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USANews版 - Voters Still Think Bailouts Were A Bad Idea
Majority of Voters Oppose Federal Bailouts for States58%美国人支持对圣诞节航班恐怖分子采用严厉审讯手段获取情报,30%反对
59% View Money-Losing Auto Bailouts As a Failure in BusinessRasmussen调查:57%美国人认为宗教生活很重要,63%每天祷告
Only 30% Say U.S.-Mexico Border Secure, 64% Say It’s Not70%美国人认为,私营部门雇员工作比政府部门雇员卖力,只有7%认为相反
America's Best DaysNew High: 52% Predict Economy Will Be Weaker A Year From Now
奥黑再烂也有一半人认为它称职。。。Poll: Romney lead grows in daily tracking poll
50% Say Government Puts Wall Street Ahead of Main Street78% of Americans want a bailout
50% Less Likely to Buy GM Because of Bailout57%的美国选民表示对那些投票反对联邦政府救助议案的议员更有信心
物质现状与感恩之心成比例吗?ZZ:Support for Health Care Plan Hits New Low
话题: bailouts话题: voters话题: idea话题: were话题: rasmussen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Looking back, voters remain unhappy with the government bailouts of the
financial industry and troubled automakers General Motors and Chrysler.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters finds
that just 25% say it was a good idea for the federal government to provide
bailout funding for banks and other financial institutions. Fifty-six
percent (56%) hold the opposite view and feel these bailouts were a
1 (共1页)
ZZ:Support for Health Care Plan Hits New Low奥黑再烂也有一半人认为它称职。。。
61%美国人希望民主党控制的国会放弃医疗方案立法50% Say Government Puts Wall Street Ahead of Main Street
75%美国人认为所得税不该高过20%50% Less Likely to Buy GM Because of Bailout
48% Blame Obama for Bad Economy, 47% Blame Bush物质现状与感恩之心成比例吗?
Majority of Voters Oppose Federal Bailouts for States58%美国人支持对圣诞节航班恐怖分子采用严厉审讯手段获取情报,30%反对
59% View Money-Losing Auto Bailouts As a Failure in BusinessRasmussen调查:57%美国人认为宗教生活很重要,63%每天祷告
Only 30% Say U.S.-Mexico Border Secure, 64% Say It’s Not70%美国人认为,私营部门雇员工作比政府部门雇员卖力,只有7%认为相反
America's Best DaysNew High: 52% Predict Economy Will Be Weaker A Year From Now
话题: bailouts话题: voters话题: idea话题: were话题: rasmussen