J**S 发帖数: 25790 | |
r*m 发帖数: 16380 | 2 I got 200 shares this morning, also under water now, haha.
this is not bad at all! |
w******s 发帖数: 16209 | 3 我前一轮儿8。8x捞过。
现在进水了。昨天油工说到8。5x补空再捞。 |
r*m 发帖数: 16380 | 4 buying NOK now could be a bad trade, but it is a good investment! |
D**C 发帖数: 6754 | 5 depends on the holding time, yeah?
【在 r*m 的大作中提到】 : buying NOK now could be a bad trade, but it is a good investment!
u*****e 发帖数: 606 | 6 I used all my Roth IRAs to buy NOK yesterday and last Friday, avg is 9.00.
I'll put another 20K early next months, and will use them all for NOK. I
within 2 years, it will go back to 20s. In the mean time, just enjoy
and call premiums.
But I will no touch it with my trading account, it is not a good trading
at present. |
A*******g 发帖数: 106 | 7 How can you put 20k to your Roth IRA?
【在 u*****e 的大作中提到】 : I used all my Roth IRAs to buy NOK yesterday and last Friday, avg is 9.00. : I'll put another 20K early next months, and will use them all for NOK. I : think : within 2 years, it will go back to 20s. In the mean time, just enjoy : dividends : and call premiums. : But I will no touch it with my trading account, it is not a good trading : stock : at present.
u*****e 发帖数: 606 | 8 we have two persons, and haven't contributed for 2010.
【在 A*******g 的大作中提到】 : How can you put 20k to your Roth IRA? : :
b******r 发帖数: 16603 | 9 我第一批仓位8.68,以后跟帮主混了,全得吉利数儿,如果能到6.88俺再加仓。 |
r*m 发帖数: 16380 | 10 8.18 add more!
7.68, 6.88, 6.18 and no more bottom fishing after that. |
b******r 发帖数: 16603 | 11 I have to add some at 5.18 that's the best number after all.
【在 r*m 的大作中提到】 : 8.18 add more! : 7.68, 6.88, 6.18 and no more bottom fishing after that.
r*m 发帖数: 16380 | 12 at that price, I will buy calls.
【在 b******r 的大作中提到】 : I have to add some at 5.18 that's the best number after all.
j*****7 发帖数: 4348 | 13 你们家两口子, 还能有资格投ROTH...
劝你一句, 小帐户还是稳妥一些的好。
【在 u*****e 的大作中提到】 : we have two persons, and haven't contributed for 2010.
J**S 发帖数: 25790 | 14 忍不住,$8.51 又捞了些。
千万,不要再向下了。 |
u*****e 发帖数: 606 | 15 en,俺们穷人鸡蛋少,再分成煎炒烹炸N种做法,不够伤那个脑筋的。正因为是小账户,
【在 j*****7 的大作中提到】 : 你们家两口子, 还能有资格投ROTH... : 你还把鸡蛋全放在一个篮子里。 : 劝你一句, 小帐户还是稳妥一些的好。
a******e 发帖数: 472 | 16 how do I can see the detail transcation for NOK? I remember i can see each
individual transactions. don't know how now
http://www.nyse.com/about/listed/lcddata.html?ticker=NOK |
b******r 发帖数: 16603 | 17 nasdaq.com可以的。
【在 a******e 的大作中提到】 : how do I can see the detail transcation for NOK? I remember i can see each : individual transactions. don't know how now : http://www.nyse.com/about/listed/lcddata.html?ticker=NOK