l*********i 发帖数: 19 | 1 想入手dgaz或者ugaz, 刚刚查了EIA weekly report, 天然气总储量都有下降,价格应
望好心大牛指点一下~~~ |
a*****1 发帖数: 3134 | 2 If you are just starting to track EIA report, I suggest you stay away from
both of them. Even if I tell you in the next 4 weeks, the withdraw will be
around -230, -200, -140 and -110, that probably still won't mean much to you
. So please do yourself a favor and stay away from them, even UNG.
【在 l*********i 的大作中提到】 : 想入手dgaz或者ugaz, 刚刚查了EIA weekly report, 天然气总储量都有下降,价格应 : 该会继续上走吧?可是下周天气有回暖趋势,可能价格又会下走。所以十分困惑啊,希 : 望好心大牛指点一下~~~
s***m 发帖数: 6197 | 3 赞~
【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】 : If you are just starting to track EIA report, I suggest you stay away from : both of them. Even if I tell you in the next 4 weeks, the withdraw will be : around -230, -200, -140 and -110, that probably still won't mean much to you : . So please do yourself a favor and stay away from them, even UNG.
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 4 我只能说 暴涨比暴跌 蛙完了两次 赚了小钱 但是半夜起来check fut 价格 太难熬了
。就当赌博 丢几千进去第二天赌大小 扎金花了。
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【在 l*********i 的大作中提到】 : 想入手dgaz或者ugaz, 刚刚查了EIA weekly report, 天然气总储量都有下降,价格应 : 该会继续上走吧?可是下周天气有回暖趋势,可能价格又会下走。所以十分困惑啊,希 : 望好心大牛指点一下~~~
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 5 我是个四月走势 应该会回调 但是回调幅度不大。长期ng一定是涨。发电厂想换成煤炭
每个一两年是不可能的。煤炭机组还有没有都不好说 就算要。需要半年试运行才可能
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【在 l*********i 的大作中提到】 : 想入手dgaz或者ugaz, 刚刚查了EIA weekly report, 天然气总储量都有下降,价格应 : 该会继续上走吧?可是下周天气有回暖趋势,可能价格又会下走。所以十分困惑啊,希 : 望好心大牛指点一下~~~
l*****o 发帖数: 19653 | 6 为什么长期一定涨?天然气储量那么大,采集技术那么先进,产量提高很容易啊。。。
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 我是个四月走势 应该会回调 但是回调幅度不大。长期ng一定是涨。发电厂想换成煤炭 : 每个一两年是不可能的。煤炭机组还有没有都不好说 就算要。需要半年试运行才可能 : 并网。 : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 7 1。ng的供应商 已经都快死光了 就几家了 2。ng环保 基本上现在的电厂全部都是ng。
3 ng比石油丰富 战略性比石油小,我有强烈预期 共和党上台 就会把ng出口解禁。亚
洲的ng价格是美国的2倍。4 中国ng储量多 但是开采成本无限高。除非大西北不缺水才
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★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】 : 为什么长期一定涨?天然气储量那么大,采集技术那么先进,产量提高很容易啊。。。
a*****1 发帖数: 3134 | 8 NG spot and future price are not just determined by MM, especially the
future. The biggest players are NG producers and consumers such as utility
companies and usually they determine the future price rather than play with
the spot. All the smart money is in and everything is well calculated.
People like you and me just have to respect that. There will be surprise to
some but usually that means someone will be wiped out, and those are
generally considered "smart ones".
Utility companies can convert between coal and NG but they have to stick
with one at the start of the year. Right now everything is all set and if
the summer weather is as usual, the NG average price over the year will be
well below $5.
EIA takes a much longer view and I have to agree with them in terms of long
term NG price. It is targeting $6 by 2018 but that will take about 4 years
to get there. You can figure out the rest.
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 我是个四月走势 应该会回调 但是回调幅度不大。长期ng一定是涨。发电厂想换成煤炭 : 每个一两年是不可能的。煤炭机组还有没有都不好说 就算要。需要半年试运行才可能 : 并网。 : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
l*********i 发帖数: 19 | 9 恩,我是没观察多久,之前形势还比较明朗的时候买dgaz小赚了一把。最近看他俩上下
【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】 : If you are just starting to track EIA report, I suggest you stay away from : both of them. Even if I tell you in the next 4 weeks, the withdraw will be : around -230, -200, -140 and -110, that probably still won't mean much to you : . So please do yourself a favor and stay away from them, even UNG.
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 10 你说的我完全同意 就是结论不同意 但我不会再赌了
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【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】 : NG spot and future price are not just determined by MM, especially the : future. The biggest players are NG producers and consumers such as utility : companies and usually they determine the future price rather than play with : the spot. All the smart money is in and everything is well calculated. : People like you and me just have to respect that. There will be surprise to : some but usually that means someone will be wiped out, and those are : generally considered "smart ones". : Utility companies can convert between coal and NG but they have to stick : with one at the start of the year. Right now everything is all set and if : the summer weather is as usual, the NG average price over the year will be
l*********i 发帖数: 19 | 11 真心觉得FA什么的比TA难多了,我要学的还太多了啊。。。 也谢谢小五大牛来指点
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 我是个四月走势 应该会回调 但是回调幅度不大。长期ng一定是涨。发电厂想换成煤炭 : 每个一两年是不可能的。煤炭机组还有没有都不好说 就算要。需要半年试运行才可能 : 并网。 : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
g*q 发帖数: 26623 | 12 冬季天然气withdrawal本来就是正常现象,今年天冷,比前几年用得多一点,但是数据的
解读显然不是那么简单. |
a*****1 发帖数: 3134 | 13 一看就知道你是个大牛。
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 你说的我完全同意 就是结论不同意 但我不会再赌了 : : with : to : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
b*****p 发帖数: 9649 | 14 上面说的都不对!LOL
木鸡大牛说:散户不要碰天然气,period. |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 15 我不牛 基本靠赌 否则yge twt就要让我亏费50% 现在看看dt 赌 ng还是能转点小钱 但
是操作真心难 最近上班忙 没法dt 还是不要花钱过不起 等amd超跌反弹好了
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】 : 一看就知道你是个大牛。
l*****o 发帖数: 19653 | 16 嗯,刚开始试图理解到底怎么回事儿,很快就放弃了。。。
【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】 : NG spot and future price are not just determined by MM, especially the : future. The biggest players are NG producers and consumers such as utility : companies and usually they determine the future price rather than play with : the spot. All the smart money is in and everything is well calculated. : People like you and me just have to respect that. There will be surprise to : some but usually that means someone will be wiped out, and those are : generally considered "smart ones". : Utility companies can convert between coal and NG but they have to stick : with one at the start of the year. Right now everything is all set and if : the summer weather is as usual, the NG average price over the year will be
z**********i 发帖数: 12276 | 17 这个看来很危险。
【在 l*********i 的大作中提到】 : 想入手dgaz或者ugaz, 刚刚查了EIA weekly report, 天然气总储量都有下降,价格应 : 该会继续上走吧?可是下周天气有回暖趋势,可能价格又会下走。所以十分困惑啊,希 : 望好心大牛指点一下~~~