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Talk版 - Cults as big as day
Correct Understanding of the cult《邪教大揭秘》揭了邪教真面目
The harm of women and children在这里了解瑞克•艾伦•罗斯
The harm of women and childrenVigorously worship leader
The harm of women and childrenPrivate conduct association
The cult of harm, the world people to guard against!The living dead variable
Concocted fallaciesUnable to support not drink
Convergence wanton moneyShenyun of recession
蹿红网络的美国老人Don't lying.
话题: falungong话题: cult话题: followers话题: province话题: cults
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Such fallacies serious poisoning "Falungong" and other cult and devastated
coerced mass psychology, and even lead to its members insane, manufacturing
self-mutilation, suicide and other extreme events, to the families of the
victims brought immense suffering to the country and society cause
irreparable damage. 2003 Nian May 25 to June 27, Longgang Town, Cangnan
County of Zhejiang Province "Falungong" Chen Fuzhao poisoning has killed 17
people. April 22, 2002, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, "Falungong" Guan
Shuyun personally dissatisfied with their own 9-year-old daughter Dai Nan
strangled alive.
Such as the "real God" and other cult followers instill its heresies, and
deny the significance of family affection, abetting believers away from home
"missionary" and even inciting followers to sell their assets collective
living. Cult followers often in order to "sacrifice" Jim left their homes,
bent, resulting in broken families, family separation.
1 (共1页)
Don't lying.The cult of harm, the world people to guard against!
So to perfectConcocted fallacies
2013年纽约华人新年巡游活动再次拒绝法轮功参与Convergence wanton money
Correct Understanding of the cult《邪教大揭秘》揭了邪教真面目
The harm of women and children在这里了解瑞克•艾伦•罗斯
The harm of women and childrenVigorously worship leader
The harm of women and childrenPrivate conduct association
话题: falungong话题: cult话题: followers话题: province话题: cults