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THU版 - Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Call for Papers(ePhd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
敬请关注参加清华生物系年度论坛Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
Two Postdoctoral Fellowships available in Information Retri (转载)Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
我们的父亲陈寅恪zzPhd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
Ph.D. Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University (转载)宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后
Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后
Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生 博士后
话题: duke话题: university话题: students话题: research话题: group
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
The Duke Acoustofluidics Group https://acoustofluidics.pratt.duke.edu/ is
inviting the most motivated, talented postdoc and Ph.D. candidates to join
us. We conducts research at the interface of physics, engineering, micro/
nano technology, chemistry, and biomedicine. We are a highly dynamic group.
The graduate students from our group have been recognized with more than 80
awards for their research achievements, including National Science
Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowships, Fulbright Scholarships, NASA Space
Technology Research Fellowships, Baxter Young Investigator Awards, Materials
Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award, Founder’s prize from the
American Academy of Mechanics, a Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship
from Optical Society of America, a SPIE fellowship in Optics and Photonics,
and best paper awards at the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposiums and MicroTAS
Conferences. Several of our Ph.D. students and postdocs have received
faculty positions at research universities such as University of Texas,
Austin, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Peking University (China,
1000 Young Talents Program). Those who prefer industry have taken excellent
job offers from companies such as Intel, GE Global Research, P&G, BD, and
Dow Chemicals. Many of our Ph.D. students have such an excellent publication
record that they had got their green cards (i.e., US Permanent Residency)
issued BEFORE they completed their Ph.D. degrees in our group.
We are recruiting exceptional Ph.D. and postdoc candidates with:
1. Passion for innovation and excellence; relentless pursuit of results
and success
2. Excellent training in one of the following fields: Physics, Biology,
Chemistry, and Engineering. Strong publication record is highly preferred.
We recruit postdocs/students with strong background in physics or
engineering to develop new technologies; we also recruit postdocs/students
with strong background in chemistry or biology to develop new applications
for these technologies.
3. Ability to collaborate and work in a team
If you are interested in joining us, please send to Prof. Tony Jun Huang (
email: [email protected]/* */) with your CV.
Also, the Duke Acoustofluidics Group https://acoustofluidics.pratt.duke.edu
/) is inviting motivated, talented Ph.D. students co-sponsored with the
Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC, 国家留学基金管理委员会) to join us. More
information about this opportunity can be found at http://www.csc.edu.cn/Chuguo/393503df27894b0d9e20fee229a939fa.shtml. We are considering students who will get Ph.D. degrees in Duke; we are also considering students who will get Ph.D. degrees in China but will visit Duke for 24 months.
发帖数: 5
1 (共1页)
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生 博士后我们的父亲陈寅恪zz
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后Ph.D. Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University (转载)
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Professor. Tony Huang 招收博士生博士后Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Call for Papers(ePhd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
敬请关注参加清华生物系年度论坛Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
Two Postdoctoral Fellowships available in Information Retri (转载)Phd & PostDoc Openings at Duke University
话题: duke话题: university话题: students话题: research话题: group