a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 1 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧.
昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论.
3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这:
通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻:
1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右
肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装.
2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状.
3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来
. 导致击球点过低.
4. 完成动作. 左脚落到场内, 右手随挥完成动作.
大家看看还有什么问题我没注意到的, 欢迎指正. |
b**********s 发帖数: 9531 | 2 楼主动作很好,击球点低可能是炮球太往右了,可以尝试抛球到右肩上方。 |
b**k 发帖数: 11850 | 3 好像击球瞬间右胳膊总是弯着的,不是能reach的最高点?
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 4 hmm, 我的Pronation的确是不够. 开始是用拍筐去切球, 击球前瞬间
Pronate转成拍面拍球. 估计是因为手腕Pronation不够, 想通过小臂
来辅助导致击球时手臂不能完全伸展开. 下次尝试多用点手腕Pronate |
u**b 发帖数: 398 | 5 Pretty good already. Just my 2 cents and hope it helps...
>>Straight up your right arm. Don't think about pronation, just let it
flow by turning your head down and looking forward as soon as you finished
step 2. Sort of let your head lead the way. It almost looks like you were
pronating the racquet a little too early, and this may cost head speed.
Try finishing the first half of step3 as if you were trying to cut the
ball with the rim. (Hope I make myself clear on this).
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 6 No pronation cause no snap. I was trying to snap using my
right arm instead wrist. That might be the problem. Need
to try this weekend. My timing will be totally messed up :P
and get some good advice from him. He should give you more good advice. |
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 7 this is related to the pronation. I can not pronate enough
so I have to toss the ball to my right to use my arm to help
【在 b**********s 的大作中提到】 : 楼主动作很好,击球点低可能是炮球太往右了,可以尝试抛球到右肩上方。
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 8 ft! The pictures clearly showed that. why ask again :)
Bigmajia's question lead me to believe it is caused
by not enough pronation. Will try and record again.
【在 b**k 的大作中提到】 : 好像击球瞬间右胳膊总是弯着的,不是能reach的最高点?
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 9 not clear enough :)
You mean my head or racquet head? We suppose keep our head up
all the time while serving, right? |
u**b 发帖数: 398 | 10 The moment your racquet reaches the highest point, turn YOUR head down and
look forward. One more thing: hold your right arm closer to your head
might also help:)
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : not clear enough :) : You mean my head or racquet head? We suppose keep our head up : all the time while serving, right?
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 11 hmm, this part I am not sure. I remember that we should not
turn our head down that early. Right now the main problem is
still at the pronation. Let me try some tonight.
【在 u**b 的大作中提到】 : The moment your racquet reaches the highest point, turn YOUR head down and : look forward. One more thing: hold your right arm closer to your head : might also help:)
u**b 发帖数: 398 | 12 Your call. Good luck:)
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : hmm, this part I am not sure. I remember that we should not : turn our head down that early. Right now the main problem is : still at the pronation. Let me try some tonight.
b**k 发帖数: 11850 | 13 Well then you don't need any opinion since the pictures always clearly show
everything. :)
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : ft! The pictures clearly showed that. why ask again :) : Bigmajia's question lead me to believe it is caused : by not enough pronation. Will try and record again.
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 14 aglee
【在 b**k 的大作中提到】 : Well then you don't need any opinion since the pictures always clearly show : everything. :)
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 15 I did. The action of my serve is too ugly so that I couldn't even face
My path seems to match to the nadal's one. He already hits harder than
before and need to improve his serve to achieve the better result for the
hard court. I also hit harder than before and need to improve my serve to
compete with strong 4.0 or even 4.5.
service |
b**k 发帖数: 11850 | 16 奔
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : I did. The action of my serve is too ugly so that I couldn't even face : myself! : My path seems to match to the nadal's one. He already hits harder than : before and need to improve his serve to achieve the better result for the : hard court. I also hit harder than before and need to improve my serve to : compete with strong 4.0 or even 4.5. : : service
t****i 发帖数: 4225 | 17 已经有人指出来了,跑球偏右,击球时右臂弯曲,击球点偏低。不过我还觉得你抛球也
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
s*********d 发帖数: 2406 | 18 抛球,太靠右了 ,
没有 pronation,出去时候是拍边 挥向球,最后展开 |
v***s 发帖数: 1893 | 19 用胸肌太多,具体点是下部胸肌,大胳膊没有举直,没有用肱三头肌发力鞭打小臂(用
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
a******n 发帖数: 5925 | 20 我最近正在研究抛球以后
因为我觉得翻过来更好发, 就像打overhead
好像不少pro是翻过来的的,也有没翻的,像bird。 |
s*********d 发帖数: 2406 | 21 你用了太多肌肉啦,lol
【在 v***s 的大作中提到】 : 用胸肌太多,具体点是下部胸肌,大胳膊没有举直,没有用肱三头肌发力鞭打小臂(用 : 锤子钉钉子,缺 : 少肘部往前一段)。应该有攀岩时,右手“向上”锄登山镐的那种意思。有可能是因为 : 你拍子抓得太松 : 了,比其他关节松太多,造成整个发球动力链松紧失衡。要么对发球方向失去控制,要 : 么对拍子运动失 : 去控制,这时你试着紧肩和肘关节调整造成的。 : 举杠铃从肩到头顶练三角肌,上斜卧推练胸上部,俯卧撑肱三头肌。球抛靠右,这容易 : 改。
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 22 你得先说说你想达到什么目的,才能指正啊。
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
J******n 发帖数: 1466 | 23 2和4比较重要吧?
【在 K****D 的大作中提到】 : 你得先说说你想达到什么目的,才能指正啊。 : 1)更漂亮的动作 : 2)更快的球速 : 3)更多的旋转 : 4)更好(更隐蔽)的placement
r******n 发帖数: 1665 | 24 个人意见啊,仅供参考:
1. 你抛球前握拍太松了。适度松弛是好的。但我觉得是整个身体还有胳膊在开始发力
看出你抛球前手腕是松的;但是开始挥拍后并不太松弛流畅。有hold back的感觉。
2. 你的动力链是broken的。脚和腰的力量没有/或者没有完全传到拍头上。主要就是断
3. 你的发力像是在folding the waist. 看不到侧面,但我猜是抛球的位置偏后。应该
4. 转体没有完成。Loading stage的时候,你的转体比较充分。基本上从后面拍摄的位
腰部转动的力量没有完全传到球上。 |
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 25 without good serve it is hard to compete with solid 4.0.
Unless your other game improved a lot after acc28's
last visit. I was mainly focus on my backhand and volley
last a few years. Now I need work on my serve. That is
the relative weaker part of my game now.
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : I did. The action of my serve is too ugly so that I couldn't even face : myself! : My path seems to match to the nadal's one. He already hits harder than : before and need to improve his serve to achieve the better result for the : hard court. I also hit harder than before and need to improve my serve to : compete with strong 4.0 or even 4.5. : : service
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 26 yeah, I tried to lower toss but the result was not consistant.
So I switched back.
【在 t****i 的大作中提到】 : 已经有人指出来了,跑球偏右,击球时右臂弯曲,击球点偏低。不过我还觉得你抛球也 : 很高。
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 27 ft! I need to check book to figure out what you are refering to...
【在 v***s 的大作中提到】 : 用胸肌太多,具体点是下部胸肌,大胳膊没有举直,没有用肱三头肌发力鞭打小臂(用 : 锤子钉钉子,缺 : 少肘部往前一段)。应该有攀岩时,右手“向上”锄登山镐的那种意思。有可能是因为 : 你拍子抓得太松 : 了,比其他关节松太多,造成整个发球动力链松紧失衡。要么对发球方向失去控制,要 : 么对拍子运动失 : 去控制,这时你试着紧肩和肘关节调整造成的。 : 举杠铃从肩到头顶练三角肌,上斜卧推练胸上部,俯卧撑肱三头肌。球抛靠右,这容易 : 改。
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 28 does that matter?
【在 a******n 的大作中提到】 : 我最近正在研究抛球以后 : 手掌怎么才能翻过来(原来掌心是向上的)而不会带动球旋转 : 可否点拨一下 : 因为我觉得翻过来更好发, 就像打overhead : 好像不少pro是翻过来的的,也有没翻的,像bird。
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 29 I never care the first one. I need 2 and 3 now. I tried to
use lighter racquet but my elbow hurt
【在 K****D 的大作中提到】 : 你得先说说你想达到什么目的,才能指正啊。 : 1)更漂亮的动作 : 2)更快的球速 : 3)更多的旋转 : 4)更好(更隐蔽)的placement
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 30 Well, it is all about the matchup. 4.0 is still about the control. The pace
is faster than 3.5 but still returnable. If you really want to kill
consistently, most likely either you are 4.5 or you lose.
Without good serve, I could survive in solid 4.0 without any problem. With
good serve, I am pretty confident that I could be 4.5.
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : without good serve it is hard to compete with solid 4.0. : Unless your other game improved a lot after acc28's : last visit. I was mainly focus on my backhand and volley : last a few years. Now I need work on my serve. That is : the relative weaker part of my game now.
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 31 pace was not enough so I have to place it well. I do not care
much how well it looks. I bet the hold back is bacause I drag
my right leg in and then start to rise to hit. But I can not
change it much now otherwise my whole timing need to change.
Some pro did the same thing, so I guess that is not critical.
The chain is broken at pronation. I tried to "pronate" today
but after I watched my video just now, I found I still did not
pronate fully. Yesterday I was only pronate my wrist instead of
my w
【在 r******n 的大作中提到】 : 个人意见啊,仅供参考: : 首先你的Placement已经很厉害了。基本上想发哪里就发哪里。已经是发球高手了。 : 意见: : 1. 你抛球前握拍太松了。适度松弛是好的。但我觉得是整个身体还有胳膊在开始发力 : 后要松弛。你现在这样握拍一是不好看(我很追求好看);二是没有什么实际意义。可以 : 看出你抛球前手腕是松的;但是开始挥拍后并不太松弛流畅。有hold back的感觉。 : 2. 你的动力链是broken的。脚和腰的力量没有/或者没有完全传到拍头上。主要就是断 : 在弯曲的胳膊那里了。 : 3. 你的发力像是在folding the waist. 看不到侧面,但我猜是抛球的位置偏后。应该 : 适当在往场内抛一些。另外从你左脚落地的位置也感觉你抛球位置靠后。
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 32 hmm, might be matchup. But solid 4.0 = weak 4.5. They suppose
to hit consistantly with paces. I do not think acc28 is there
yet. But your record is very good this year. Do not know why
you can survive when playing with those "solid" 4.0. Maybe
because you are lefty? Good luck next year if you do get bumpped
up. You need surely work on your serve next year :)
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : Well, it is all about the matchup. 4.0 is still about the control. The pace : is faster than 3.5 but still returnable. If you really want to kill : consistently, most likely either you are 4.5 or you lose. : Without good serve, I could survive in solid 4.0 without any problem. With : good serve, I am pretty confident that I could be 4.5.
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 33 haha... according to what you said, I could tell that I am really "2.5" or
so-called "entry level 4.0" in your mind :)
- I only played with acc28 one set, I didn't lose badly and easily and it
was not even a formal match yet. But if you take it seriously, I am fine
with it.
- As I said to 大马甲 about he being my 天敌, I list 3 conditions already: 1
) lefty 2) good single-handed backhand 3) big serve. If anyone meets any 2
conditions, I am sure he is my 天敌, which means even if I was 4.5 and he
was 4.
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : hmm, might be matchup. But solid 4.0 = weak 4.5. They suppose : to hit consistantly with paces. I do not think acc28 is there : yet. But your record is very good this year. Do not know why : you can survive when playing with those "solid" 4.0. Maybe : because you are lefty? Good luck next year if you do get bumpped : up. You need surely work on your serve next year :) : : pace
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 34 How many this kind of 天敌 you played this year in your
local USTA?
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : haha... according to what you said, I could tell that I am really "2.5" or : so-called "entry level 4.0" in your mind :) : - I only played with acc28 one set, I didn't lose badly and easily and it : was not even a formal match yet. But if you take it seriously, I am fine : with it. : - As I said to 大马甲 about he being my 天敌, I list 3 conditions already: 1 : ) lefty 2) good single-handed backhand 3) big serve. If anyone meets any 2 : conditions, I am sure he is my 天敌, which means even if I was 4.5 and he : was 4.
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 35 none.
The opponents of all 3 matches I lost were single-handed backhand. So far,
in all the USTA matches I played, I only lost to single-handed backhand
players :)
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : How many this kind of 天敌 you played this year in your : local USTA? : : 1 : me
Y**s 发帖数: 1632 | 36 I'm still in awe of the disappearing ball after you serve... Magical wall
on the other side! |
r******n 发帖数: 1665 | 37 LOL
【在 Y**s 的大作中提到】 : I'm still in awe of the disappearing ball after you serve... Magical wall : on the other side!
r******n 发帖数: 1665 | 38 我可能表达的不太清楚。Hold Back是觉得你把整个动作慢下来了。而且开始发力拍子
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : pace was not enough so I have to place it well. I do not care : much how well it looks. I bet the hold back is bacause I drag : my right leg in and then start to rise to hit. But I can not : change it much now otherwise my whole timing need to change. : Some pro did the same thing, so I guess that is not critical. : The chain is broken at pronation. I tried to "pronate" today : but after I watched my video just now, I found I still did not : pronate fully. Yesterday I was only pronate my wrist instead of : my w
B*X 发帖数: 92 | 39 更隐蔽目的:
1) To grab everyone's attention
2) To show off his power
3) To focus on boring details
4) To get a PhD in 1st serve
Loose up, don't be too serious - tennis is supposely for fun, too.
【在 K****D 的大作中提到】 : 你得先说说你想达到什么目的,才能指正啊。 : 1)更漂亮的动作 : 2)更快的球速 : 3)更多的旋转 : 4)更好(更隐蔽)的placement
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 40 damn, I did not have those 3 conditions. I bet 99% I will
lose to you. Post a match that you won. The only one you
were ben were against Bigmajia.
Are you coming this open?
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : haha... according to what you said, I could tell that I am really "2.5" or : so-called "entry level 4.0" in your mind :) : - I only played with acc28 one set, I didn't lose badly and easily and it : was not even a formal match yet. But if you take it seriously, I am fine : with it. : - As I said to 大马甲 about he being my 天敌, I list 3 conditions already: 1 : ) lefty 2) good single-handed backhand 3) big serve. If anyone meets any 2 : conditions, I am sure he is my 天敌, which means even if I was 4.5 and he : was 4.
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 41 nothing to do with shbh. Just happened that those three
players with good backhand are shbh :) Some 4.0 with
solid dhbh still can beat you
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : none. : The opponents of all 3 matches I lost were single-handed backhand. So far, : in all the USTA matches I played, I only lost to single-handed backhand : players :)
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 42 they are not three serve in a row. I cut three out to analyze
my motion...
【在 Y**s 的大作中提到】 : I'm still in awe of the disappearing ball after you serve... Magical wall : on the other side!
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 43 sure? I thought we should keep it loose in the whole motion
【在 r******n 的大作中提到】 : 我可能表达的不太清楚。Hold Back是觉得你把整个动作慢下来了。而且开始发力拍子 : 向球挥动后,你 : 的手腕可能并不松弛。
r*********x 发帖数: 3016 | 44 你发球很好了。应该加旋转和控制落点。业余打的一般很吃旋转。比如落点在发球区中
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 45 It only means you are not my 天敌, which means you still could beat me but
you have to play harder than you do against others. And I will come back to
beat you another time.
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : damn, I did not have those 3 conditions. I bet 99% I will : lose to you. Post a match that you won. The only one you : were ben were against Bigmajia. : Are you coming this open? : : 1 : me
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 46 I don't think so. It is not "just happened". Let me dig a ken for it...
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : nothing to do with shbh. Just happened that those three : players with good backhand are shbh :) Some 4.0 with : solid dhbh still can beat you
r******n 发帖数: 1665 | 47 我就是一说啊....
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : sure? I thought we should keep it loose in the whole motion
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 48 come back? back where? So u are not coming this open :(
【在 a*****3 的大作中提到】 : It only means you are not my 天敌, which means you still could beat me but : you have to play harder than you do against others. And I will come back to : beat you another time.
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 49 I can not reach further without more pronation :( I still have
plenty of time to practice that before national. Hope next ben
will have much better result :)
【在 r******n 的大作中提到】 : 我就是一说啊.... : 如果你一直都是放松loose的,像甩毛巾一样....或者类似楼上某位大侠说的挥"登山镐 : "似的。你的胳 : 膊应该是自然伸直的吧? : 除了放松是关键词外,向上好像也是。
a*m 发帖数: 6253 | 50 Your serve is good enough leh.
If any improvement, I think you need to get underneath the ball, like
overhead... Or you have to align your toss...
On frame 3, you hit the ball on the side, which is normally ok for a slice
Toss a little back will help you do the kick, if your wrist is relaxed
You can try the way Pete used: let your wife call the T/W/B after your toss.
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : 大家就别粉啊黑啊goat啊...来讨论点技术问题吧. : 昨天晚上练了一会发球, 通过分解动作发现一些问题. 欢迎大家一起讨论. : 3个发球(外角, Body和内角)高清晰录像在这: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBYH-OAK0E4&hd=1 : 通过逐祯查看, 剪接出如下三个图片. 每个图片分别记录4个关键时刻: : 1. 球到最高点. 身体准备动作完成. 这时候膝盖应该弯曲; 左手抬高; 左手-左肩-右 : 肩-右大臂应该成一条直线指向天上; 髋骨向外顶出; 身体成弓装. : 2. 左手带动肩膀转动, 右肩同时向前甩出, 拍头下垂成捎背状. : 3. 击球瞬间. 右手腕Pronation完成. 在这里发现我的老问题: 右手没有完全伸展开来 : . 导致击球点过低.
a*****0 发帖数: 6788 | |
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 52 toss is not a problem for me. I can toss to anywhere I need.
I tried to do more pronation tonight. Here is a short video:
Please common ASAP. I might take it off tomorrow since ...
【在 a*m 的大作中提到】 : Your serve is good enough leh. : If any improvement, I think you need to get underneath the ball, like : overhead... Or you have to align your toss... : On frame 3, you hit the ball on the side, which is normally ok for a slice : position... : Toss a little back will help you do the kick, if your wrist is relaxed : enough... : You can try the way Pete used: let your wife call the T/W/B after your toss. : ..
a*m 发帖数: 6253 | 53 I think it is very good yah. It served the purpose you want to try:
The pronation did show up. And ball is kicked up.
The thing is still the body motion: you are not hit up or come up to hit...
Your arm is not whipped out enough, maybe too much attention goes to wrist?.
.. From the wrist snap, it is there.
Watch the slow motion for Roger in your fav list. I feel the most different
is he is up to the ball, but you are only snap your wrist and the contact
point is a little low. Your body is not up
【在 a**s 的大作中提到】 : toss is not a problem for me. I can toss to anywhere I need. : I tried to do more pronation tonight. Here is a short video: : http://www.youtube.com : Please common ASAP. I might take it off tomorrow since ... : : toss.
a*m 发帖数: 6253 | 54 I would like to toss a little right overhead and pull myself in but still
keep this pronation/snap to hit it up and forward...
From my point of view, your arm joint and shoulder is not relaxed enough and
the wrist is relaxed. Or the chain timing is a little weird. Like your arm
and shoulder is pulling back or hold you back, and only the wrist it do its
【在 a*m 的大作中提到】 : I think it is very good yah. It served the purpose you want to try: : The pronation did show up. And ball is kicked up. : The thing is still the body motion: you are not hit up or come up to hit... : Your arm is not whipped out enough, maybe too much attention goes to wrist?. : .. From the wrist snap, it is there. : Watch the slow motion for Roger in your fav list. I feel the most different : is he is up to the ball, but you are only snap your wrist and the contact : point is a little low. Your body is not up
a*m 发帖数: 6253 | 55 You may keep feeling the pronation/snap.
But you may try something else, for example, to toss the ball over your left
shoulder and bent your knee to make your body motion a little forward...
Watching the relation/alignment of Andy's contact point with his body.
Hope this is more clear... |
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 56 I was only practice pronation last night. Did not try much to add
other elements in. The pronation action was wired to me at the
beginning. After several practices, I felt much better. I do not
know if it is because of that court. All the balls kicked up high
after bounce. All of them were one bounce into fence, some of them
even were still rising. Let me feel really well :P This court is
made from hard plastic and there were a lot of small holes in each
square. We had a huge T-storm yesterday. |
a**s 发帖数: 9606 | 57 by the way, thanking for removing the link for me :) I will
ben another one after adding them all together, of course with
shirt on :P
【在 a*m 的大作中提到】 : You may keep feeling the pronation/snap. : But you may try something else, for example, to toss the ball over your left : shoulder and bent your knee to make your body motion a little forward... : Watching the relation/alignment of Andy's contact point with his body. : Hope this is more clear...