r***l 发帖数: 9084 | |
r*****e 发帖数: 4611 | |
D******e 发帖数: 11265 | 3
【在 r***l 的大作中提到】 : DT不是那么好玩滴...
G*******1 发帖数: 6411 | 4 油工说说BAC吧,还有16000股。长线holding里这一只有点惨。
【在 D******e 的大作中提到】 : : 八师傅威震八方!!
D******e 发帖数: 11265 | 5
I hold long position.
play DT for fun.
【在 G*******1 的大作中提到】 : 油工说说BAC吧,还有16000股。长线holding里这一只有点惨。
H******e 发帖数: 4682 | 6 YUP! I do not do DT now! Hold VMW and SLV to death!
【在 r***l 的大作中提到】 : DT不是那么好玩滴...
G*******1 发帖数: 6411 | 7 年底能回到18吗?
【在 D******e 的大作中提到】 : : I hold long position. : play DT for fun.
D******e 发帖数: 11265 | 8
BAC moving on right track..
just hold deadly
18 is not a deal, deal is at 28
【在 G*******1 的大作中提到】 : 年底能回到18吗?
r***l 发帖数: 9084 | 9 hold deadly? that will kill frogs for sure, hehe
【在 D******e 的大作中提到】 : : BAC moving on right track.. : just hold deadly : 18 is not a deal, deal is at 28
D******e 发帖数: 11265 | 10
BAC 很丝撞啊
【在 r***l 的大作中提到】 : hold deadly? that will kill frogs for sure, hehe
G*******1 发帖数: 6411 | 11 我看了it的历史,大约45左右的时候每股dividend有$0.64/q,就盼着还能回到那一天
【在 D******e 的大作中提到】 : : 八师傅请示下。 : BAC 很丝撞啊
D******e 发帖数: 11265 | 12
it will, will speed up after Interest rate is up.
other stock will doom, but bank stock will rock
【在 G*******1 的大作中提到】 : 我看了it的历史,大约45左右的时候每股dividend有$0.64/q,就盼着还能回到那一天 : 呢。
r***l 发帖数: 9084 | 13 but be honest, your slv/vmw are truly hot potato.
If you are lucky to get out of this hole soon, I highly suggest you forget
individual stocks, and only trade spy/qqq/dia and sector ETF like xlf/xle/
iyt/xlu etc. If you can do a good job, no problem to beat sp500. If not,
hard to lose too much money and always have peace of mind...
【在 H******e 的大作中提到】 : YUP! I do not do DT now! Hold VMW and SLV to death!
H******e 发帖数: 4682 | 14 Hehe, mark, will read later.
In my IRA account, I bought 500 shares NLY around 4 months ago, has up 16%
now. But still, you suggest do not trade individual stock?
but be honest, your slv/vmw are truly hot potato.
If you are lucky to get out of this hole soon, I highly suggest you forget
individual stocks, and only trade spy/qqq/dia and sector ETF like xlf/xle/
iyt/xlu etc. If you can do a good job, no problem to beat sp500. If not,
hard to lose too much money and always have peace of mind...
【在 r***l 的大作中提到】 : but be honest, your slv/vmw are truly hot potato. : If you are lucky to get out of this hole soon, I highly suggest you forget : individual stocks, and only trade spy/qqq/dia and sector ETF like xlf/xle/ : iyt/xlu etc. If you can do a good job, no problem to beat sp500. If not, : hard to lose too much money and always have peace of mind...