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USANews版 - 不承认政府腐败的再看看这个。
CalPERS再要吸血7亿美元policemen pension could reach $200k/yr
美国2011财政年度预算赤字历史第2高,$1.299 万亿加州公务员、教师非把纳税人生吞活剥了不可
Real federal deficit dwarfs official tallyEmails show Obama administration involvement in killing non-union auto pensions
再单独贴一个给大家看看GM Seeks Bigger Credit Line To Shrink Pension Obligations
CBO: Deficit to Improve Before Getting Much, Much Worse最后表述一下我的观点
美国的进口货来源国家排名 (转载)民主党为什么要反对Voter ID法?
话题: tax话题: california话题: spending话题: people话题: more
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2044
92 resident 的mayor, 年pension达到449K.
PensionTsunami.com, which has been tracking the pension fund liability issue
for five years, has found that 9, 233 retired members of CalPERS or CalSTRS
receive more than $100,000 per year in retirement benefits, amounting to
more than a billion dollars a year.
The retired city administrator of Vernon, California, Bruce Malkenhorst,
receives an annual pension of $449,675 from CalPERS. V
发帖数: 2044
In California's case, past pension underfunding means reduced funding of
current programs. This explains why pension costs rose 2,000% from 1999 to
2009, while state funding for higher education declined over the same period
发帖数: 4354
Democrats are for education, I guess they should address this, unless of
course, unless they are a corrupted party.


【在 m*******r 的大作中提到】
: In California's case, past pension underfunding means reduced funding of
: current programs. This explains why pension costs rose 2,000% from 1999 to
: 2009, while state funding for higher education declined over the same period
: .

发帖数: 3299
First of all it is absurd amount of money. this is why it is in the news
Then, government spending in this country can always be cut. Jimmy Carter
and Ronald Reagon did it from 1977-1985, with the govermnet salary frozen or
increasing less than 2% each year, while inflation increased 10% per year.
This resulted in 40% reduction of government pay compared to the private
industry. If the government spending becomes an issue, just elect senators
and congressmen that promise to cut spending.
发帖数: 7299
傻屄果蝇又乱编数据,看看加州都破产成啥样了,还ticket能cover budget,你这傻屄


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: First of all it is absurd amount of money. this is why it is in the news
: report.
: Then, government spending in this country can always be cut. Jimmy Carter
: and Ronald Reagon did it from 1977-1985, with the govermnet salary frozen or
: increasing less than 2% each year, while inflation increased 10% per year.
: This resulted in 40% reduction of government pay compared to the private
: industry. If the government spending becomes an issue, just elect senators
: and congressmen that promise to cut spending.

发帖数: 3299
you just do not get it. The budget crisis is because government provides too
many services and welfare. The SALAEY is still small in the budget when the
income of the government is calculated. It is the welfare that broke the
California. The prisoners in California use the equal amount of money with
the whole education systme. This is insane. this is insane. People want give
criminals free food and health care. And californian people still think
that the prisoners live not good enough. It is the

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 傻屄果蝇又乱编数据,看看加州都破产成啥样了,还ticket能cover budget,你这傻屄
: 开的是丰田吧,给你brake刹得住你这傻屄满嘴跑火车么?
: 呵呵。。。
: or
: .
: 2%
: paid

发帖数: 7299


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: you just do not get it. The budget crisis is because government provides too
: many services and welfare. The SALAEY is still small in the budget when the
: income of the government is calculated. It is the welfare that broke the
: California. The prisoners in California use the equal amount of money with
: the whole education systme. This is insane. this is insane. People want give
: criminals free food and health care. And californian people still think
: that the prisoners live not good enough. It is the

发帖数: 3299
I do not care whether California will break or not. It will not tax me in my
state for the problem of California. If they want to provide overgenerous
welfare to criminals and illegals, it is up to the people of California to
fight for it. It is federal mandated benefit. As for the medicare and social
security, the benefit has been reduced several times in history to balance
the budget. I do not worry about it as well. I do not think they will tax me
for health care bill. My income is below $250

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 又信口开河。
: budget里自然包括welfare和salary,而且浪费是全面的。
: 你看看最近新闻里加州很多破产的city,多提供啥服务?经济衰退各个工会都嚷嚷要加
: 薪,可是各种政府雇员的高工资、高福利、高退休金已经使寅吃卯粮难以为继,钱都花
: 在高薪养闲人、懒人上,除了搞共产,否则只能破产了。。。
: too
: the
: give
: in

发帖数: 7299


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: I do not care whether California will break or not. It will not tax me in my
: state for the problem of California. If they want to provide overgenerous
: welfare to criminals and illegals, it is up to the people of California to
: fight for it. It is federal mandated benefit. As for the medicare and social
: security, the benefit has been reduced several times in history to balance
: the budget. I do not worry about it as well. I do not think they will tax me
: for health care bill. My income is below $250

发帖数: 4354
If you earn more than 4 times the poverty line, which is lower than $90K,
you will be taxed. Since you are not getting any subsidies for the health
insurance. Forget about the $250K line, that was just a campaign
Seeing what you talked about in this post, I think there is still some sense
in you. Obama is much too radical than any other presidents. Things can
be corrected in the long term, but this guy might just do too much damage
before it is too late.


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: I do not care whether California will break or not. It will not tax me in my
: state for the problem of California. If they want to provide overgenerous
: welfare to criminals and illegals, it is up to the people of California to
: fight for it. It is federal mandated benefit. As for the medicare and social
: security, the benefit has been reduced several times in history to balance
: the budget. I do not worry about it as well. I do not think they will tax me
: for health care bill. My income is below $250

日子不好过阿,政府又要借更多的钱啦policemen pension could reach $200k/yr
美国的进口货来源国家排名 (转载)加州公务员、教师非把纳税人生吞活剥了不可
随着出口下滑,美国贸易逆差飙升至历史新高Emails show Obama administration involvement in killing non-union auto pensions
发帖数: 3299
For any reasonable people, it makes sense to take both measures of cutting
spending and increasing tax to solve current problem. Either of them is not
sufficient to reduce the deficit . In a recession, it is a must to deficit
spending to increase the economic activity. I am just sick of people
chanting of tax cut cut without an viable plan. Tax cutting in a recession
will cause worse deficit and economic stagnation.
Bush's tax cut was no good for small business. When the economy is bad, the

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: If you earn more than 4 times the poverty line, which is lower than $90K,
: you will be taxed. Since you are not getting any subsidies for the health
: insurance. Forget about the $250K line, that was just a campaign
: camouflager.
: Seeing what you talked about in this post, I think there is still some sense
: in you. Obama is much too radical than any other presidents. Things can
: be corrected in the long term, but this guy might just do too much damage
: before it is too late.
: my

发帖数: 4354
In a bad economy, reducing government spending and raising tax will strangle
the economy even more. And might not even reduce the deficit since there
will be less tax revenue due to economy shrinking.
Tax cuts might not give restaurant owner too much, but people with more
disposable income will frequent restaurants more and it is good for their
When economy is bad, some spending and tax cut is necessary to jump start
the economy. But the spending and tax cuts should be used at the ri

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: For any reasonable people, it makes sense to take both measures of cutting
: spending and increasing tax to solve current problem. Either of them is not
: sufficient to reduce the deficit . In a recession, it is a must to deficit
: spending to increase the economic activity. I am just sick of people
: chanting of tax cut cut without an viable plan. Tax cutting in a recession
: will cause worse deficit and economic stagnation.
: Bush's tax cut was no good for small business. When the economy is bad, the
: busi

发帖数: 3299
you pay more tax and then I will pay less. Your pain is my gain. So I donot
support your fight. I do not act to negatively affect my own interest.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 那你这傻屄倒是在这里积极地和被影响到的人fight,你这种傻屄奴才真是太敬业了,
: 再赏你一碗金粒餐,蛤蛤蛤。。。
: my
: social
: balance
: me
: to

发帖数: 3299
In a bad economy time, deficit spending is needed to stimulate growth. We agree on this point. We need unemployment benefit to prevent the social unrest. I agree that increase tax for the business is bad in the bad economic time. This is why more tax break is given to the small businesses,as Obama does. But I also support higher tax for higher income people like people working as Medical doctors, in Silicon valley, in Wall street. They will not quit their jobs for higher taxes. There are 100 peo

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: In a bad economy, reducing government spending and raising tax will strangle
: the economy even more. And might not even reduce the deficit since there
: will be less tax revenue due to economy shrinking.
: Tax cuts might not give restaurant owner too much, but people with more
: disposable income will frequent restaurants more and it is good for their
: business.
: When economy is bad, some spending and tax cut is necessary to jump start
: the economy. But the spending and tax cuts should be used at the ri

发帖数: 2406
economic 101: if you raise tax, the reurn on investment goes down, so
investment goes down, so capital base goes down, so labor productivity goes
down, so return on new hires and existing labor goes down, so less jobs, so
less tax base, so less tax. this cycle continues until the end.
As for Wall Street jobs, millions people trying everyday to get a job there,
many streeters lose jobs there too. so dont you worry about that. They
are there today because their payers are willing to pay them

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: In a bad economy time, deficit spending is needed to stimulate growth. We agree on this point. We need unemployment benefit to prevent the social unrest. I agree that increase tax for the business is bad in the bad economic time. This is why more tax break is given to the small businesses,as Obama does. But I also support higher tax for higher income people like people working as Medical doctors, in Silicon valley, in Wall street. They will not quit their jobs for higher taxes. There are 100 peo
发帖数: 7918


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: you just do not get it. The budget crisis is because government provides too
: many services and welfare. The SALAEY is still small in the budget when the
: income of the government is calculated. It is the welfare that broke the
: California. The prisoners in California use the equal amount of money with
: the whole education systme. This is insane. this is insane. People want give
: criminals free food and health care. And californian people still think
: that the prisoners live not good enough. It is the

发帖数: 7918
提高稅率會降低稅收,這是早已被證偽的“Laffer Curve”(搞笑曲線)理論。趕快自


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: economic 101: if you raise tax, the reurn on investment goes down, so
: investment goes down, so capital base goes down, so labor productivity goes
: down, so return on new hires and existing labor goes down, so less jobs, so
: less tax base, so less tax. this cycle continues until the end.
: As for Wall Street jobs, millions people trying everyday to get a job there,
: many streeters lose jobs there too. so dont you worry about that. They
: are there today because their payers are willing to pay them

发帖数: 2406
OK, then tell me why Greece is broke, why UK is broke, why Spain, Portugal,
Italy are in fear of going broke, technically all of them are. and more
close to home, Calif, NY, Michigan and more staes are pretty close to
declare Bancruptcy, although technically already are( all the Blue states).
My economic professors were mostly less than clear-minded, albeit much
better than most others. I dont have to MAOCHONG anything because I have to
learned to question establishment. The US has hardly inv

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: 學了經濟101就來冒充專家,大概你的經濟教授沒有告訴你不能用簡單的供給需求來孤
: 立地分析問題吧。提高稅收,可以提供服務(教育,科研,交通,安全),是為將來長
: 遠的經濟發展打基礎。在你的世界,大概每個人都只活在今天,不考慮將來吧。
: 提高稅率會降低稅收,這是早已被證偽的“Laffer Curve”(搞笑曲線)理論。趕快自
: 己惡補一下吧。
: goes
: so
: there,

发帖数: 6250

student loan这种抹不掉的debt sevice撑着。

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: OK, then tell me why Greece is broke, why UK is broke, why Spain, Portugal,
: Italy are in fear of going broke, technically all of them are. and more
: close to home, Calif, NY, Michigan and more staes are pretty close to
: declare Bancruptcy, although technically already are( all the Blue states).
: My economic professors were mostly less than clear-minded, albeit much
: better than most others. I dont have to MAOCHONG anything because I have to
: learned to question establishment. The US has hardly inv

发帖数: 2406
not just business, economics teachers, the whole education system has been
dominated by Socialist leaning people, that is why you have the young peopel
applauding wealth redistribution while the capital base that was supposed
to be passed on to the next generation is being consumed by the parasites.
By the time the young grew up to raise a family, many of them realize their
mistake and swtich to become conservatives.
If you are 40, and you are still a Demacrat, you have no brain, very true.

【在 d****2 的大作中提到】
: ,
: .
: to
: anything
: Ludwig
: 米国商科,经济科的教授大多是大学疯狂扩招的产物,教育恨来钱的,另外靠
: student loan这种抹不掉的debt sevice撑着。

1 (共1页)
美国华人打击种族份子Trump落水狗CBO: Deficit to Improve Before Getting Much, Much Worse
update DC madam日子不好过阿,政府又要借更多的钱啦
Trump presidential !?美国的进口货来源国家排名 (转载)
金融危机发生的深层分析 作者:起石随着出口下滑,美国贸易逆差飙升至历史新高
CalPERS再要吸血7亿美元policemen pension could reach $200k/yr
美国2011财政年度预算赤字历史第2高,$1.299 万亿加州公务员、教师非把纳税人生吞活剥了不可
Real federal deficit dwarfs official tallyEmails show Obama administration involvement in killing non-union auto pensions
再单独贴一个给大家看看GM Seeks Bigger Credit Line To Shrink Pension Obligations
话题: tax话题: california话题: spending话题: people话题: more