth they have already created for us all.
The liberals try to deprive that representation and redistribute the
ownership, the net result of which is discourage
people from working hard to create wealth.
【在 a**x 的大作中提到】 : 脑残呵你,有钱人的钱难道都一捆捆放家里?当然投在各种地方,对社会最有贡献的就 : 是富人。 : 增加税收后富人会减少投资转而买国债,对经济没好处