

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - what is the odds that a no pair hand somewhat connect to a flop?
我也贡献一手handbottom 2 怎么打
Two Depressing Hands on Saturday NightWhat will you do ?
share some handswould you laydown your hand on this spot?
一手牌 请指点今天陪一群小朋友玩了几把不正规的德州
two more hands.A9 suited
Winstar 1/27 的一手牌is a good lay down?
two more live handsCan't tell when people get crazy
flop bottom set, led out and got raised on draw heavy boardAK suited deep stack
话题: flop话题: pair话题: what话题: hand话题: suited
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9164
I know there is about 30% chance that a no pair hand hit a pair or up.
What is the chance of flop one card open ended str draw, or one card flush
draw, or two suited card flop flush draw? Considering both suited or no
suited case. Supposed Villian shove with any pair, any Ace, KT+, so we can
exclude these hand out.
this would helps me a lot against passive player when playing Heads up when
BB is high. limping on the button can steal a lot in pos, but also risk
giving a free flop.
I what to find out what stacksize/hand I should limp insteading of folding/

Any math or stat guy can help me?
1 (共1页)
AK suited deep stacktwo more hands.
终于Winstar 1/27 的一手牌
来把blufftwo more live hands
第一次rush pokerflop bottom set, led out and got raised on draw heavy board
我也贡献一手handbottom 2 怎么打
Two Depressing Hands on Saturday NightWhat will you do ?
share some handswould you laydown your hand on this spot?
一手牌 请指点今天陪一群小朋友玩了几把不正规的德州
话题: flop话题: pair话题: what话题: hand话题: suited