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Stock版 - [pbb]pig-bull-bear's conference 4-06/07/08/09
Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-05-03Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-05-10
Bear-Pig-Bull's conference call -- 2010-03-26/29 (updated)Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-06-02
今天牛猪熊都笑了pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-14
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 04-192611
Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-26Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-06-04
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-03-10pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-03-11
猪牛熊的圆桌会议 -- 2010-03-22/23/24/25 Updatedshow hand?
[B-B-P]conference call --03-31/4-1-5 updatedBTFD
话题: bulls话题: bears话题: said话题: our话题: 1180
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2265
Bulls took the 1180. and prepare to another move, DOW 11000!
Pigs said: it will be several days, I will be your King to master the whole
Bulls said: Just like last time we broke the 1180. We have our plan. Bulls
watch your step. not that fast. 11000 is on the way.
Bears said: Our baddy is still at vacation. Dow 11000 and SP 1200 is our
bottom line. MAYBE we will fight back. but it's still based on....
today there is not bad news, bears are still on the vacation. However Bulls
is not
发帖数: 2265
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-07
1180 is still under Bulls' feet. but Bears show their strength
Bears said: you saw that, our troops just cross the river. bull means loss.
Pigs said: I tried, but Bears don't let me be, I know today is not bulls'
day, but bear is kind of rude! spit.
Bulls said: We try to let it Pig, but also we try to make it up, but 1200
and 11000 is not that easy, go think how we did pass the 1180. you know 1200
is more higher. But you know, it will be our land soo
发帖数: 2265
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-08
1180 is under Bulls' feet for 4 days.
Pigs said: Today's share is so cheap. but I choose to wait for another day,
I know 1200 is nothing for bulls.
The King of Bulls said: Today is just for yesterday, we don't want to go so
Bears said: you still can not say if it's a header or not, we already made
the left shoulder.
bad news came again, but bull hold well. 1200 is nothing in bulls' eye.
they want more.
发帖数: 2265
发帖数: 2265
1180 is under Bulls' feet for 5 days. Dow 11000 has almost been takeover.
The King of Bulls said: Do we take the 1200?
the minster of bulls said: No , Royal Highness.
“Then, … … let our troops know. don’t charge. Stand Still. Live well”,
the king said.
Pigs said: I don't dare to buy here, I don't sell neither, I am the Pig,
always happen.
Bears said: Today looks new high. closer to our HOT SPOT, north pole. Do
you want to fight? the Marshal of Bears said: it's not time. we need wait to
1 (共1页)
BTFDPig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-26
es 12pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-03-10
盼着暴跌好买地铺的算熊还是算牛啊?猪牛熊的圆桌会议 -- 2010-03-22/23/24/25 Updated
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-03-12[B-B-P]conference call --03-31/4-1-5 updated
Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-05-03Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-05-10
Bear-Pig-Bull's conference call -- 2010-03-26/29 (updated)Pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-06-02
今天牛猪熊都笑了pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 2010-04-14
pig-bull-bear's conference call -- 04-192611
话题: bulls话题: bears话题: said话题: our话题: 1180