y******r 发帖数: 2986 | 1 以前我在五大湖地区组织这个活动(National Society of Professional Engineer组
赛获奖可以获得UT-Austin, TAMU的保送吧,大家的积极性才这么高。最为有意思的是
他应该过什么样的生活,相对更轻松快乐?希望大家提供建议吧,谢谢! |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 2 你是老师去参加比赛吗?非常感谢你提供的经验,sugar land的math count,前些年连
【在 y******r 的大作中提到】 : 以前我在五大湖地区组织这个活动(National Society of Professional Engineer组 : 织),Chapter范围内(一个只有10多万的大学城)每年参加的学生都只有30多个,最 : 后能够参加州级比赛的学生数学也就这样了。46分的满分也就可以得一半,当然都不可 : 能获得州级比赛的奖,不过也起到激发大家学习数学,以后做工程师的兴趣(还有 : scholarship)。 : 今年我第一次参加Houston的这个比赛,真是让我开眼了。中国学生没有得到35分都不 : 好意思给别人打招呼,没有40分都没有资格参加coutdown(州级复赛的预选)。今年只有 : 一个人获得满分,据说去年有9个人获得满分,都不敢相信初一,初二的数学水平。我 : 老还在读题目的时候,学生已经说出了答案,我都不知道怎么计算出来的。或许工程师 : 在Houston是美国最集中,或者收入相对较好的地方吧,可是我没有想到大家的数学(
y******r 发帖数: 2986 | 3 难怪呀,我说这儿的数学水平怎么这么高?不过就是被总统接见了也不一定多有用,还
Land或者Katy上学呀 |
L*1 发帖数: 11537 | 4 主要是老中烙印,占了40%。所以数学好(父母重视也有关系)。
另外,Fort Bend地区家庭平均收入为80k,比湾区都不差。 |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 5 只40%还不错了,我们这小学asian接近70%,才悲催呢
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 L*1 的大作中提到】 : 主要是老中烙印,占了40%。所以数学好(父母重视也有关系)。 : 另外,Fort Bend地区家庭平均收入为80k,比湾区都不差。
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 6 反正被总统接见过的最后都去大藤了,当然他们到了高中还是那么优秀。但是据说高一
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 y******r 的大作中提到】 : 难怪呀,我说这儿的数学水平怎么这么高?不过就是被总统接见了也不一定多有用,还 : 是看看能不能让总统写推荐信吧! : 我们小孩才2岁,现在还早。不过看到小孩学习的压力,我真不想让我们小孩去Sugar : Land或者Katy上学呀
P******0 发帖数: 9787 | 7 No. 27 nationally
【在 L*1 的大作中提到】 : 主要是老中烙印,占了40%。所以数学好(父母重视也有关系)。 : 另外,Fort Bend地区家庭平均收入为80k,比湾区都不差。
y******r 发帖数: 2986 | 8 可能我的功课不够,从今天的结果看来Katy和Sugar Land差不多。老印的小孩也参加了
要说好多小孩数学那么好,再学工程的确太浪费,还是墙街比较好 |
b*****d 发帖数: 184 | 9 There is no comparison...
Sugar Land had many kids going to the national (top 4 in TX)...and Katy had
If you look at last year's MathCounts (state level), there were 3 Fort
Settlement kids ranked top 10....none from Katy.
Today, nobody from Katy even placed in the top 5.
【在 y******r 的大作中提到】 : 可能我的功课不够,从今天的结果看来Katy和Sugar Land差不多。老印的小孩也参加了 : ,前10名基本上没有老印。 : 要说好多小孩数学那么好,再学工程的确太浪费,还是墙街比较好
c****r 发帖数: 969 | 10 Mathcounts里,选手在没读完题就给出答案太正常不过了,等你读完再给答案才不正常。
【在 y******r 的大作中提到】 : 可能我的功课不够,从今天的结果看来Katy和Sugar Land差不多。老印的小孩也参加了 : ,前10名基本上没有老印。 : 要说好多小孩数学那么好,再学工程的确太浪费,还是墙街比较好
y******r 发帖数: 2986 | 11 我本来想考虑对小孩的教育问题,倒不是希望自己了解多少。再说,小孩对数字敏感,
应用呢?我不知道我考虑太多,还是考虑太少了。洗耳恭听大家的意见吧! |
y******r 发帖数: 2986 | 12 有关历史数据也可以通过TSPE的网站找到(http://www.tspe.org/Education/MATHCOUNTS/tabid/56/Default.aspx)。另外没有看到Memorial的学校,不是说那个地方的学区很好么?还是我不了解学校的分布,可能错过了? |
c*****e 发帖数: 18 | |
r********9 发帖数: 18394 | 14 标题党都是这样干的【 在 coldape (冷猿) 的大作中提到: 】 |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 15 我们这辈子就这么跟着收入换专业换工作抛弃初衷就算了,孩子吗,还是让他们培养自
己的兴趣吧,不要一味的跟着收入高的工作走。 |
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 16 The questions for Mathcounts are from the same problem pool over the years
with minor variations. If you buy or save or steal all the questions from
the pool, print them out, ask a student over and over for the correct
answers, the student may have a chance to memorize the answer to each
question. That's what happened to those questions for which one contestant
provides the answer TOO quickly (without finishing reading in mind the whole
question, let alone having time to do the calculation.)
The same thing happens to the Math 24 competition. It's more a memory game
than a starting-from-scratch math game.
That said, basic training in math concepts does help one excel at Mathcounts
. Certain strategies or tricks for quickly answering Mathcounts questions
are useful. |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 17 作为一个热衷于数学竞赛的家长,推孩子的数学,其实还是因为小学初中的时候孩子课
学了。我们家的乐器不学了,棒球啥的打了几年也进不了all star team,quit了,也
点事干吧。孩子对数学兴趣也很大,初中里有math club, 有contest math选修课,多
这个地区最近的mathcount top students吧,我多多少少认识或者听说过,学校老师的
division mathcount的孩子,家长都应该感到自豪。名次就那么多,孩子即时没有到
然吧。 |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 18 Exactly. 我倾向于让孩子明白怎么得到答案,理解那些tricks,至于海量做题,记住答
【在 B******1 的大作中提到】 : The questions for Mathcounts are from the same problem pool over the years : with minor variations. If you buy or save or steal all the questions from : the pool, print them out, ask a student over and over for the correct : answers, the student may have a chance to memorize the answer to each : question. That's what happened to those questions for which one contestant : provides the answer TOO quickly (without finishing reading in mind the whole : question, let alone having time to do the calculation.) : The same thing happens to the Math 24 competition. It's more a memory game : than a starting-from-scratch math game. : That said, basic training in math concepts does help one excel at Mathcounts
b*****d 发帖数: 184 | 19 Inaccurate statement...I do not think MathCounts "reuse" problems in
official contest.
I specifically asked a renowned MathCounts coach this question about the
national countdown and the coach said THE KIDS HAD TO CALCULATE EVERYTING ON
THE FLY. These kids are just fast. I also asked my son when he shouted
out the answer before I even finished reading the question, was it because
he memorized the answer? He said NO, he just calculated it really fast.
Of course, if you go to practice website such as AoPS, they reuse all "
mathcounts" old problems.
With that said, it helps a lot to speed up when you memorize certain things,
but you still have to do some calculation to get the final answer.
【在 B******1 的大作中提到】 : The questions for Mathcounts are from the same problem pool over the years : with minor variations. If you buy or save or steal all the questions from : the pool, print them out, ask a student over and over for the correct : answers, the student may have a chance to memorize the answer to each : question. That's what happened to those questions for which one contestant : provides the answer TOO quickly (without finishing reading in mind the whole : question, let alone having time to do the calculation.) : The same thing happens to the Math 24 competition. It's more a memory game : than a starting-from-scratch math game. : That said, basic training in math concepts does help one excel at Mathcounts
K*********e 发帖数: 183 | 20 I agree with you.
I don't think they use old problems either for division or state level.
Even for school team pull-out, they don't always use old problem set. Even
they use old ones, my son said he hasn't done those questions before. Only
for kids who really spend a lot of time on it might have seen most of the
questions. For kids like my son, he still have to work on questions one by
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : Inaccurate statement...I do not think MathCounts "reuse" problems in : official contest. : I specifically asked a renowned MathCounts coach this question about the : national countdown and the coach said THE KIDS HAD TO CALCULATE EVERYTING ON : THE FLY. These kids are just fast. I also asked my son when he shouted : out the answer before I even finished reading the question, was it because : he memorized the answer? He said NO, he just calculated it really fast. : Of course, if you go to practice website such as AoPS, they reuse all " : mathcounts" old problems. : With that said, it helps a lot to speed up when you memorize certain things,
c****r 发帖数: 969 | 21 嗯,我看出来了,你英语比北大好。
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : Inaccurate statement...I do not think MathCounts "reuse" problems in : official contest. : I specifically asked a renowned MathCounts coach this question about the : national countdown and the coach said THE KIDS HAD TO CALCULATE EVERYTING ON : THE FLY. These kids are just fast. I also asked my son when he shouted : out the answer before I even finished reading the question, was it because : he memorized the answer? He said NO, he just calculated it really fast. : Of course, if you go to practice website such as AoPS, they reuse all " : mathcounts" old problems. : With that said, it helps a lot to speed up when you memorize certain things,
t**********s 发帖数: 2968 | 22
【在 L*1 的大作中提到】 : 主要是老中烙印,占了40%。所以数学好(父母重视也有关系)。 : 另外,Fort Bend地区家庭平均收入为80k,比湾区都不差。
c****r 发帖数: 969 | 23 我觉得唐城中国家庭收入平均数应该绝不止8万,大部分都是双职工,单职工的也都是
【在 t**********s 的大作中提到】 : : 庭平均收入为80k???我加拿大住的普通区平均收入11万,5年前是9万。
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 24 记得看到过说sugar land的New territory 平均收入11万以上。
【在 c****r 的大作中提到】 : 我觉得唐城中国家庭收入平均数应该绝不止8万,大部分都是双职工,单职工的也都是 : 十万朝上。
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 25 state 和division极少会重复以前的题目,但是题型重复很多,所以小孩子不用读全题
一。 |
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 26 I had several sources which said that they saw the same problems from
previous practices/tests, and they benefited therefrom. All are honorable
students with exceptional talents. For each year, the same testing pool is
used for all the competition, but may be at different dates . . .
If they use the SAME question in the NATIONAL countdown, which is televised
or recorded, it would be a laughing stock for ages! However, that does not
prevent them from using the same or similar questions in local chapter or
state contests.
It is insane if a question lasts for 5 lines on the prejection screen; a U.S
. trained math student needs 10 sec. to finish reading the problem; and
another U.S. trained math student provides the answer in 5 sec. It is
mathmathically and physiologically impossible without using something else.
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : Inaccurate statement...I do not think MathCounts "reuse" problems in : official contest. : I specifically asked a renowned MathCounts coach this question about the : national countdown and the coach said THE KIDS HAD TO CALCULATE EVERYTING ON : THE FLY. These kids are just fast. I also asked my son when he shouted : out the answer before I even finished reading the question, was it because : he memorized the answer? He said NO, he just calculated it really fast. : Of course, if you go to practice website such as AoPS, they reuse all " : mathcounts" old problems. : With that said, it helps a lot to speed up when you memorize certain things,
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 27 For the countdown, the question is projected onto a huge screen and the
proctor starts reading the same question . . .
【在 c****r 的大作中提到】 : 嗯,我看出来了,你英语比北大好。 : 我有个小问题,题没读完这个说法,准确的说,应该是题基本读完,那些可有可无的没 : 读完吧,不然题目的已知条件和待求问题没读完,怎么也不可能作出题吧,如果是这种 : 情况,确实说明他们就是快。 : : ON : things,
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 28 For example, how many prime numbers are smaller than 100? The fastest answer
must come from memory, not from calculating or counting!
Or try this one: how many 2-digit prime numbers have the number 3
The most benefiting effects of reviewing vast number of previous Mathcounts
problems include:
1) knowing and recognizing the question types;
2) quickly identifying the key concept in each question type;
3) forming attack strategies for each question type; and
4) memorizing key numbers and characteristics for certain geometry/math
concepts. |
m*******p 发帖数: 1978 | 29 读此帖的感受:
我招生也不要这样竞赛培训出来的资质一般的考试机器。 |
l*****z 发帖数: 13617 | 30 是。我儿子说看的比听他读快多了,不用等他读完就可以举手回答。他们今年不错,
team 第二,countdown 第4,5,6,不过老师说你们到州里拿奖没什么戏,就当去玩玩
【在 B******1 的大作中提到】 : For the countdown, the question is projected onto a huge screen and the : proctor starts reading the same question . . .
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 31 The top 4 performers in Countdown for each state will form the STATE team .
. .
They use buzzers in the finals, not raising hands.
Finally, for speed purposes, it might be helpful if the contestant forms the
habit of "blocking out" the voice heard from the speaker and focusing on
the perusal of the problem QUICKLY from the screen.
【在 l*****z 的大作中提到】 : 是。我儿子说看的比听他读快多了,不用等他读完就可以举手回答。他们今年不错, : team 第二,countdown 第4,5,6,不过老师说你们到州里拿奖没什么戏,就当去玩玩 : 看看吧。。。。 : 州里的countdown前10名就可以进national?
P*********0 发帖数: 4321 | 32 they are after different kinds of games.
in science Olympic competition, schools from sugar land are no where to be
found on the national stage.
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : There is no comparison... : Sugar Land had many kids going to the national (top 4 in TX)...and Katy had : none. : If you look at last year's MathCounts (state level), there were 3 Fort : Settlement kids ranked top 10....none from Katy. : Today, nobody from Katy even placed in the top 5.
L*1 发帖数: 11537 | 33 那是Fort Bend(county),Sugarland(city)只是Fort Bend的一小部分。
【在 t**********s 的大作中提到】 : : 庭平均收入为80k???我加拿大住的普通区平均收入11万,5年前是9万。
l*****z 发帖数: 13617 | 34 哦,那真没戏了,呵呵,这玩意太难了。。。
【在 B******1 的大作中提到】 : The top 4 performers in Countdown for each state will form the STATE team . : . . : They use buzzers in the finals, not raising hands. : Finally, for speed purposes, it might be helpful if the contestant forms the : habit of "blocking out" the voice heard from the speaker and focusing on : the perusal of the problem QUICKLY from the screen.
e***r 发帖数: 293 | 35 大家可以Google一下Bobby Shen,已经保送MIT. |
P*********a 发帖数: 809 | 36 同意
【在 m*******p 的大作中提到】 : 读此帖的感受: : 还tmd抱怨常春藤不按考分收中国学生。 : 这些充分利用游戏规则的家长真是害群之马。 : 我招生也不要这样竞赛培训出来的资质一般的考试机器。
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 37 其实你不用鄙视这个鄙视那个就觉得自己的方法最牛,也不用老顶个北大的名号灌水。
Math count被你说的那么没用,我们这里还是前赴后继的在准备,最优秀的孩子才能去
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 B******1 的大作中提到】 : The top 4 performers in Countdown for each state will form the STATE team . : . . : They use buzzers in the finals, not raising hands. : Finally, for speed purposes, it might be helpful if the contestant forms the : habit of "blocking out" the voice heard from the speaker and focusing on : the perusal of the problem QUICKLY from the screen.
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 38 Methods and tricks to excel at tests should be shared among people to level
the playing field. Whether others will adopt the same methods or tricks
would be another story. |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 39 我咋没有看出beida同学鄙视这个mathcounts啊。看得出他也花了不少时间研究这些数
【在 t********r 的大作中提到】 : 其实你不用鄙视这个鄙视那个就觉得自己的方法最牛,也不用老顶个北大的名号灌水。 : 或者就待在pa也好,何必跑到texas来教训人呢。 : Math count被你说的那么没用,我们这里还是前赴后继的在准备,最优秀的孩子才能去 : 比赛。说话的时候想想别人的感受嘛。 : : . : the : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 40 感谢前面有同学推荐的AOPS,昨晚去注册了。跟孩子一起去FTW围观了几组countdown。 |