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TAX版 - help with 401k over-contribution
turbo 关于hsa的这个陈述是咋回事?请教1040 IRA deduction (line 32) 的问题
form 8889-HSA employer contributionroth ira contribution 问题
401K over contribution $150我们的IRA contribution是不是白交了
HSA 8889 form的Line 2怎么填?401k的employee contribution少与5000刀, 能否contribute IRA?
怎么知道没有hdhp,还contribute to hsa.recharacterize of IRA
HSA 2017 contribution limit 一问关于retirement savings contributions credit
HSA over contribution401K 和retirement contribution 有 tax credit 吗?
请教个 ROTH IRA 的问题请问一般什么情况下申请 IRA?
话题: my话题: over话题: employer话题: 401k
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30
I have a question about how to deal with the over-contribution of my 401k
My combined 401k contribution from current employer and previous employer
for 2011 exceeds the IRS annual limit. I would like to take the contribution
back from my previous employer because my current employer has better match
. Does anyone know what procedures for doing that?
I called my prior employer plan’s 401(k) administrator and they said I
shall submit a request to roll over all my contributions (including 2011 and
previous years) to my current plan and withdraw the 2011 contributions (10%
penalty + tax). They will then mail a 1099R form at the end of 2012 and I
will report the withdrawn contributions in 2013 when I file for 2012 tax.
My question is how IRS knows that I have withdrawn the over-contributed
amount for 2011. The request form to roll over doesn't say that the amount
withdrawn is from 2011 contributions.
Thanks a lot!
1 (共1页)
请问一般什么情况下申请 IRA?怎么知道没有hdhp,还contribute to hsa.
can i withdraw my overcontributed 401k?HSA 2017 contribution limit 一问
关于2013的backdoor roth IRAHSA over contribution
直接往Roth IRA的contribution记录一定要保留么?请教个 ROTH IRA 的问题
turbo 关于hsa的这个陈述是咋回事?请教1040 IRA deduction (line 32) 的问题
form 8889-HSA employer contributionroth ira contribution 问题
401K over contribution $150我们的IRA contribution是不是白交了
HSA 8889 form的Line 2怎么填?401k的employee contribution少与5000刀, 能否contribute IRA?
话题: my话题: over话题: employer话题: 401k