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USANews版 - As Feds Draft Bailout, Obama Casts McCain as Free-Market Gambler
Graphic of the Day: Obama bus tour ridiculed on Twitter[合集] Weather Channel Founder Blasts Gore Over Global Warmi
NFL TV rating 继续下跌我想不通为什么美国预约专科医生或者拍片都要半个月以上 (转载)
Obama’s Financial FailureNewt Slams the President as a member of the “Flat Earth, Sierra Club Society.”
有人听说过 gambler's fallacy 吗?Petulant, Occupy Chicago Protesters Want Everything ‘Free’
枪手的动机是什么?Private sector down 4.6m jobs, federal up 11.4%
一年赌场上挣5百万是什么水平?Someone Has Finally Thrown Obama Under The Bus And Her Name Is Hillary Clinton
Our Ridiculous Energy Policies - Thomas Friedman, New York支持obama是因为他是黑人,代表少数族移
委瑞内拉左派人士热情称颂布实为革命同志Pathetic: Chris Rock Says ‘The President is our boss’… our ‘dad’
话题: obama话题: market话题: free话题: mccain话题: bailout
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2249
As Feds Draft Bailout, Obama Casts McCain as Free-Market Gambler
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Barack Obama speaks at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla., Saturday. (AP Photo)
As big government steps in to bail out Wall Street, Barack Obama is
ridiculing his rival as a free-market buccaneer who until this week was the
champion of the kind of deregulation blamed for the economic meltdown.
Obama’s argument is the latest attempt by the presidential candidates to
prove their economic chops are best
1 (共1页)
Pathetic: Chris Rock Says ‘The President is our boss’… our ‘dad’枪手的动机是什么?
MSNBC Panel Ridicules IRS for Losing Lois Lerner’s EmailsOur Ridiculous Energy Policies - Thomas Friedman, New York
Megyn Kelly 把Sandra Fluke驳得体无完肤委瑞内拉左派人士热情称颂布实为革命同志
Graphic of the Day: Obama bus tour ridiculed on Twitter[合集] Weather Channel Founder Blasts Gore Over Global Warmi
NFL TV rating 继续下跌我想不通为什么美国预约专科医生或者拍片都要半个月以上 (转载)
Obama’s Financial FailureNewt Slams the President as a member of the “Flat Earth, Sierra Club Society.”
有人听说过 gambler's fallacy 吗?Petulant, Occupy Chicago Protesters Want Everything ‘Free’
话题: obama话题: market话题: free话题: mccain话题: bailout