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Talk版 - Xu Siwen stays behind a paper diary
Ten years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???The light of Li Hongzhi
Why brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the focal point characterFalun Gong so-called the human rights
Xu Siwen video frequency asideThe living dead variable
Permits video recording video frequency which the carpenter parents complain tearfully神韵艺术团”是由“法轮功”头目李洪志直接指挥...
The slip of the pen produces Xu Siwen dies doubting of the ageThe picture of Xu siwen before his death
Xu Siwen father's account in own wordsXu siwen’s mother was complaining tearfully
Dyeing one's hair powder and hair dyeXu Siwen dies the time coincidence
The diary of Xu siwenRepairs practices “the vice-Yuan god”, “to ward off the valley” and “drives the school” the question
话题: xu话题: diary话题: falungong话题: behind话题: siwen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43
Speaks of this piece of paper the diary, Xu Huaxin the again old tear
vertically and horizontally, sobbed was saying to me: “the son conducts a
funeral procession, I repaired him practice all diaries which and Falungong'
s books, the magnetic tape, Li Hongzhi's badge, the religious texts
Falungong wrote and exercise martial arts the thing to install in 3 big
plastic knitting bag lira burn down to the crematory the ash, left behind
the son to die only these things which the scene lost, afterward,
1 (共1页)
Repairs practices “the vice-Yuan god”, “to ward off the valley” and “drives the school” the questionThe slip of the pen produces Xu Siwen dies doubting of the age
Xu Siwen before death pictureXu Siwen father's account in own words
Xu Siwen keeps a diaryDyeing one's hair powder and hair dye
Xu Siwen the mother complains tearfullyThe diary of Xu siwen
Ten years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???The light of Li Hongzhi
Why brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the focal point characterFalun Gong so-called the human rights
Xu Siwen video frequency asideThe living dead variable
Permits video recording video frequency which the carpenter parents complain tearfully神韵艺术团”是由“法轮功”头目李洪志直接指挥...
话题: xu话题: diary话题: falungong话题: behind话题: siwen