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TAX版 - 什么是Occupational License Tax Return?
买/卖房agent退的commission要交税吗?(发了1099) (转载)请教ESPP 算那个州的income
在州立大学工作,工资给扣了Pension,能否能抵税?Re: 税表寄出去了
貌似被偷可以抵联邦税,1040的line 38 : itemized deduction新手报税101
Dependent care FSA and Tax credit交作业 H1+F1 (attachment 1)
I-94已被收,父母ITIN申请时如何证明居住超过半年交作业 attachment 2
请教关于file1040x的问题交作业 attachment 3
NR可以享受education credit吗?联邦税回来了,总结一下
急问F2->H4, W-7上visa信息怎么填IRS也太不professional了
话题: tax话题: return话题: commission话题: license
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 179
2010年初,对方单位给了w2,然后我就报了Federal and state tax,但是我所在的地方
有county tax,但是没有办法报,因为一直相关的表格。
前两天收到Metro Revenue Commission的如下来信:
We have received informaiton from the IRS as part of an exchange of
information agreement pursuant to IRS Code Section 6103 (d) that you filed a
federal tax returen from a Jefferson County address for December 2009 that
has reported imcome or activity that may be reportable to the *** (city
name) Metro Revenue Commission. Such activity may include self-empolyment
income or wages earned for work performed with Louisville not subject to
withholding by the source. According to our records, we have no record of
your registration with this agency.
In order to resolve this issue, pleaes check the appropriate response below
and provide the requested information as indicated:
choice 1: I have not registered with the *** Metro Revenue Commission nor
filed an Occupational License Tax Returen as required for December 2009.
Attach a registration and tax return, both completed and signed, and include
a copy of your federal return. You may complete and print the Registration
Application and Form OL-3 Occupational License Tax Return;
Choice 2: I am not required to register with the *** Metro Revene Commission
or file a tax return for December 2009. Attach a detailed explanation with
supporting documentation.
Choice 3: I am registered with the *** metro Revene Commission and I filed a
tax return for December 2009. Attach a copy of Page of your OL-3, with
includes your Occupational Tax Reporting Number.
1 (共1页)
ITIN question请教关于file1040x的问题
f1和h1 file jointly, 还能用那个5k的treaty吗?NR可以享受education credit吗?
【请益】这样是不是就没有罚款?About Tax penalty.急问F2->H4, W-7上visa信息怎么填
买/卖房agent退的commission要交税吗?(发了1099) (转载)请教ESPP 算那个州的income
在州立大学工作,工资给扣了Pension,能否能抵税?Re: 税表寄出去了
貌似被偷可以抵联邦税,1040的line 38 : itemized deduction新手报税101
Dependent care FSA and Tax credit交作业 H1+F1 (attachment 1)
话题: tax话题: return话题: commission话题: license