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TAX版 - tax deduction for home property tax
CA property tax deduction 放在那一栏? (转载)Property Tax Deduction
自己报税的请注意:2008年你应该能减掉$500/人的财产税 (转载)咨询一个prepaid property tax的问题
把自己房子租出去再租房住,rent是不是tax deductableproperty tax itemize deduction问题
Property tax 退税问题关于出租房的mortgage interest的问题 (双黄包感谢) (转载)
Property tax deduction的问题可不可以第一年用Standard Deduction,把Charitable移到下一年抵税?
Tax return on property tax (转载)Tuition reimbursement?
我去年交的 property tax 能deduct吗?问个Property Tax的问题
买车能用schedule A表的personal property tax吗?Re: 我们到底是不是eligible to standard deduction?
话题: tax话题: y2010话题: property话题: deduction话题: deduct
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 220
I have received two bills for home property tax. First bill is for 07/2010 -
12/2010. Second bill is for 01/2011 - 06/2011.
If I pay the second bill before the end of Y2010, can I deduct it from the
Y2010 tax return? Or I still need to deduct it from Y2011 tax return,
although I pay it in Y2010.
发帖数: 1242
你能够deduct property tax 的数额是由每年township给你发的1099-T 决定的,所以
I still need to deduct it from Y2011 tax return,
although I pay it in Y2010.
发帖数: 1233
if you paid it in 2010, yes, it's deductible on 2010's returns.
some ppl need the extra deduction for a particular yr, thus "accelerate" the
deductions into current yr..
downside--you'll have to keep doing the same to maintain the same deductions
or else you'll miss 1/2 of the prop tax deduction in the following yr. it'
s only a ONE time deal. :p
similar on mortgage payment. Jan payment CAN be made and deducted in Dec--
make sure bank knows it.


【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: I have received two bills for home property tax. First bill is for 07/2010 -
: 12/2010. Second bill is for 01/2011 - 06/2011.
: If I pay the second bill before the end of Y2010, can I deduct it from the
: Y2010 tax return? Or I still need to deduct it from Y2011 tax return,
: although I pay it in Y2010.
: Thanks.

1 (共1页)
Re: 我们到底是不是eligible to standard deduction?Property tax deduction的问题
non resident 还是 resident 好啊?Tax return on property tax (转载)
8863 form我去年交的 property tax 能deduct吗?
消费税 schedule A line 5 b 没有人用?买车能用schedule A表的personal property tax吗?
CA property tax deduction 放在那一栏? (转载)Property Tax Deduction
自己报税的请注意:2008年你应该能减掉$500/人的财产税 (转载)咨询一个prepaid property tax的问题
把自己房子租出去再租房住,rent是不是tax deductableproperty tax itemize deduction问题
Property tax 退税问题关于出租房的mortgage interest的问题 (双黄包感谢) (转载)
话题: tax话题: y2010话题: property话题: deduction话题: deduct